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研究生(外文):Man-Yun Kuo
論文名稱(外文):China and U.S.A Market Entry and Development Strategies for Safety Injection Products – A Case Study of Company B
外文關鍵詞:Safety SyringeDisposal SyringeNeedlestick
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注射是一個十分普通的醫療健康步驟。在開發中國家中,每年至少會發生160億起的注射行為。 安全的注射是沒有危害的,但是當注射中的有些安全環節沒有被注意到時,注射會對人們的生命產生威脅。重複使用的注射器和針頭常常導致一些疾病的傳播,尤其在吸毒人群中常會由此引起艾滋病和肝炎的盛行。 世界衛生組織在開發中國家開展了大規模的疫苗注射項目,但是這些項目常常會有因注射器重複使用而傳染疾病的隱憂,所以國際衛生組織呼籲注射器生產廠家透過研發來解決這個問題。

雖然血液性的傳染疾會因不可再次使用的AD 針的出現而有所降低,但另外一個問題卻浮出了水面,那就是針刺問題。針刺每年會引起大量的肝炎甚至是艾滋病的傳染,而且受害的人當中,醫護人員占了多數。所以,很多醫護人員強烈呼籲使用安全的注射器來降低工作風險。這樣的需求則帶來了巨大的商機。如果注射器生產廠家能夠研發出更加安全的注射器,並且運用正確的市場戰略的話,那公司的發展將不可估量。

B公司起先只是一家小型的注射器製造廠商,但它抓住了這次市場機遇拓展了它的規模。B公司要向國際社會提供安全,有效並且價廉物美的注射器。 它致力于解決由於針刺所引起的相關問題,從而使人們的生活更加美好,健康。在成功的研發了新一代的安全注射器之后,B 公司將眼光投向了美國和中國市場。在正式實施它的市場戰略之前,B公司作了細致的環境概述,仔細研究了它所處的內在和外在環境並且對產業作了詳細分析。在得到了確實的資料之后,它製定了最符合自身優勢的市場進入模式,以及最可行的市場戰略。

Injection is one of the most common health care procedures. Each year at least 16 billion injections are administered in developing and transitional countries. A safe injection does no harm. However, when safety control practices are not respected, severed injections can results, putting human lives at risk. The re-use of needles and syringes had been associated with the spread of diseases, especially HIV and Hepatitis among IV drug users. The spread of serious infections contributed to the development of auto-disable (AD) syringe in the mid-1980s. In the developing countries, a great concern about the spread of diseases through reuse of conventional syringes during mass immunization campaigns conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other non-governmental organizations emerged. Accordingly, WHO reached out to manufacturers to develop technology solutions for this problem.

Although the risk of person-to-person transmission of blood-borne pathogens could be effectively reduced by using the AD syringes as the AD syringes cannot be reused, another factor was left out of consideration, namely, the needlestick injuries. Many health care workers urge the use of safer medical devices, especially the ones with needles. This brings out a business for those syringe manufacturers if they can develop a safer medical device and use proper market strategy to expand the market.

Company B started as a small syringe manufacturer, and it seized the trend of this market and grabbed the opportunity to expand its business. Its mission is to provide the international health community with safe, effective, and affordable medical devices of the highest quality. Its products seek to eliminate problems associated with needlestick injuries and syringe reuse, thereby save lives and enrich the livelihood of millions around the world.
After developing a new and safer product, Company B was targeting in entering the US and Chinese markets. Before putting its plan into practice, it did the environmental scanning to analysis the external and internal situation as well as the industry circumstances. Using the conclusion it get from the analysis, it make a suitable market enter mode and practical functional strategy.

Now Company B is a quite successful enterprise in both two markets, and it is planning to enter a third market. So this research paper will take a close look at how Company B can be so successful in these two markets. The industry background, external and internal environment, as well as the industry analysis will be discussed in this research paper.
List of Tables..………………………………………………………………………… viii
List of Figures………………………………………………………………………..... ix
Chapter 1 Introduction………………………………………………….… 1
1.1 Research Motivation……………………………………………………………... 6
1.2 Research Objective……..........…………………………………………………... 8
1.3 Research Methodology and Structure….………………………………………… 9

Chapter 2 Literature Review……………………………………………………... 11
2.1 Foreign Market Entry Mode…………………………..……….……………….....11
2.2 Environmental Scanning……………..…………………………………………... 15
2.3 Business Strategy………………..……………………………………………….. 18
2.4 Functional Strategy………….…………………………………………………… 20

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework………………..…………………………….. 21
3.1 Analysis of the Varied Market Entry Modes ……………………………………. 21
3.2 Analysis of the Environmental Effects ….…………………………………..…... 24
3.3 Formulation of the Business Strategies ………………………………………….. 32
3.4 Implementation of the Functional ..……………………………………………… 35

Chapter 4 Case Study…………………….………………………………….…….. 37
4.1 Market Entry Mode………………………………………………………………... 37
4.2 Environmental Scanning………………………………………………………….. 44
4.3 Business Strategy………………………………………………………………….. 72
4.4 Functional Strategy………………………………………………………………... 75

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestions.....……………………………………….. 77
5.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………… 77
5.2 Suggestions………………………………………………………………………... 85
References….…………………………………………………………………………. 87

List of Table

Table 1-1 The Growing Trend and Demand of Safety Syringe From 2000 to 2007…….. 7
Table 1-2 The Demand of Safety Syringe for Worldwide Countries from 2002 to 2006…7
Table 1-3 2002 - 2006 List of Market Demand and Shortfall……………………………. 8
Table 3-1 Table 3.1 Entry Mode Analysis…………………………………………….….. 22
Table 3.2 Porter’s five Forces of Competitive Position (1980)………………………….. 29
Table 4-1 Products Comparison………………………………………………………….. 59
Table 4-2 Safety Syringes Manufacturers List…………………………………………… 62
Table 5-1 Income Statement………………………………………………………….… 82
Table 5-2 Balance Sheet………………………………………………………………… 83
Table 5-3 Revenue Projection…………………………………………………………... 84

List of Illustration

Figure 1-1. Research Procedures………………………………………………………. 10
Figure 3-1 The Role of External Analysis in Strategic Planning……………………… 24
Figure 3-2 A Firm’s Value Chain Analysis (Porter, 1985)……………………………... 31
Figure 3-3 SWOT Analysis Examples…………………………………………….…… 33
Figure 3-4 TOWS Matrix………………………………………………………………. 34
Figure 4-1 510(K) Paradigm…………………………………………………………… 40
Figure 4-2 Company Certification Procedure………………………………………….. 42
Figure 4-3 Product Certification Procedure………………………………………….… 43
Figure 4-4 Sheathing Tube Syringes …………………………………………………... 54
Figure 4-5 Sliding Needle Cover………………………………………………………. 55
Figure 4-6 Hinged Needle Cover………………………………………………………. 56
Figure 4-7 Spring Retractable Syringes………………………………………………... 57
Figure 4-8 Manual Retractable Syringes………………………………………………. 58
Figure 4-9 Company B''s Organizational Structure ……………………………………. 67
Figure 4-10 Manufacturing Procedure…………………………………………………… 69
Figure 4-11 Newly Developed Produces………………………………………………… 71
Figure 4-12 SWOT Analysis of Company B…………………………………………... 73
Figure 4-13 TOWS Matrix for Company B…………………………………………….74
Derricott, Jon, Preston, Andrew, and Hunt, Neil (1999), “The Safer Injection Briefing”.
Li & Fund Research Centre (2006), “The Management of Supply Chain -Case Study of Li & Fund Limited”.
Lloyd, J.S and Milstein, J.B. (1999), “Auto-disable Syringe for Immunization: Issue in Technology Transfer”.
Miller, M.A. and Pisan, E (2006): “The Cost of Unsafe Injections”, Bulletin of the World Health Organization.
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Wheelen, Thomas L. & Hunger, David (2002), “Strategic Management and Business Policy”.
Zhou, Xuling (2002), “Analysis of the Needlestick Injury and its Prevention”.

Web References:
Company B’s website: http://www.biotop.com
Biomedical Tech Co. Ltd.: http://www.sunder.com.tw/se02_c.htm
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