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研究生(外文):Shuan-Yen Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Integration of OEM/ODM Manufacturing and Its influences toward to customization - An Example From a Display Company.
指導教授(外文):Jeng-Yan TsaiShih-Heng Pao
外文關鍵詞:integrationcustomizationOEM/ODM manufacturersupply chain
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Information technology is a technology-intensive, capital-intensive industry, which experience substantial market fluctuation due to the fact that its products are short-lived. In a competitive and rapidly changing market, it is difficult for companies to maintain long-term competitive advantages over others. For these reasons, companies need not only to improve their information system, but also need to revise direction for development and management according to dynamic market changes. Also, the emergence of e-commerce did not only change consumers’demand for products and services but also change operation pattern. Facing market competition from globalization as well as the introduction of many different products companies have to understand the market trend, devise flexible operation methods, promptly respond to the market demand, and operate at low cost.
E-commerce separate purchasing and sales. For branded clients, the transaction is completed when they receive the order and payment. However, the sub-contract manufactures need not only to manufacture the products, but they also need to ensure that the products are delivered to the clients. The transaction is not completed until the clients are satisfied with the products. By the same token, E-commerce divides manufacture and sale, classifying production as a kind of purchase. Looking at this field, PC brands seek to increase market share by employing the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture) /ODM (Original Design Manufacture) outsourcing module, they make substantial use of information technology in order to devise plans that can be adapted to global scale. Furthermore, market strategies, like customization and personalization are employed to fulfill different needs from customers. In an attempt to reduce the discrepancies between the estimated market demand and actual needs, and in order to solve the problem of inventory, OEM/ODM manufacturers need to consider how to efficiently and effectively manufacture customized product and to deliver them to the customers at low costs. The question of how OEM/ODM manufacturers reduce the production cost and maintain flexibility and enhance efficiency is worth examining. The objective of this study is to investigate this question and look for new forms of manufacturing management.
Chapter 1: Introduction…p01
1.1 Research Background And Motivation…p01
1.2 Questions And Objectives…p02
1.3 Research Scope And Limitations…p02
1.4 Research Flow Chart…p03
Chapter 2: Literature Reviews…p04
2.1 Customization Ability…p05
2.1.1 Coordination Ability…p05
2.1.2 Production Ability…p07
2.1.3 Information Technology…p10
2.2 Customization Appraisal…p12
2.2.1 Customization Appraisal Criteria 12
2.2.2 Cost…p13
2.2.3 Efficiency…p14
2.2.4 Flexibility…p15
2.3 Customization Effects…p16
2.3.1 Competition Pressure…p16
2.3.2 Competition Strategy…p17
Chapter 3: The Criteria And Effects Of Customization…p20
3.1 The Criteria Of Customization…p20
3.1.1 Coordination Ability…p20
3.1.2 Manufacture Ability…p22
3.1.3 Information Technology…p25
3.1.4 Operation Measurement…p26
3.1.5 Influence Factors…p26
3.1.6 Topics…p27
3.2 The Effects Of Customization…p28
3.2.1 Company Pick-up…p28
3.2.2 Information Collection…p28
Chapter 4: An Empirical Study of Techview International Technology Inc…p30
4.1 Techview International Technology Inc Company Brief Profile…p30
4.1.1 Customization Ability…p31
4.1.2 Customization Appraisal…p37
4.1.3 Customization Influences…p38
4.2 Conclusions…p39
Chapter 5: Research Findings…p43
5.1 Coordination Ability…p43
5.2 Production Ability…p44
5.3 Information Technology Ability…p45
5.4 Influence Factors…p47
Chapter 6: Conclusions And Suggestions…p49
6.1 Research Conclusions…p49
6.2 Research Suggestions…p52
Appendix 1…p56
Figure Index

Figure 1-1 Research flow chart ……………………………………………………… 03
Figure 2-1 Literatures and scholars ………………………………………………… 04
Figure 4-1 TVI Milestone …………………………………………………………… 30
Figure 4-2 2005 World-wide TFT LCD monitor maker ranking ………………………31
Figure 4-3 TVI “T-shuttle” In-house supply chain ………………………………………33
Figure 4-4 TVI SKD shipment flow chart ……………………………………………… 34
Figure 4-5 Techview International Technology Inc dynamic BOM structure………… 35
Figure 4-6 TVI 2005 production capacity and planning ……………………………… 36
Figure 4-7 TVI production line layout …………………………………………… 37
Figure 4-8 TVI customization milestone ……………………………………………… 40
Figure 4-9 Customization comparison between Top Victory and Techview …………… 40
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