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研究生(外文):Hsin-Yi Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of the Competitive Strategy for Diapers Industry – A Case of Taiwanese F Company
指導教授(外文):Lin Chiang-Feng
外文關鍵詞:The paper urine trousersmarketingchannel position
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本研究採個案研究法,以F 公司為例,選定紙尿褲產業作為研究對象,其研究範圍以個案公司為中心,往外延伸至相關產業,包含垂直面的上游原料供應商,中游生產製造商,下游行銷、通路商等。橫面向除涵蓋產業生態外,尚包含同業業者的策略概念等,共獲得下列幾項結論:
ㄧ、未來紙尿褲產業的關鍵成功因素: 除規模經濟外,向後整合 (上游供給面: 集中策略,聯合採購),水平整合 (中游產品面:製造差異化,製造整合) 向前整合 (下游業務面:市場、通路整合,互相支援)。
This research picks the case methodology; take a case company as the example, and designated the paper urine trousers industry takes the object of study. Its research scope also take the case company as a center, toward the outside extends to the correlation industry, contains the perpendicular upstream raw material supplier, the middle reaches production manufacturer, the downstream marketing, and the marketing channel. One the other hand, not only covering industry ecology, still contained the same business entrepreneur''s strategy concept. The following several conclusions:
First, the key successful factors of the paper urine trousers in the future include: Apart from economies of scale, backward conformity (upstream supplies means centralized strategy, jointing purchasing), horizontal conformity (middle product means manufacture differential, manufacture integration), forward conformity (downstream service means marketing, channel conformity, mutual support).
Second, in recent years the case company starts to understand as facing the bad performance on sales. They not only innovate the product whatever on the research and development, but in the outward appearance, the quality. In sales market, it can divide two big sub-areas, first facing aging of population, and such global phenomenon; the adult diaper maker defends stubbornly the Taiwan market, and with all their strength develops the overseas market, especially in Southeast Asia, India country. Although the baby diaper market competition competes intensely, simultaneously, in countries as such Southeast Asia, India, which the
market is occupied by the brand product, but still had the potential margin in the low- end market. Besides, in the channel position, not only keep the existed the channel model, but develop the new business model of jointing purchasing. Moreover the network marketing and the televised home shopping and so on the marketing sales are more and more popular, also is the case company may attempt to breakthrough the point.
Third, therefore speaking of the case company, how to discover the gap that the present company encountered is very important. To adjust exterior business strategy, the no delay matter is the internal cost reduces. “ Without limitation to reduce the cost is the most important issue. ” become each staff''s diligently goal.
目 錄

第壹章 緒論------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機與目的-------------------------------1
第二節 研究方法與架構-------------------------------2
第三節 研究範圍與限制-------------------------------3
第貳章 文獻探討--------------------------------6
第一節 行銷通路的定義與功能-------------------------6
第二節 通路的結構與發展-----------------------------8
第三節 SWOT 分析的定義與功能------------------------12
第四節 策略經營模式分析-----------------------------15
第參章 台灣紙尿褲市場之分析--------------------21
第一節 產業概況-------------------------------------21
第二節 產業通路-------------------------------------31
第三節 產業前景-------------------------------------37
第肆章 F公司個案分析--------------------------61
第一節 個案公司背景---------------------------------61
第二節 經營策略與績效-------------------------------65
第三節 F 公司SWOT分析------------------------------79
第伍章 結論與建議------------------------------88
第一節 結論-----------------------------------------88
第二節 建議-----------------------------------------89

表 目 錄
表2-1 通路商定義-----------------------------------7
表2-2 網路特性構面的相關文獻-----------------------11
表2-3 SWOT 相關文獻之定義--------------------------13
表2-4 策略相關文獻之定義----------------------------16
表3-1 我國紙尿褲的銷售狀況-------------------------22
表3-2 台灣平均每人國民所得與平均每人國民生產毛額---24
表3-3 台灣嬰兒紙尿褲銷售價格及市佔率一覽表---------26
表3-4 1994~2004 台灣人口老化比例表-----------------28
表3-5 台灣成人紙尿褲銷售價格一覽表-----------------29
表3-6 尿布及尿布襯衫出口金額前五大一覽表-----------30
表3-7 主要通路之層級與成本一覽表-------------------32
表3-8 2005 年各競爭廠商之通路策略------------------35
表3-9 老年長期照護財務經費估算表-------------------43
表3-10 台灣每年出生人口統計表-----------------------46
表3-11 台灣紙尿褲產銷存量值-------------------------51
表3-12 現有成人(嬰兒)紙尿褲競爭者-------------------53
表4-1 商品的服務項目-------------------------------62
表4-2 桃園廠最近兩年生產量值表---------------------63
表4-3 桃園廠最近兩年年度銷售量值表-----------------63
表4-4 主要銷售客戶---------------------------------64
表4-5 主要進貨供應商-------------------------------64
表4-6 台灣紙尿褲機台一覽表-------------------------70
表4-7 台灣市場成人紙尿褲主要生產者-----------------72
表4-8 海外市場成人紙尿褲主要生產者-----------------72
表4-9 台灣市場嬰兒紙尿褲主要生產者-----------------73
表4-10 營收成果比較表-------------------------------75
表4-11 簡明損益表-----------------------------------76
表4-12 財務收支情形---------------------------------77
表4-13 獲利能力分析---------------------------------77
表4-14 預算損益比較分析表---------------------------78
表4-15 聯合採購 SWOT 分析--------------------------82

圖 目 錄
圖1-1 研究架構-------------------------------------3
圖2-1 通路結構的決定-------------------------------8
圖2-2 行銷通路的發展-------------------------------9
圖2-3 SWOT 分析------------------------------------15
圖2-4 衛生棉通路結構-------------------------------17
圖3-1 世界人口結構60歲(含以上) 一覽表--------------27
圖3-2 台灣人口年齡結構圖 --------------------------49
圖3-3 台灣出生人口及出生率成長圖-------------------50
圖3-4 紙尿褲生產製造圖-----------------------------57
圖4-1 紙尿褲產業關係圖-----------------------------65
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