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研究生(外文):Li-Chun Sung
論文名稱(外文):Progressive Analysis Scheme for Web Document Classification
外文關鍵詞:Web MiningWeb Document ClassificationProgressive Analysis
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In this thesis, we propose a web document classification scheme, called the Progressive Analysis Scheme (PAS), whose classification performance is improved by just analyzing few key parts sufficient for category confirmation.
Based on the DOM tag-tree structure, a web document can be segmented into small tag-regions. Each tag-region is visualized by a visual type which corresponds to a specific nested combination of tag-pairs. Under observation, the profitabilities of tag-regions for classification will vary among visual types caused by the web authoring convention. In addition, in a document, the profitabilities of tag-regions of a visual type may also vary caused by the document writing knacks.
In the thesis, for each visual type, we model the two kinds of profitability variations as the profitability tendencies and the tendency transition patterns based on the Expectation Maximization scheme and the Hidden Markov Model scheme. For classification, we integrate them into a profitability forecasting strategy further. Based on the forecasting strategies, we will forecast the potential profitabilities of unanalyzed tag-regions and extract continuously the most profitable unanalyzed tag-regions for classification until category confirmation.
Dynamically, the forecasting strategies will be optimized for the document by feeding back the actual profitabilities of analyzed tag-regions to them. Thus, the profitabilities of next tag-regions can be forecasted more accurately. In addition, for each unreliable model generated by a sparse set of training samples, we propose a solution which is to support its forecasting process by the strategies of other similar visual types.
Through simulations, the results will show that PAS has better classification performance than the previous approaches, such as the full-text (e.g. SVM) and sequential classifiers.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Traditional term-based document classification schemes 1
1.1.1 Vector representation of document 2
1.1.2 Vector comparison for document classification 4
1.1.3 Performance degradation by unprofitable terms 6
1.2 Structural characteristics of web documents 7
1.3 Performance improvement based on the authoring convention 10
1.4 Organization of the thesis 11
Chapter 2 Related works 13
2.1 Works based on hyperlink characteristics 13
2.2 Works based on visual characteristics 14
2.2.1 A single tag-region as a conspicuous block 14
2.2.2 A concept segment as a conspicuous block 16
2.2.3 Drawbacks of segment-based classifiers 18
Chapter 3 Issues derived from the profitability discrimination scheme based on the visual type of tag-region 20
3.1 The number of surrounding tag-pairs of a visual type adopted in discrimination 20
3.1.1 The data sparseness problem of visual types 21
3.2 The multiple profitability tendencies of a visual type 22
3.2.1 The appropriate number of tag-regions for classification 23
Chapter 4 The concept of progressive analysis scheme 24
4.1 Concept of progressive analysis 25
4.2 Notations of profitability and profitability tendency 28
4.2.1 Notation of profitability of a tag-region 28
4.2.2 Notation of profitability tendency of a visual type 30
4.3 Tendency transition patterns of a visual type 34
4.3.1 Observation and definition 34
4.3.2 Pattern identification 37
4.4 Profitability forecasting strategy 41
4.4.1 Tendency transition pattern modeling 41
4.4.2 Profitability forecasting process 44
4.4.3 Classification process based on the profitability forecasting strategy 46
4.4.4 Modification for active profitable tag-region discovery 49
4.5 Blurred visual type 53
4.5.1 The representation of a blurred visual type of a visual type 54
4.5.2 The similarity between the blurred visual types of two visual types 56
4.5.3 The modified profitability forecasting strategy of a visual type 57
Chapter 5 Performance evaluation 58
5.1 Experiment setting 58
5.2 Assumption verification 59
5.2.1 Assumptions about the averaged profitability of a visual type 59
5.2.2 Assumption about multiple profitability tendencies of a visual type 60
5.2.3 Featured similarity curves in PAS 66
5.3 Performance of PAS classifier 73
5.3.1 Performance measurement metrics 73
5.3.2 Influence of parameter setting 74
5.3.3 Performance comparison 77
Chapter 6 Conclusion 80
References 81
List of Figures

Fig. 1.1 An example of an HTML document 8
Fig. 2.1 A extraction example of concept segments of a document 17
Fig. 3.1 The profitability distributions of two visual types whose enclosing tag-pair is a <A> tag-pair 21
Fig. 4.1 The iterative process of the progressive analysis strategy 26
Fig. 4.2 The similarity curves during progressive analysis 28
Fig. 4.3 Some profitability transition curves of tabular writing knack 35
Fig. 4.4 Some profitability transition curve of paragraph writing knack 36
Fig. 4.5 The algorithm for tendency transition pattern identification 39
Fig. 4.6 The algorithm for distance measurement between tendency sequences 40
Fig. 4.7 The architecture of the Profitability Forecaster & Tag-region Extractor 46
Fig. 4.8 The classification algorithm for PAS 48
Fig. 4.9 The ideal analysis sequencing of tag-regions 49
Fig. 4.10 The analysis sequencing of tag-regions based on the original HMM-based forecasting strategy 50
Fig. 4.11 The profitability distributions of two visual types which differ in tag-pair ordering 55
Fig. 5.1 The phenomenon of multiple profitability tendencies of a blurred visual type 61
Fig. 5.2 The intrinsic profitability transitions of {BODY, HTML, TABLE, TBODY, TD, TR} 64
Fig. 5.3 The intrinsic profitability transitions of {BODY, HTML, P} 64
Fig. 5.4 The similarity curves of four test web documents 69
Fig. 5.5 The recall curves for different Nperiod parameters 75
Fig. 5.6 The recall curves for whether enabling sample supplement 76
Fig. 5.7 The recall curves for whether enabling pattern inheritance 77
Fig. 5.8 The recall curves of five classifiers. 79
List of Tables

Table 1.1 Formulas for term weight 4
Table 2.1 The class list of enclosing tag-pairs 15
Table 5.1 Partial list of blurred visual types with Header tag-pairs and their averaged profitabilities 60
Table 5.2 The list of inheritance ratios of some visual types 65
Table 5.3 The performance measurements for different Nperiod parameters 75
Table 5.4 The performance measurement for whether enabling sample supplement 76
Table 5.5 The performance measurement for whether enabling pattern inheritance 77
Table 5.6 The classification performance of the five classifiers 78
Table 5.7 The performances of the PAS classifier with different TConfirm 78
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