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研究生(外文):Jen-Tsai lee
論文名稱(外文):The empirical study for Technical Analysis related to Price and Quantity for Underlying Stocks of Taiwan 50 Index
指導教授(外文):Yen-Sen Ni
外文關鍵詞:Technical IndicatorJump BehaviorAbnormal ReturnsEvent StudyInformation Contents
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This research employs event study approaches to investigate if abnormal returns existed in underlying stocks of Taiwan 50 index. In this research, the events are defined as follows: the price up (price jumping up) with quantity up / quantity down, and the price down (price jumping down) with quantity up / quantity down, and this research are investigated if there are information leakage or information contents within event study periods. As a result, there are several important empirical results are found as below, and we wish that these findings would provide valuable information for investors in trading stocks by using these findings of this research.

1. As for the cases of price up with quantity changed, these cases have information contents no matter what quantity up, down, or few, i.e. investors might have positive returns by holding these stocks if the stock index is not in the downward trend, and investors won’t concern trading costs.
2. As for the cases of price down with quantity changed, these cases still have information contents no matter what quantity up, down, or few, i.e. investors might have positive returns by using short-selling strategy if the stock index is not in the downward trend, and investors won’t concern trading costs.
3. As for the cases of price jumping up with quantity changed, these cases have information contents no matter what quantity up or quantity down, i.e. investors might have positive returns by holding these stocks if the stock index is not in the downward trend, and investors won’t concern trading costs.
4. As for the cases of price jumping down with quantity changed, these cases still have information contents no matter what quantity up or quantity down. However, the strategies are different between quantity up and quantity down. Investors could hold the stocks for the case of quantity up and short-sell stocks for the case of quantity down.
目錄................................................. Ⅰ
圖目錄............................................... Ⅲ
表目錄............................................... Ⅳ
第一章 緒論......................................... 1
第一節 研究動機..................................... 1
第二節 研究目的..................................... 2
第三節 研究範圍..................................... 3
第四節 論文架構..................................... 5
第二章 文獻探討...................................... 7
第一節 效率市場假說理論之研究....................... 7
第二節 股價與交易量相關理論......................... 8
第三節 國內外實證研究............................... 11
第四節 國內外實證研究之彙整......................... 15
第三章 研究方法..................................... 19
第一節 研究樣本之選擇與限制......................... 19
第二節 本文價量關係之定義........................... 20
第三節 研究問題假設................................. 21
第四節 事件研究法實證之步驟......................... 26
第五節 線性迴歸模式分析............................. 31
第四章 實證結果與分析............................... 34
第一節 研究樣本之選擇............................... 34
第二節 敘述統計量................................... 35
第三節 價量實證分析................................. 37
第四節 回歸模式之實證分析........................... 54
第五章 結論與建議................................... 58
第一節 研究結論..................................... 58
第二節 研究建議與限制............................... 60
第三節 未來發展之方向............................... 60
參考文獻............................................. 61
一 中文部分......................................... 61
二 英文部分......................................... 62
附錄................................................. 64
附錄一 本研究之台指五十成分股........................ 65
圖1-1 論文架構圖..................................... 4
圖3-1 本研究採事件研究法之時間線..................... 28
表2-1 國內外實證結果彙整表........................... 15
表3-1 迴歸研究樣本及變數表........................... 32
表4-1 整體跳空資料次數統計表......................... 35
表4-2 產業別跳空統計表............................... 35
表4-3 跳空次數統計表................................. 36
表4-4 跳空與成交量次數統計表......................... 36
表4-5 價格增加與成交量變化之異常報酬統計表........... 38
表4-6 價格減少與成交量變化之異常報酬統計表........... 40
表4-7 向上跳空與成交量變化之異常報酬統計表........... 41
表4-8向下跳空與成交量變化之異常報酬統計表............ 43
表4-9向上跳空與隔日成交量變化之異常報酬統計表........ 44
表4-10向下跳空與隔日成交量變化之異常報酬統計表....... 46
表4-11 類型一之事件後五日內之累計平均異常報酬率顯著彙整統計表... 53
表4-12 類型二之事件後五日內之累計平均異常報酬率顯著彙整統計表... 53
表4-13 類型三之事件後五日內之累計平均異常報酬率顯著彙整統計表... 53
表4-14 類型三之事件後五日內之累計平均異常報酬率顯著彙整統計表... 54
表4-15(2003-2005年)所有向上跳空缺口事件與AR(0)之關係..... 55
表4-16(2003-2005年)所有向上跳空缺口事件與CAR(1,5)之關係..... 55
表4-17(2003-2005年)所有向下跳空缺口事件與CAR(0)之關係..... 56
表4-18(2003-2005年)所有向下跳空缺口事件與CAR(1,5)之關係..... 56
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