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研究生(外文):Ya-Ning Hsueh
論文名稱(外文):A study on Quality Assurance in Higher Education of the European Union
指導教授(外文):Ying Chan
外文關鍵詞:European UnionHigher EducationQuality Assurance
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This study mainly, via the method of document analysis and literature review, aims to explore the systems of quality assurance of higher education in the European Union. In so doing, the formation and development of the EU, the policies of the quality assurance, and responsive actions of the EU member states are analyzed in this study.
The main findings of this study include:
1. The European Union, formed originally by six countries in the Western Europe, has been gradually expanded by the joining of other countries in Europe, and its related rules or regulations have been revised according to the changing needs of its existing 27 member states.
2. The focus of higher education policies of the EU has been varied with different stages of its development. Policies concerning the quality assurance of higher education in the EU were initiated formally from the signing of the “Bologna Declaration” by 29 European Education Ministers in June 1999, which called for the creation of a “European Higher Education Area” (EHEA) by 2010.
3. The driving forces of establishing the EHEA is mainly from the increased concern of internationalization and globalization, as well as that of the international competitiveness of Europe at global level. By strengthening the “European dimension” of activities of its member states, the ambitious goal of the EU is to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, i.e., by creating a “Europe of knowledge”, to promote the attractiveness of the EHEA.
4. Based on the agreement of the “Bologna Process”, which listed a range of actions to be undertaken by signatory states, the European Commission supported the establishment of ENQA.. ENQA, becoming operational in 2000, is membership organizations whose mission is to promote cooperation, exchange best practices and stimulate the professional development of its members and their personnel. It also plays a role as the advocate of the quality assurance community in its relations with national governments, institutions and their organizations and the European Commission.
5. The policies of quality assurance of higher education in the EU are, by integrating
different quality assurance mechanisms of different states into a single European
framework of qualifications, mainly aiming to develop a more transparent, visible,
and inclusive system.
6. One of the distinctive characteristic of European quality assurance system is its diversified national nature. Based on the common European framework, each member state, with a high degree of self-regulation, committed to working together for establishing its own transparent structure of higher education with a high degree of mobility, compatibility, and comparability.
7. Due to the variation in higher education systems, problems and challenges faced by European countries in promoting quality assurance of higher education are mainly at national and institutional levels.
目 次
第一章 緒論...............................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機...................................1
第二節 研究目的.........................................5
第三節 研究方法、步驟與架構.............................6
第四節 名詞釋義與研究範圍...............................8
第五節 章節安排.........................................9
第二章 文獻探討..........................................11
第一節 歐盟高等教育品質保證制度概念之內涵..............11
第二節 歐盟的沿革、現況及體制運作發展..................26
第三節 歐盟高等教育品質保證制度之既有相關文獻分析......41
第三章 歐盟高等教育品質保證制度之背景、歷史沿革、與會員國回 應之策略..........................................53
第一節 歐盟高等教育品質保證制度建構之背景..............53
第二節 歐盟高等教育品質保證制度之歷史沿革..............55
第三節 歐盟會員國回應之策略............................73
第四章 歐盟高等教育品質保證制度推動方案..................77
第一節 歐盟高等教育品質保證制度之相關法規..............77
第二節 歐盟高等教育品質保證制度之負責單位與機構........80
第三節 歐盟高等教育品質保證相關方案....................86
第四節 歐盟實施高等教育品質保證制度面臨的挑戰.........106
第五章 歐洲各國執行「波隆那過程」之情形.................111
第一節 「波隆那過程」簽署國2003年執行情況之國家報告分析111
第二節 2005年「波隆那過程」簽署國國家報告分析.........140
第三節 2003年與2005年「波隆那過程」簽署國國家報告分析與
第六章 結論與建議.......................................199
第一節 結論...........................................199
第二節 建議...........................................204

表 次
表2-1 歐洲高等教育區域品質保證的標準與指引..............22
表2-3 歐盟建構的歷史沿革................................30
表2-4 會員國加入歐盟時間表..............................34
表2-5 歐盟執委會委員及所屬職權..........................35
表2-6 歐盟執委會二十六個總署所屬職權....................36
表2-7 歐盟各會員國在2004年選出之歐洲議會議員人數分......39
表2-8 歐盟歐洲法院成員名單..............................40
表3-1 歐盟高等教育政策的歷史發展........................58
表3-2 歐盟高等教育品質保證制度發展之歷史沿革............73
表3-3 歐盟各會員國成立國家性評鑑機構時間................74
表4-1 執委會教育與文化總署之組織架構....................81
表4-2 ENQA會員機構所屬國別及評鑑模式....................82
表4-3 跨國評鑑計畫(TEEP)Ⅰ學程評鑑學校及學門資料表......87
表5-1 波蘭評鑑結果.....................................148
表5-2 2003與2005年波隆那過程簽署國國家報告分析.........186

圖 次
圖1-1 研究架構............................................7
圖2-1 品質保證循環.......................................13
圖2-3 標竿化的步驟.......................................17
圖2-4 歐洲聯盟:三個支柱及負責項目.......................31

附 錄 次
附錄一 國內有關<品質保證制度>之期刊、論文...............218
附錄二 國內有關<品質保證制度>之博碩士論文...............219
附錄三 國外有關<品質保證制度>之期刊論文.................220
附錄四 國外有關<品質保證制度>之專書.....................221
附錄五 品質文化計畫(QCP)第一階段實施對象............... 222
附錄六 品質文化計畫(QCP)第二階段實施對象................223
附錄七 品質文化計畫(QCP)第三階段實施對象................224
附錄八 中英文名詞對照表(按項目排列).....................225
附錄九 英文簡稱與全銜的對照表(按大小排列).............. 229
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