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研究生(外文):Huang Kuo-Tong
論文名稱(外文):The anti-inflammatory effects of Dipyridamole in anti-Thy-1 antibody induced Glomerulonephritis
指導教授(外文):Lee Horng-MoHung Kuan-Yu
外文關鍵詞:Dipyridamoleanti-Thy-1 antibodyglomerulonephritis
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Anti-thy-1 抗體所引發的腎絲球腎炎,是一種常被引用來研究腎環門間質細胞( Mesangial cell )增生性腎絲球腎炎的動物模式。Dipyridamole是一種phosphodiesterase抑制劑,臨床上曾被用來治療由絲球體腎炎所引起的蛋白尿。然而,Dipyridamole於臨床上的治療機制目前尚未完全明瞭。由實驗室先前的研究顯示;發現到,施打anti-Thy-1抗體所引發的急性腎絲球腎炎,其症狀會出現明顯蛋白尿、ED(+)巨噬細胞移行、浸潤、及中度的PCNA(+)細胞增生。以上這些症狀經由Dipyridamole( 5mg/kg )治療的大鼠實驗可明顯觀察到抑制情形。TGF-β對於調控細胞外基質-collegen、fibronectin的分泌具重要的關鍵。我們也測試了Dipyridamole對於TGF-β表現和細胞間質增生、堆積的抑制,是否有相同的效果。由PAS score增加顯示;經由施打anti-Thy-1抗體所引發的少量腎絲球TGF-β增生和細胞基質堆積,以Dipyridamole治療後,發現在腎絲球PAS score和TGF-β表現有明顯的減少。 Heme-oxygenase-1(HO-1)是一種生理性壓力指標,Thy-1抗體所引起的HO-1表現會增加,在Dipyridamole治療後也會受到抑制。Osteopontin(OPN) 是一種bone sialoprotein,也曾被報導和腎臟纖維化有關。我們研究了OPN 在Thy-1抗體引發的腎炎所扮演的功能,發現OPN是一種組織的組成物質,於正常腎臟的腎小管、鮑氏囊體、及亨利氏環均有存在。施打anti-Thy-1抗體後於腎小管位置OPN有顯著的增加,但在絲球體卻沒有發現。所以,OPN不是和Thy-1產生的腎炎及腎纖維化有相關性。本實驗所使用Dipyridamole治療由Thy-1引起的OPN表現,於腎小管位置有發現受到抑制,但於腎小球沒有發現。綜合以上的報告,Dipyridamole 治療由anti-Thy-1引起的腎絲球腎炎蛋白尿,具有抑制的功效。
Anti-thy1 antibody-induced glomerular nephritis is a well established animal model for Mesangial cell proliferative glomeruli nephritis. Dipyridamole is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, which has been shown to reduce GN-associated proteinurea. However, the detail mechanisms by which dipyridamole exert its therapeutic effects has not been elucidated. In the present study, we investigate the effect of dipyridamole on anti-thy1 -induced glomerular nephritis. We found that injection of anti-thy1 antibody resulted in acute glomerular nephritis (GN), characterized with massive proteinurea, increased of ED(+) macrophage infiltration and moderate PCNA(+) cell proliferation. These effects were all inhibited by treatment of rats with dipyridamole (5mg/Kg). TGF-βhas been shown to play an important role in extracellular matrix secretion. We next examined whether treatment of dipyridamole exerted beneficial effects on glomerular TGF-β expression and extracellular matrix accumulation. Injection of anti-thy1 antibody resulted in a mild increase of glomerular TGF-β and extracellular matrix accumulation as revealed by increased PAS score. Treatment of GN rats with dipyridamole significantly reduced the PAS score and TGF-β expresseion levels in glomeruli. Thy-1 antibody induced the expression of hem-oxygenase-1 (HO-1), a stress-induced marker, and the HO-1 induction was inhibited by treatment of rats with dipyridamole. Osteopontin, a bone sialoprotein, has been linked to renal fibrosis. I next investigate whether osteopontin (OPN) plays a role in anti Thy1 Ab-induced GN. OPN was constitutively expressed in tubules, Bowman’s capsule, and glomerular tuft of normal kidney. Injection of anti-thy1 antibody increased OPN expression in renal tubules but not in glomeruli, suggesting OPN was not associated with thy1-induced GN and subsequent renal fibrosis. Treatment of cells with dipyridamole reduced thy1-antibody stimulated OPN expression in renal tubule, but has little effect on glomerular OPN expression. Taken together, our results demonstrated that dipyridamole exhibited beneficial effects on thy-1 antibody induced GN.
目 錄
Abstract ................................................................................................................III
目 錄 …………………………………………………………….............V
圖目 錄 ..............................................................................................................VII
縮 寫 表……………………………………………………………….......IV
第一章 緒 論..........................................................................................................1
1-1、Anti-Thy-1.1 Glomerulonephritis之介紹 .7
1-2、Dipyridamole之介紹 11
1-2.1、PDEI(phosphodiesterase inhibitor) 與疾病的關係………......14
1-2.1.1 PEDI與氣喘的關係 .......................................................................14
1-2.1.2 PEDI與纖維性囊腫的關係 ……………………………….......14
1-2.1-3PEDI與心臟衰竭的關係 15
1-2.1-4PEDI與腎臟病的關係 ................................................................. ..15
1-3 血紅素氧化酵素 ( Heme oxgenase, HO ) 之介紹.................................15
1-3.1 HO之 介 紹…………......................................................................16
1-3.2 HO-1 的特性及生理作用.................................................................16
1-4 活化性氧分子 (Reactive oxygen species ;ROS) 之介紹…………..17
1-5 相 關 文 獻 之 回 顧……………………………................................18
1-6 研 究 動 機 與 目 的…………………………………………..........20
第二章 實驗材料與方法………………………………………………....22
2-1 實驗藥品 24
2-2 常用儀器 24
2-3 常用溶液 25
2-4 實驗方法 ……………………………………………………..............26
2-4.1 Anti-Thy-1.1 Nephritis 動物模式之建立............................................26
2-4.1-1 前治療 ( pre-treatment ) 動物模式之建立 ..........................26
2-4.1-2 施行Anti-Thy-1,1 抗體注射.........................................................26
2-4.1-3 RNA萃取及病理切片處理 ...........................................................27
2-4.2 絲球體蛋白質的定…………………………………………….....28.
2-4.3 蛋 白 尿 及 其 他 生 化 檢 查…………………………..........29
2-4.4 H&E , PAS病 理 染 色 ………………………………...............29
2-4.5 Immunohistochemistry staining………………………..........29
2-5 統計分析.....................................................................................................30
第三章 結 果………………………………………………….................31
第四章 討 論 36
第五章 參 考 文 獻 41
第六章 實 驗 結 果 圖 表...............................................................................47
第七章 附 圖....................................................................................................73
參 考 文 獻

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