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研究生(外文):Shiau-Ning Fan
論文名稱(外文):Pharmacists’Attitudes toward Patient Safety and Related Factors in Medical Centers in Taipei
指導教授(外文):Yi-Hsin Elsa Hsu, Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:patient safety culturepatient safety attitudespatient safety
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本研究使用由Dr.Sexton所發展的安全態度量-藥局版(Safety Attitudes Questionnair-Pharmacy version)來做為本研究的測量工具,藉以瞭解藥局的安全文化及不同醫院間藥師的安全態度,本研究的研究對象為台北市醫學中心的藥師。

本研究問卷的回收率為32.8%,Cronbach’s alpha分別為0.76-0.88在團隊氣候、安全氣候、管理知覺、工作滿意、工作情況及自覺壓力這六個構面。主要的研究結果為(1)各家醫院的藥局在安全文化上的差異雖然較在作業單位不同的差距小,但扣除其它因素外,醫院間的不同卻仍為影響文化的重要因素。(2)藥師的年齡愈大,在安全文化上的態度愈正向。(3)擔任管理職的藥師較非管理職的藥師有較正向的安全文化。(4)當受訪者在面對與醫療錯誤相關較敏感或負面的問題時,傾向較保守的回答。(5)雖然受訪者都知道如何通報醫療錯誤,也知不會被懲罰,但願意使用通報系統的人仍為少數。(6)醫療人力的負荷相當大,可能是造成病人安全的一大隱憂。


Background: Seven years ago the Institute of medicine recommended improving patient safety by addressing organizational culture issues. Since then, surveys of safety culture have been considered as the beginning of the improvement of patient’s safety. Safety culture of hospital staff and physicians have been well investigated. However, it still lacks of safety culture investigations of pharmacists. So the objective of this study is to investigate the safety culture of pharmacies working in Medical centers in Taipei.

Methods: We used Safety Attitudes Questionnaire-Pharmacy version developed by Dr. Sexton to realize pharmacy’s safety culture and its effects and to understand attitudes of patient safety among different hospitals. The objects of the research were pharmacists working in Medical Centers in Taipei.

Results: two hundred thirty-five (32.8%) surveys were included in the analyses. Cronbach’s alpha ranged from 0.76 to 0.88 for the scales: teamwork climate, safety climate, perceptions of management, job satisfaction, working conditions and stress recognition. Hospital is a important factor of patient safety culture. Older pharmacists have more positive attitudes about patient safety. Pharmacists who are in managerial positions have better attitude toward safety cultures. Pharmacists tend to answer conservatively when they face the questions regarding medical error events or related adverse issues. Although it is known that no punishment will be issued as well as how to report medical error events, still few pharmacists use the reporting system. Heavy working loading of medical personnel may lead to potential threats to patient’s safety.

Conclusions: According to the results of this study, some suggestions are drawn as follows: First of all, investigations and improvements of working loading of medical personnel should be carried out. Secondly, establish the investigation system of safety culture. Thirdly, establish learning organizations to obtain experiences from medical error events. Furthermore, build up aggressive reporting culture. Moreover, use questionnaires in the right time. Enlarge investigation range and enhance the questionnaire return rate.

Key word : patient safety culture;patient safety attitudes ; patient safety
誌謝 I
論文摘要 II
Abstract III
目 錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 動機及重要性 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 病人安全 6
第二節 安全文化與安全氣候 12
第三節 病人安全文化 21
第三章 研究方法與設計 29
第一節 研究設計及研究架構 30
第二節 研究變項與操作型定義 31
第三節 研究假設 34
第四節 研究材料與方法 35
第五節 資料處理及分析方法 39
第四章 研究結果 40
第一節 樣本基本資料分佈情形 40
第二節 個人及醫院特質與病人安全文化的推論性統計分析-60題版 54
第三節 個人及醫院特質與病人安全文化的推論性統計分析-30題版 63
第四節 影響病人安全文化的多變項分析-60題版 72
第五節 影響病人安全文化的多變項分析-30題版 81
第六節 問卷中開放性問題的回應 89
第七節 面訪結果摘要整理 92
第八節 藥師專業性是否受醫師尊重的相關探討 96
第五章 討論 99
第一節 問卷回收率的討論 99
第二節 研究結果及其它研究結果的討論 99
第三節 研究限制 108
第六章 結論與建議 109
第一節 結論 109
第二節 研究建議 111
參考文獻 114
附件一 專家審核翻譯問卷評量表 119
附件二 定稿問卷 126
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