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研究生(外文):Ling-Ying Shih
論文名稱(外文):The study on risk perception of weight reduction, and the relationship among degree of weight loss, leptin and superoxide dismutase activity in the obese
外文關鍵詞:risk perceptionreduce riskdegree of weight lossleptinsuperoxide dismutase (SOD)
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健康的人生須具備「營養、保養、修養」三養的境界,營養過剩是現代人極為關注及預防的議題,而保養及修養則需先養成對於生活上健康保健、醫學概念、風險認知的建立及提昇,許多備受爭議的議題如受到污染的牡蠣等水產品是否真的該停止養殖及販售?孕婦懷孕期間是否該食用水產品?保健食品真的只有保健而無其他危害健康的顧慮嗎?減重是否有潛藏的危害風險呢?等種種的健康危害風險總是遍佈在我們的生活週遭,但仍有許多民眾對於風險意識十分低落且不知如何才能降低風險。故本研究特別針對民眾對於減重塑身產品或行為上的風險認知進行探討,另外亦進行減重成效、身體狀態的改變、體內瘦體蛋白(leptin)與抗氧化酵素超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide Dismutase, SOD)等方面的研究。


A healthy life must consist of the three followings: nutrition, maintenance of health and cultivation. Overconsumption has been a precautious and concerning issue nowadays. Maintenance of health and cultivation must be based on a good establishment and promotion of health care, medical concept, and risk perception. Should we stop selling and breeding of contaminated seafood? Should a mother eat seafood during their pregnancy? Do health foods really provide only nutrition but other harmful effects? Is there any potential endanger risks during weight reduction? These controversial issues always take place along with our daily life but there are still many people lack of the sense of risks. In addition, people exposed to these risks don’t know what or how to do to reduce the risks. Therefore, we investigate the risk perception of weight reduction products and behaviors of general public. Besides that, we also investigate the degree of weight loss, differences of body composition, leptin concentration and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities after a body weight reduction (BWR) regime.

General public and personnel participated in the BWR regime held in a medical center are the study subjects. A questionnaire was filled in under a free will and 452 valid questionnaires are collected. Following the questionnaires, 165 BRW regime participants were selected for further blood sample analysis. Our results indicated that people worry about physical and functional risks on weight reduction products and behaviors rather than social and time risks. Fear for purchasing counterfeit merchandise, side-effects and also care about buying the merchandise that is not counter valuable as it was claimed. People recognize that asking for doctor’s recommendation, choosing a seller they deal with and choosing a reliable seller are effective approaches to reduce risk. In contrary, they recognize that products under advertising promotion and represented by artists are less effective.

Prior to the BWR regime, female leptin concentrations and RBC-SOD activities were significantly higher than in males (p<0.001; p<0.05). The BWR regime resulted in a significant decrease in body weight and BMI in both males and females (p<0.001) and significant changes in body composition variables such as body fat mass, waist and hip circumferences (p<0.001). Following the BWR program, leptin concentration decreased significantly (p<0.01) in females and males, respectively. The RBC-SOD activities increased significantly (p<0.01) in females and males, respectively, after the BWR regime. Three possible explanations exist that account for the increase in SOD activity: (A) oxidative stress produced by exercise during the BWR regime; (B) enhanced anti-oxidative ability after losing weight; and, (C) oxidative stress produced by plasma leptin is strongly correlated with SOD as RBC-SOD activity increased as plasma leptin levels reduced. Weight reduction following the BWR regime were negatively correlated with initial leptin (p<0.001). We summarized a linear regression equation that can predict a weight loss of 8.13-3.78 kg with the initial leptin concentration of 5-30ng/ml after 8-week BWR program.
第一章 緒論........................................................1
第一節 前言..............................................1
第二節 研究背景與動機....................................2
第三節 研究目的..........................................3
第二章 文獻回顧..........................................4
第一節 肥胖之相關探討....................................4
第二節 減重之相關探討...................................6
第三節 減重風險認知之探討...............................9
第四節 瘦體蛋白(leptin)...............................16
一、瘦體蛋白之構造 .......................................16
第五節 抗氧化酵素超氧化物歧化酶.........................18
第三章 民眾對於減重風險認知之探討........................20
第一節 研究方法.........................................20
第二節 結果.............................................30
第三節 討論.............................................83
第四節 結論.............................................92
第四章 肥胖者身體組成、血液生化值、leptin及抗氧化酵素SOD活性之探討.................................................93
第一節 研究方法.........................................93
第二節 結果.............................................97
第三節 討論............................................117
第四節 結論............................................123
第五章 減重成效與血液生化值、leptin及抗氧化酵素SOD活性之相關性探討................................................124
第一節 研究方法........................................124
第二節 結果............................................129
第三節 討論............................................139
第四節 結論............................................145
第六章 總結與建議......................................146
附 錄................................................163


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