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研究生(外文):Ching Chun Huang
論文名稱(外文):《That Famous Apple and the Scientist》Production Report and the Studies on the Process and the Optimization of Personal Computer Animation Production《That Famous Apple and the Scientist》Production Report and the Studies on the Process and the Optimization
指導教授(外文):Shyan-Shyi Chen
外文關鍵詞:CGIAnimationGlobal Illumination
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This research tries to find a solution to produce high quality computer
animation at personal computer. Computer technology improved so fast these
y e a r s , p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r s c a t c h u p t h e i n d u s t r i a o n e s i n j u s t f e w y e a r s .
However, there is always a gap between the personal and industrial computers.
F o r a u d i e n c e w h o i s u s e d t o s e e t h e s e m o v i e s w o u l d t e n d t o a s k f o r b e t t e r
quality. This research tries to use proxy files to reduce the computer load, to
simulate global illumination, and to refine the picture in compositing software,
finally achieve the balance between speed and quality.
第一章 引言 3
第二章 創作論述 5
2.1.Proxy概念的介紹 5
2.1.1.Proxy觀念的起源 5
2.1.2.Proxy的用途 5
2.2.本研究中利用Proxy的方式 6
2.2.1.Import和Reference的區別 7
2.2.2.與業界動畫流程的差異 7
2.3.Global.Illumination的介紹 8
2.4.本研究中模擬Global.Illumination的方式 9
2.5.製作流程 11
第三章 相關研究成果 24
3.1.製作上的重要突破 24
3.1.1.作品格式的決定 24
3.1.2.檔案管理 26
3.1.3.參數貼圖及檔案貼圖 27
3.1.4.圖層管理 30
3.1.5.外部算圖管理 32
3.2.問題與解決方式 33
3.2.1.陰影著色瑕疵 33
3.2.2.圖檔相對路徑遺失 38
3.2.3.合成圖層邊緣顏色 41
第四章 結語 46
參考文獻 47
附錄 51
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2. Bolante, Antony. AfterEffects6.5 for Windows and Macintosh. Berkeley: Peachpit Press. 2005.
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4. Bdeckmann, Patricia and Phil Young. 3D Animation with Maya 6. New York: Thomson Delmar Learning. 2005.
5. Cullen, Sean, Matthew Geller, Charles Roberts and Adam Wilt. Optimizing Your
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6. Dawber, Martin. Pixel Surgeons. London: Mitchell Beazley. 2005.
7. Ferrara, Serena. Steadicam - techinques & aesthetics. Oxford: Focal Press. 2001.
8. Furniss, Maureen. Art in motion - Animation aesthetics. Sydney: John Libbey. 1998.
9. Fyvie, Erica ed. Learning Maya 6: Rendering. Sybex. 2004.
10. Goux, Melanie and James A. Houff. On Screen In Time - transitions in motion graphic design for film, television and new media. Mies, Switzerland: RotoVision. 2003.
11. Halas, John. The Contemporary Animator. Oxford: Focal Press. 1990.
12. Hanson, Eric, Kenneth Ibrahim and Alex Nijmeh. Maya 6 Killer Tips. Berkeley: New Riders Publishing. 2004.
13. Hogarth, Burne. Dynamic Anatomy - Revised and Expanded Edition. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications. 2003.
14. Hulkman, Alex V. and Digital Film Tree. Advanced Color Correction and Effects in Final Cut Pro 5. Berkeley: Peachpit Press. 2006.
15. Kendon, Adam. Gesture - Visible Action as Utterance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2004.
16. Maraffi, Chris. Maya Character Creation. Berkeley: New Riders. 2004.
17. McKernan, Brian. Digital Cinema - The revolution in cinematography, postproduction, and distribution. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2005.
18. Ohanian, Thomas A. and Michael E. Phillips. Digital Filmmaking - The changing art and craft of making motion pictures, second edition. Oxford: Focal Press. 2000.
19. Simon, Mark. Producing Independent 2D Character Animation - Making and selling a short film. Oxford: Focal Press. 2003.
20. Shaw, Susannah. Stop Motion - Craft skills for model animation. Oxford: Focal Press. 2004.
21. Swartz, Charles S., ed. Understanding Digital Cinema - A professional handbook. Oxford: Focal Press. 2005.
22. Thacker, Jim, ed. 3D World. London: Future Publishing. 2005.
23. Thompson, Roy. Grammar of the Edit. Oxford: Focal Press. 1993.
24. Vogler, Chritopher. The Writer's Journey 2nd Ed. - Mythic structure for writers. Studio City, U.S.: Michael Wiese Productions. 1998.
25. Webster, Chris. Animation - The mechanics of motion. Oxford: Focal Press. 2005.
26. Weinmann, Elaine and Peter Lourekas. PhotoshopCS2 for Windows and Macintosh. Berkeley: Peachpit Press.2005.
27. Willmore, Ben. Adobe Photoshop CS2 Studio Techniques. Berkeley: Peachpit Press. 2006.
28. Winder, Catherine and Zahra Dowlatabadi. Producing Animation. Oxford: Focal Press. 2001.
29. Wohl, Michael. Advanced Editing Techniques in Final Cut Pro 5. Berkeley: Peachpit Press. 2006.
30. Woods, Paul A., ed. Tim Burton - A child's garden of nightmares. London: Plexus Publishing. 2002.
31. 理察.威廉斯(Richard Williams)著,徐小燕編譯。動畫基礎技法 一本充滿方法原則與公式的手冊(The Animator's Survival Kit)。台北市:龍溪圖書,2004。
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