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研究生(外文):Kun-Ying Lin
論文名稱:波 一體論--水良克先生
指導教授(外文):Der-Lor WayShih-Yung Ku
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波的一體論,以探討我的思考為主,共分為四章,第一章[波]--講述純物理概念的波型態,第二章[大小波的內外交錯形構]--談到波的共構狀態並抽出意識為另一論述軸線,第三章[試 反波的一體論]--單獨討論意識環境,第四章以作品類型分類,描述創作內涵與過程,它忠實的對應了波理論的完整概念。章節依照順序,從[波概念]開始,談至[波概念與我],再談[我],最後談[我的創作物],讓這樣的結構在論述上呈現出波的想法。

波的一體論,不單是對作品的論述,同時是為我自己整理的宇宙觀、人生觀,我能把世界做這樣的了解,是個享受,充滿了幸福,我在創造水良克世界時,便是這樣,充滿了關乎情緒的美。懷德海曾在《思維模式》一書的結語:哲學是像詩一樣的(Philosophy is akin to poetry)。一個人對自己的哲學,就有如精練過情緒後的詩,我亦如是。
The theorization of “Wave” is based on Alfred North Whitehead’s organic philosophy. According to Whitehead, Nature is a gigantic organic entity constituted by countless small organic entities. These entities interact with each other and form the working of nature. If we follow the traces of these entities, we can see that in the course of time they lie in parallel and unfold as different progressing structures—these are the waves. Each wave is like a temporal model. By analyzing each wave’s progress and its theme allow us to glimpse at the state of a being in the course of time.

In this thesis, there are two important concepts: progress of cycles and force and counterforce. To unfold a certain theme as a progress of movement is to see it as a wave that implies a progress from a starting point to an end. It also implies a force of purpose and its counterforce, both as one dimensional. These two forces move a certain wave from its beginning to an end. When a consciousness interacts with different waves, reality/world is perceived at the moment, in which our consciousness allows us to form a partial understanding of the reality/world. After the moment is passed, what’s left in our consciousness is a fraction of our understanding. Nature still moves on.

Mr. Lunc is the identity of my consciousness. Although this identity is not textually visible in the thesis, it carries double meanings: firstly; one’s consciousness is an independent existence. Secondly, I am my consciousness. Mr. Lunc acknowledges my own awareness and contemplation on the independent consciousness. It voices the message that every consciousness is an independent expression of itself. Each consciousness interacts with this reality/world and creates countless moments working along with the great law until the end.

This thesis consists of four thematically interlocking chapters. The first chapter “Wave” presents the pattern of wave in a concept of physics. In the second chapter “The Inter-crossed Structure of Big and Small Waves,” the synchronized existence of waves is explained and the idea of consciousness discussed. The third chapter “The Union Theory or Counterforce” solely interrogates the environment of consciousness. The last chapter presents three pieces of works created corresponding to the concept of and thoughts on the wave and delineating the meaning of the works and their process of creation. The four chapters progress from the concept of wave and moves on to the relationship between the concept of wave and I. From the consciousness of I, it goes to my works. This structure in turn reflects the concept of wave itself.

The theory of wave is not only a theorization of the work but also my personal belief of life and the cosmos. I was filled with bliss to explore the world in this way. When I was in the process of creating the world of Lunc, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of emotion. In Modes of Thought, Whitehead once mentioned, “philosophy is akin to poetry.” A person’s philosophy of oneself is the poetry created after the refinement of emotion. Mine is as well.
摘要 (中文) i
摘要 (英文) ii
謝誌 iv
目次 v
圖表目次 vi

前言 1
論述動機與內容 1
創作背景 3
創作論述架構說明 5

第一章 波 7

第一節 波的結構 8
第二節 波的運動 12
第三節 我 介入 15

第二章 大小波的內外交錯形構 18

第一節 波形交錯 19
第二節 混亂的秩序 22
第三節 感知波動 25

第三章 試 反波的一體論 27

第一節 腦內感官 28
第二節 藝術與媒體 31

第四章 水良克先生 34

作品表 35
第一節 錄像作品 36
第二節 聲音作品 41
第三節 聲音裝置作品 43

第五章 結 論 53

參考文獻 54
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