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研究生(外文):Chiang Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study on The Reflection of Past Boxing Experience of Title Boxer---The case study of Rocke Lin
指導教授(外文):Hu Cheng
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研究生:林將 指導教授:鄭虎博士

摘 要

A Study on The Reflection of Past Boxing Experience of Title Boxer---The case study of Rocke Lin

Graduate stuent: Chiang Lin Advisor: Hu Cheng Ph.D.

  Taking the approach of psychological characteristics, the study probes the mental pilgrimage of Taiwan boxer, and onetime Japanese professional champion boxer Rocke Lin in his pursuit of championship.
The study starts from the five psychological aspects, which includes Lin’s personality traits, motives, his sports psychological me, climax experience, and undeterred will, and concludes that his success owes to his five unique characteristics: an overall strong man, a step-by-step motive, a confident legal attacker, a self-fulfilling person, and finally a sportsman’s invincible mentality.
1. An overall strong men: Rocke Lin strives to be a champion boxer in Japan. His personality traits are constituted with three parts, his sportsman’s invincible mentality, refusing to take defeat, and a powerful attacker, and these make him an overall strong man.
2. A step-by-step motive: The motive of Rocke Lin fits into Abraham H. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. His content with the physical needs such as enough food and sleep drives him to pursue the security need and becomes a boxer. When he turned out to be an elite boxer of his team, he satisfied his needs of being loved and subordination, and when he won the competitions in Japan, he began to fulfill his need of respect. At the moment of winning the two champion titles, he completed the whole hierarchy of needs.
3. A confident legal attacker: A boxer is a legal attacker. However, it is his special qualities such as concentration, motivation, and self-control makes him also a confident attacker.
4. A self-fulfilling person: Taking the first knockdown defeat in mind, Rocke Lin began to adjust his mentality and changed his boxing style. He achieved his ‘climax experience’ right in the comeback fight, and lasted out that experience for a period of time before came back to Taiwan to teach, where he began another stage of self-realization.
5. A sportsman’s invincible mentality: Rocke Lin is a perfect portrayal of invincibility. When pursuing his championship ,whatever the situation was, Rocke Lin was always highly motivated. He endured the great pain, using undeterred will to overcome the setbacks and pressure.
By studying the life of the outstanding boxer , we know how the above-discussed five aspects of psychological analysis are related to the sport of boxing, providing a reference for the future talent screening and training of this sport.
The study concentrates on one boxer only, although it doesn’t hinder the study from making conclusions, the unique life and career of the boxer himself may well become the limitations of this study.
目 錄
口試委員與所長簽字證書 ii
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 vi
誌謝 viii
目錄 ix
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xiii

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 1
第三節 研究問題 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 人格 4
第二節 動機與動機理論 7
第三節 競爭與競爭理論 11
第四節 自我實現、高峰經驗與流暢經驗 13
第五節 優秀運動員的心理特性 14
第六節 意志與運動心理堅韌性 15
第三章 研究方法與步驟 17
第一節 研究方法 17
第二節 研究對象 19
第三節 研究步驟 20
第四節 研究架構 20
第四章 研究結果I ––林明佳的生命故事 21
第一節 挖蘆筍的二林小孩 21
第二節 步入拳壇 橫掃國內 22
第三節 進軍東瀛 拳壇稱王 27
第四節 圍繞著打與被打之間的光榮與痛苦 44
第五節 初攀世界拳壇頂峰 53
第六節 想唱國歌也不能唱的小小挑戰者 62
第七節 第一次被擊倒 67
第八節 浴火重生 69
第九節 高峰經驗 75
第十節 再攀世界頂峰 77
第十一節 懷著感恩的心「莎喲娜啦」 77
第十二節 走過來時路,回憶登峰情 78
第十三節 培育下一代 79
第五章 研究結果II ––結果之分析 81
第一節 人格特質 81
第二節 動機 83
第三節 運動心理特性 86
第四節 自我實現與高峰經驗 91
第五節 意志與運動心理堅韌性 94
第六章 結論與建議 96
第一節 結論 96
第二節 建議 103

中文參考文獻 105
英文參考文獻 105
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