One of the cultural characteristics in Taiwan is the coexistence of different groups with diverse historic backgrounds in this island of unique geographic conditions; for instance, aboriginal culture, Hoklo culture, and Hakka culture. As to the arts and crafts of Taiwan that are worthy of international reputation include Tittot glass, Franz porcelain, and bamboo sculpture, etc. The essential issue currently for obtaining general culture identification and effectively introducing Taiwan worldwide is to explore appropriate approaches to produce more creations with unique characteristics of Taiwan. This study chose Meinung as the topic of culture research, by documentations gathering, actual field survey, questionnaire analysis and design, to establish fundamental elements of cultural design; in addition, for manifesting the new value of ornaments design of Meinung culture, this study applies the methods of ornaments and costumes design as well.
For the purpose of this study, the Hakka culture in Meinung is divided into two parts -- formless and formal for performing a thorough research. The significance and comprehension of culture are related to the formless part, while the cultural relics of formal substance used as an important basis for designing projects. With the objective to make better understanding of Hakka culture in Meinung, this study positively combines traditional culture and modern ornaments/costumes to characterize a quite different representation compared with the traditional methods.
By carrying on a complete research and design scheme, the following results are consequently discovered by this study: 1. The cultural relics in the formless part of Hakka culture in Meinung embrace a unique significance, which is rather different with relics of other culture. 2. During the designing process of transforming specific traditional cultural relics, the excess of applying abstract materials would result in a loss of the special features of original relics. 3. Apart from using the prime form of the cultural relics in designing, some materials of different nature can be applied for illustrating the special background and the significance of the relics. 4. The valuable while simple Hakka cultural relics in Meinung originated from their established economical living style. 5. It is necessity to perform practically all the designing process of this study in order to have a profound understanding of the native cultural spirit.