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研究生(外文):YEN-JU LIN
指導教授(外文):Pi-Chuan Sun
外文關鍵詞:Trust and contiunityplastics markettrustcustomer relationship
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全球聚乙烯塑膠工業已將近有60年的歷史,許多競爭對手也紛紛增加產能提高自我的競爭力,塑料供應商如何與客戶建立長期合作的關係共創雙贏的合作模式也是大家所關心的課題。供應商不僅僅努力降低生產成本,增加良率更著重於產能的擴充及市場占有率。在如此激烈的環境中如何與客戶建立良好的關係及培養長期的合作模式愈形重要。過去行銷研究中較少探討人員與組織不同關係層面之關係變數 (Macintosh and Lockshin, 1997),大部分只針對單一層面進行研究,因此本研究以塑膠原物料產業為例同時從人員與組織兩個層級驗證客戶信任與關係維持之關係,並探討客戶信任之前置因素,建立一個值得信任行為的多構面模型,並檢驗他們在信任中的不同效果。
The polythene plastics industry has a history of at least 60 years. A lot of competitors have increased the production capacity to upgrade their competence and how the supplier of plastics establishes long-term cooperative relationship to get win-win is a highly concerned issue as well. The supplier not only decreases production cost and increases the yield rate but also focuses on the extension of production capacity and marketing share. In such a hard circumstance, establishment of long-term cooperative relationship with the customer becomes more important. Although businesses are increasingly focused on the development of long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with customer, organization and employee (Kennedy, Ferrell and LeClair, 2001), marketing researches are less to consider the relational variables between person and organization in the past. Research in marketing had almost test model at only one relationship level (Macintosh and Lockshin, 1997). Therefore, this research examines the association between the customer’s trust and relationship continuity at both individual and organizational level. This research also explores the antecedents of trust, establishes a model and verifies the different effects of these antecedents on trust.
第一章 緒論
第二章 文獻探討
第三章 研究方法
第四章 資料分析與研究結果
第五章 結論與建議
附錄 : 問卷
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