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研究生(外文):Yu-Kaun Lin
指導教授(外文):Hao-erl Yang
外文關鍵詞:Patient SatisfactionCustomer RelationshipPerceived PriceHealth Care QualityService ValueBehavioral Intention
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(2). 整體而言,間接效果以「顧客關係」與「服務價值」對「行為意圖」為最佳路徑。
(3). 整體而言,直接效果以「顧客關係」為最重要。
(4). 整體而言,總效果以「顧客關係」為優先考量。
(5). 「顧客關係」、「服務價值」、「就醫者滿意度」對「推薦行為」產生顯著影響。
(6). 「顧客關係」、「服務價值」、「就醫者滿意度」對「再診行為」產生顯著影響。
(7). 「醫療品質」、「知覺價格」、「就醫者滿意度」對「抱怨行為」產生顯著影響。
(8). 「知覺價格」、「顧客關係」對「轉換行為」產生顯著影響。
As of March 1, 1995, Taiwan’s National Health Insurance has been established for more than 11 years. Since then, the financial loss of the Bureau has been concerned by the public in the past consecutive years. Competition among hospitals is getting more intense day by day, which provide the public a wider range of choices of medical centers. In this customer-oriented age the capital for developing new customers is five times more than the capital for keeping existing ones; it takes a lot of capital and a high cost job to change the habits of customers to use other unfamiliar brands or suppliers. In order to keep the existing customers and satisfy them, medical centers need to know what the important factors are for the public upon their admissions to hospitals, so that appropriate improvement strategies can be made and the quality of the service can be improved.
This study discusses five factors, “health care quality”, “perceived price”, “customer relationship”, “patient satisfaction”, and “service value”, which affect the “behavioral intentions” of patients on medical cosmetology processes. The results indicated that:
1. All three predicators, “customer relationship”, “patient satisfaction”, and “service value”, affect “behavioral intention” positively. “Health care quality” would affect “behavioral intention” only when “patient satisfaction” and “service value” have been improved.
2. Overall, the best indirect effect on “behavioral intention” must come from the “customer relationship” and “service value”.
3. Overall, the most important factor for direct effect is “customer relationship”.
4. “Customer relationship” will be firstly considered for the overall effect.
5. “Customer relationship”, “service value” and “patient satisfaction” would affect “recommendation behavior” significantly.
6. “Customer relationship”, “service value” and “patient satisfaction” would affect “readmission behavior” significantly.
7. “Health care quality”, “perceived price” and “patient satisfaction” would affect “complaint behavior” significantly.
8. “Perceived price” and “customer relationship” would affect “switching behavior” significantly.
Through the improvement of customer relationship, the patient satisfaction will be affected and increased, which would then increase the intentions of consumers to return and recommend friends or relatives to go to the same medical center. Consequently, it may effectively avoid complaint behavior from the existing customers and prevent them from switching to other medical centers. When patients know more about health care quality, they will express more things, problems and difficulties, about their medical care experiences to other people or related working unit and medical staff. Meanwhile, if the quality customers receive is opposite to their perceived values, the customer relationship would be worse than the expected and the overall satisfaction would decrease, which would lead to increased switching behavior. Therefore, eliminating the complaint behavior, increasing the recommendation behavior and increasing the readmission behavior would effectively avoid the switching behavior of the patients.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 1
1.3研究目的 3
1.4研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1醫療品質 5
2.2知覺價格 13
2.3顧客關係 18
2.4就醫者滿意度 22
2.5服務價值 25
2.6行為意圖 31
第三章 研究方法 37
3.1研究架構 37
3.2研究假設 38
3.3變數的操作性定義 41
3.4研究對象 44
3.5抽樣方法 44
3.6問卷設計 45
3.7分析方法 50
第四章 資料分析與探討 52
4.1樣本描述 52
4.2效度與信度之檢定 54
4.3假設檢定 62
4.4路徑分析 77
第五章 結論與建議 85
5.1研究結論 85
5.2研究建議 87
參考文獻 94
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