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研究生(外文):Yu-ching Yeh
指導教授(外文):Hsin-hsiung Lin
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The present study aims to investigate the relationship between role stress and organizational commitment, and the moderating effect of demographic variables. The research purposes are (1) to examine the inter-relationship between role stress and organizational commitment of further- education- program students; (2) to explore whether or not the personal characteristics moderates the relationship between role stress and organizational commitment.
Questionnaire was the mainly research method. The samples were recruited from 500 further-education-program students of the Division of Continuing Education at a technological university in north Taiwan. In total, 448 questionnaires were distributed to conveniently sampled subjects. Of them 416 were found usable, resulting in a response rate of 83.2%. Descriptive statistics, reliability test, Pearson correlation analysis, simple regression analysis were used to conduct statistics analyzing. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows:
1. The higher the role stress of further-education-program students, the lower the organization commitment.
2. Gender differences significantly moderate the relationship between role stress and organizational commitment of further- education- program students. The male exerts a stronger influence than the female does.
3. Marriage status differences significantly moderate the relationship between role stress and organizational commitment of further- education- program students. The married group exerts a stronger influence than the single group does.
4. Family situation differences significantly moderate the relationship between role stress and organizational commitment of further- education- program students. And the group with children exerts a stronger influence than the group without children does.
5. Age differences moderate the relationship between role stress and organizational commitment of further-education-program students. Nevertheless, only those under 30 years old have a significant negative influence; by contrast, the over-50-year-old group exerts a positive influence. This finding remarkably differs from the results of the previous research.
6. Tenure differences significantly moderate the relationship between role stress and organizational commitment of further-education-program students. The shorter the job tenure at the present position, the stronger the negative effect.
This study hopes that it can provide managerial practitioners and academicians with concrete suggestions on how to lower the role stress that further-education-program students will encounter on the job while attempting to promote their organizational commitment.
第一章 緒論1
第二章 文獻探討5
第三章 研究方法21
操作性定義 22
第四章 資料分析與討論 28
信度與效度 31
第五章 結論與建議41





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