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研究生(外文):Shih-Tse Hung
指導教授(外文):Kun-Huang Yeh
外文關鍵詞:New Product DevelopmentIntegrated Product DevelopmentCompetitive Advantage
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指導教授:葉焜煌 教授
研 究 生:洪世澤
九十五 學年度碩士論文摘要
總之,整合產品開發實務對競爭優勢具有正面顯著影響,而實施可以處理開發環境不確定性層級與風險管理的方法,將促使競爭優勢經由整合產品開發實務而 更為提升。
The great success in new product development (NPD) is vitally concerned with the fulfillment of operational performance and strategic objective for a firm, and is regarded as the motivator to ensure its sustainable survival and progress in related industries. Integrated product development (IPD) is an approach for developing new products focused on early active involvement of design, manufacturing, marketing, suppliers, customers and other key stakeholders involved in NPD, seek to achieve cross-functional integration and concurrent development of a product and its associated manufacturing processes.
The most essential integration practices particularly need to be emphasized for NPD including strategy management, organization establishment, process control, methodology implementation, tool utilization, supplier involvement and customer involvement. This study explores the impact of these practices on competitive advantage (CA) in quality, cost, time, flexibility, service and innovation in attempt to provide correct guidelines for NPD towards great success.
This study resorts to domestic electrical & electronic, information technology and communication industries as major research subjects, and adopt convenience sampling by selecting practicing managers, experts or senior engineers who engaged in NPD activities in well-known companies of medium or large size as questionnaire survey subjects. Questionnaire data collection was undertaken via E-mail.
Empirical data examined with multiple regression analysis to explore the impacts of IPD practices on competitive advantage in quality, cost, time, flexibility, service and innovation. According to priorities of IPD practices selected via stepwise multiple regression method as significant variables for predicting competitive advantage, this study identified that the overall competitive advantage is mainly impacted by supplier involvement, customer involvement, methodology implementation and process control. Methodology implementation and customer involvement have significant impacts on quality and cost; process control and customer involvement have dominant influences on time; supplier involvement and customer involvement are major determinants for flexibility; tool utilization, customer involvement and methodology implementation are critical factors for service; while methodology implementation and organization establishment principally determine innovation.
Hierarchy regression results demonstrate that align with uncertainty levels and incorporate risk management into process control in development uncertainty environments will result in positive moderating effect on the relationship between IPD and competitive advantage.
Uncertainty level is associated with methodology implementation, customer involvement and process control respectively, while risk management is associated with methodology implementation, supplier involvement, process control, tool utilization, and organization establishment respectively, that facilitate superior competitive advantage in quality, cost, time, flexibility, service and innovation to seek for greater success in NPD.
In conclusion, IPD practices have positive and significant impacts on competitive advantage, and implementing approaches that enable to cope with uncertainty levels and risk management of development uncertainty environments will facilitate furthermore enhancement for competitive advantage via IPD practices.
1.1 Research Background and Motivation...1
1.2 Research Questions...2
1.3 Research Objectives ...4
1.4 Thesis Outlines... 5
2.1 Definition of Integrated Product Development......7
2.2 Competitive Advantage.......33
2.3 The Impact of IPD Practices on Competitive advantage....38
2.4 Moderating Effect of Development Uncertainty and Risk.....40
3.1 Research Framework.......42
3.2 Research Hypotheses.....43
3.3 Measurement of Variables.........43
3.4 Research Subjects and Data Collection 46
3.5 Analysis Method....48
4.1 Description of Data..52
4.2 Results of Reliability Analysis.55
4.3 Results of Validity Analysis.....57
4.4 Results of Regression Analysis......58
4.5 Results of Hypotheses Test.....61
4.6 General Discussion and Managerial Implications..63
5.1 Conclusions........69
5.2 Suggestions.......71
5.3 Research Limitations.......72
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