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研究生(外文):Chung-Che Chang
論文名稱(外文):Slopes shelter structure and stability - The discussions on rainfall and drainage benefit
指導教授(外文):Shin-Chou Lin
外文關鍵詞:ecological engineering methodsslopes engineeringrein forced structuresdrainagevegetation
  • 被引用被引用:2
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The rainfall is a main factor of slopes failure, so it needs to undertake relevant slopes protection works to stabilize slopes. In early, all slopes engineering to stability are concrete fabrication, smooth surface, and hard to survive for living beings, so they cause environment impact. Therefore, in order to decrease destroying nature resources, the slopes protection of the ecological engineering methods on slopes preventing and curing is gradually become a present important issue.
For understand if the slopes protection engineering at present are almost concrete structures, which is a majority as mentioned above, GuKeng shiang149Chia East and Janghu village was selected as this research objects. The research content is divided into the engineering slopes protection and the planar natural slope, and aimed at study in the present situation. After the first survey, we found that slopes protection engineering on retaining structure were mostly still concrete structure at present, and also were destroyed places at present, for example, the destroyed of wall, the destroyed of drainpipe ; On the other hand, we found only a few landslides situation on natural slopes. Therefore, the research purpose is to study on the character of reinforced structures, and to try replacing properly concrete structures with reinforced soil structures on conducting engineering henceforth. Two experiments were designed in order to contrast two different benefits. One experiment is to discuss the drainage benefits on engineering slopes by using rainfall simulation, and the other one is to discuss the benefits to soil and water conservation on nature slopes by using vegetation simulation.
The experimental results showed that when S.M. as the soil was a control condition, there was no much difference whether used a nonwoven to wrap directly a permeant drainage or used a nonwoven to wrap gradation and a permeant. The soil loss was 0.25%, so there was little soil loss.
Slope test showed that the soil loss was 11% on bare slope, and the soil loss was 0.006% on vegetated slope. It proved that vegetation was good to soil protection because the root can add soil infiltration, and prevent landslide from rainfall.
In conclusion, Drainage experiment can not only suitable for reinforced structures, but also suitable for drainage systems applied to slopes infrastructures. Vegetation has efficiency on preventing the soil loss, but soil infiltration can cause slope failure. Therefore, Vegetation cooperated with drainage system can reach more slope stability. It not only reach security consideration, but also preserve landscape ecology.
第一章 緒論.........3
第一節 研究動機.....3
第二節 研究目的.....5
第三節 研究架構.....5
第四節 論文內容.....7
第二章 文獻回顧......8
第一節 邊坡破壞機制...... 8
第二節 影響邊坡穩定的因素.....11
第三節 降雨對邊坡穩定之影響......14
第四節 加勁結構......22
第五節 小結..... 27
第三章 道路護坡工程之探討.....29
第一節 古坑鄉縣149甲道路之環境介紹.....29
第二節 調查方法.....32
第三節 調查結果.....32
第四節 加勁結構與R.C 結構之安全性探討...... 38
第五節 加勁結構與R.C 結構之生態景觀探討.... 41
第六節 地工加勁結構之施工.....42
第八節 小結..... 54
第四章 加勁結構水平排水之探討...... 55
第一節 地工織物透水管理論......56
第二節 不織布排水/透水管的特點及應用......60
第三節 實驗流程.......60
第四節 實驗材料.......62
第五節 實驗步驟.......69
第六節 實驗結果與探討.....78
第七節 小結..... 86
第五章 植生應用於邊坡防護之效益探討......87
第一節 植生工程......87
第二節 植生對邊坡之保護.......89
第三節 根系效益........91
第四節 植被介紹........92
第五節 植生實驗........97
第六節 實驗材料及設備......99
第七節 實驗步驟..........102
第八節 實驗結果與探討..... 108
第九節 小結..... 114
第六章 結果與建議.......115
第一節 結論..... 115
第二節 建議..... 116
附錄一:土壤分類試驗表.... 123
驗研究報告彙刊 第二輯 63-80 頁。
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