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研究生(外文):Pi-Sheng Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Development and Application of a Hospital-based Tuberculosis Management System
指導教授(外文):Wui-Chiang Lee
外文關鍵詞:e editing criteria for financial reportsmedical juridical person
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本研究在國內某醫學中心,以國外cohort review的成功經驗及強化資訊管理的理念為基礎,發展了包含管理小組、衛教單位、資訊系統、結核病委員會及院內相關單位的醫院結核病管理系統,運用在日常實際的結核病防治工作上,並檢討歸納出品質管理指標,藉以改善管理流程,再追蹤執行成果。
Background:After the carryout of Global Budget Payment System by Bureau of National Health Insurance since July 2002,contentions between hospitals become more fierce,the management and operation method must beyond any of business models. Since the conscience of consumers flying high,requests were called frequently by Funds of Medical Reform to have government hygiene organizations disclose financial reports of hospitals of juridical person and let the information of Health Insurance transparent.
Except convey achievements of management and deployments of medical resources, basically financial reports can provide critical information, let staffs of hospital management level, government organizations and outside users consult, and furthermore cited as data resources of research and investigation and basis for allocation of medical resources, all of which have great influence and cannot be disregarded.
Objectives:1. Investigate the origins of the editing criteria for financial reports of the medical juridical person and analyze and compare the editing criteria and framework norms for financial reports of the hospitals of juridical person (proclaimed by the Department of Health—DOH ) and generally acknowledged accounting norms for American nonprofit organizations.2.Understand current situations of financial accounting of domestic medical juridical person and their influential effects.
Results:1. According to the editing criteria of financial reports for medical juridical person from DOH, we know if medical juridical person disclose their financial reports, they can let their management condition transparent, and after 2006, all of them must completely follow the criteria to editing their balance sheet, revenue and expenditure balance sheet, net value variation sheet, and cash flow sheet. 2. There are little differences of financial reports editing criteria between medical juridical person and American nonprofit organization, but the accounting item definitions of American
目 錄
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機-1
第二節 研究目的-6
第二章 文獻探討-7
第一節 結核病的流行病學-7
第二節 結核病的照護-9
第三節 我國結核病防疫體系的歷史和變革-12
第四節 疾病管理、個案管理及資訊管理-13
第三章 研究方法-16
第一節 研究設計與架構-16
第二節 研究材料-17
第三節 研究變項操作型定義-19
第四節 研究方法-22
第四章 研究結果-24
第一節 結核病管理系統的建構及病人資料收集-24
第二節 2006年TIMS資料分析-26
第三節 結核病管理流程的改造-30
第四節 2007年1到4月TIMS資料的追蹤分析-32
第五章 討論、建議與結論-33
第一節 討論-33
第二節 研究限制-40
第三節 建議-41
第四節 結論-45
參考資料 中文部份-47

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