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研究生(外文):Wei-Ann Lu
論文名稱(外文):A Simulation study of Queueing System in ticket system- Satellite City Railrway station in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Sell Ticket System in Railway StationQueueing SystemSystem Simulationmeta model
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In this thesis, a performance evaluation of ticket system of satellite city railway station in Taiwan is studied by system simulation. We consider 16 different policies of increasing ticket system performance in the research. The Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn multiple comparison method are used to discuss the difference among the 16 policies. The policies are based on the various combinations of number of automation ticket machines, the number of ticket windows, and the number of special functional order window.
The customers arrival rates, the proportion of purchasing tickets through machines, the distribution of purchasing ticket types, and service time are included in our simulation model, as well the number of ticket machines, the number of ticket windows, and the number of special functional order windows. The simulation scenario is based on peak hours of a satellite city railway station in Taiwan and the simulation length is 120 minutes. Gamma distributions, different discrete distributions are used as the distribution forms of random variables. For each setting, 100 replications are executed for each policy for the statistical analyses. There are five different performance indices considered – the total system executive length, the average waiting time for purchasing at a machine, the average length of queue for a machine, average waiting time for purchasing at a window, and the average length of queue for a window. Simulations results show that the different policies do improve the system performance. The best policy recommended is one more machine, one more window and 2 special windows added when 3% of customers utilize the services form special functional orders windows.
Finally, a meta model between policies and performance evaluation indices is constructed to study further.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與限制 2
1.4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 鐵路車站基本特性 5
2.2 鐵路車站之服務品質 6
2.3 系統模擬與評估標準 7
2.3.1 系統模擬特性及優缺點 7
2.3.2 模擬的重要原則 8
2.4 等候線問題的描述 11
2.5 服務業等候線研究探討 14
第三章 模擬模式建構 17
3.1 模擬模式基本架構 17
3.2 模式模擬範圍與基本假設 20
3.2.1 衛星城市之定義 20
3.2.2 鐵路運輸服務業之定義與假設 20
3.2.3 模擬模式之基本假設 21
3.3 衛星城市鐵路車站售票系統模擬 22
3.3.1 售票系統之參數設定 22
3.3.2 售票系統之模擬流程 23
3.3.3 乘客選擇購票之過程 24
3.3.4 改善系統之策略方案討論 24
3.4 各個策略方案績效指標之差異性檢定方法 26
3.4.1 Kruskal-Wallis檢定法 26
3.4.2 Dunn事後多重比較檢定法 27
第四章 模式驗證 28
4.1 衛星城市桃園鐵路車站簡介 28
4.2 桃園鐵路車站模擬模式之架構 29
4.2.1 隨時間變化之旅客需求的產生 29
4.2.2 乘客對售票方式的選擇 30
4.2.3 售票系統模擬模式之建構 30
4.3 資料蒐集與整理 33
4.3.1 乘客到達售票系統前相關資料 33
4.3.2 乘客選擇售票方式之機率 35
4.3.3 人工售票窗口售票方式的服務時間 36
4.3.4 自動售票機台售票方式的服務時間 38
4.3.5 其他策略方案之資料蒐集 39
4.4 模擬結論 41
4.4.1 各個策略方案績效指標之模擬結果 41
4.4.2 各個策略方案績效指標之統計檢定 44
4.4.3 績效指標的平均值之因果關係模型
(Metamodel)分析 58
4.4.4 小結 60
第五章 結論與建議 62
5.1 研究結論 62
5.2 研究建議 63
參考文獻 64
附錄一 66
附錄二 71
附錄三 76
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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
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