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研究生(外文):Yi Jean Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Blog effects on brand attitude and purchase intention
外文關鍵詞:blog marketingcommunity identificationinterpersonal trustmessage exchangetwo-way communication
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The discussion on blog issues is getting more and more popular. The marketers begin to put focus on the effects of blog. There have few academic literatures to explain how the blog marketing influences the consumers and what crucial elements included in blog marketing.
This research attempts to investigate the effects of blog marketing on brand attitude and purchase intention. In addition, the elements of blog marketing also are identified as community identification, interpersonal trust, message exchange, and two-way communication.
The relationships among variables are pictured on the fundamental research framework provided by this study. For the sake of examining the main effect of this framework, the data were collected via an online questionnaire and 727 samples available were collected in the end. The data were analyzed utilizing AMOS 5.0.
The empirical findings show that the blog marketing elements can impact on brand attitude positively except for community identification; additionally, these elements have indirect effect on purchase intention. Besides, the analysis result also verifies the moderating effects on the relationship between blog marketing elements respectively and brand attitude.
The discussion on blog issues is getting more and more popular. The marketers begin to put focus on the effects of blog. There have few academic literatures to explain how the blog marketing influences the consumers and what crucial elements included in blog marketing.
This research attempts to investigate the effects of blog marketing on brand attitude and purchase intention. In addition, the elements of blog marketing also are identified as community identification, interpersonal trust, message exchange, and two-way communication.
The relationships among variables are pictured on the fundamental research framework provided by this study. For the sake of examining the main effect of this framework, the data were collected via an online questionnaire and 727 samples available were collected in the end. The data were analyzed utilizing AMOS 5.0.
The empirical findings show that the blog marketing elements can impact on brand attitude positively except for community identification; additionally, these elements have indirect effect on purchase intention. Besides, the analysis result also verifies the moderating effects on the relationship between blog marketing elements respectively and brand attitude.
Acknowledgement ii
List of Table vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1Research background and motivations 1
1.2Research purpose 3
Chapter Two Literature Review and Hypotheses Development 4
2.1 The importance of attitude and intention 4
2.2 Blog 5
2.2.1 Definition of blog 5
2.2.2 Issue related 5
2.3 Blog marketing elements 6
2.3.1 Community identification 7
2.3.2 Interpersonal trust 9
2.3.3 Message exchange 11
2.3.4 Two-way communication 13
2.4 Brand attitude 15
2.5 Purchase intention 17
2.6 Brand knowledge 17
Chapter Three Research Methodology 21
3.1 Instrument design and measures 21
3.1.1 Instrument design 21
3.1.2 Pilot-test 21
3.1.3 Measures 24
3.2 Data collection and sample 25
3.2.1 Procedures 25
3.2.2 Sample characteristics 26
3.3 Analysis method 26
3.3.1 Descriptive statistics 26
3.3.2 Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) 26
3.3.3 Reliability test (α) 26
3.3.4 Correlation analysis 27
3.3.5 Structural equation model (SEM) 27
Chapter Four Data Analysis and Result Discussion 28
4.1 Descriptive statistics (Characteristics of samples) 28
4.2 Exploratory factor analysis and reliability (α) 30
4.3 Construct validity test 33
4.4 Mean, SD, Correlation analysis, and Average Variance Extracted 33
4.5 Structural Equation Model (SEM) 35
4.5.1 The structural model 35
4.5.2 Hypothesis testing 37
4.6 Moderating effect testing 38
4.7 Summary of the hypotheses tests 41
Chapter Five Conclusion and Discussion 43
5.1 Discussion 43
5.1.1 The effects of the blog marketing elements working on brand attitude 43
5.1.2 The effects of brand attitude on purchase intention 44
5.1.3 The moderating effects on the relationship between blog marketing elements and brand attitude and the relationship between brand attitude and purchase intention 45
5.2 Managerial implications 46
5.3 Limitations 46
5.4 Future research 47
Reference 49
Appendix one-questionnaire 61
Appendix Two-questionnaire (Chinese version) 65
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