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研究生(外文):Wei-Chen Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Preparation of Triblock Copolymer (EO-PO-EO) Langmuir-Blodgett Film and Its use to Prepare Porous Silica Films
外文關鍵詞:Langmuir-Blodgett FilmTriblock Copolymer
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本研究探討以PEO-PPO-PEO(F127)三段共聚物界面活性劑的Langmuir-Blodgett(LB) film製備,實驗中以不同濃度界面活性劑溶液滴入水面形成Langmuir film,利用π-A(表面壓力vs每分子佔有面積)等溫線觀察分子在氣液界面上的相轉變,以蓋玻片為基材,分別於表面膜的膨脹液相區、凝縮液相區與固相區沈積製備F127 LB膜,並以AFM觀察觀察界面活性劑LB膜的形貌。在低F127添加量時,不同相態沈積所得的LB膜,具有不同的形貌,表示分子於不同相態時分子排列相異,於凝縮液相區沈積的LB膜,可發現規則排列之分子形貌。在高F127添加量時,不同相態沈積LB膜之形貌差異並不大,且分子排列皆有規則性。
將具有分子排列規則性之F127 LB膜,作為模版合成製備具有孔洞規則性之矽氧薄膜SBA-16,分為兩種合成方式(1)吊掛合成法(2)滴入合成法進行,利用SEM觀察產物形貌,以及小角度XRD分析產物是否為SBA-16,其中吊掛合成法的產物經角度XRD分析為SBA-16,但SEM觀察所得形貌為顆粒物並非所預期的片狀物,而滴入合成法的產物形貌雖為片狀物,但由EDS分析結果Si:O並不為1:2,故此兩合成方法皆無法合成SBA-16薄膜。
This study examines the preparation of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film from ethylene oxide - propylene oxide - ethylene oxide triblock copolymer (PEO-PPO-PEO, F127) surfactant over water subphase. The goal is to have a film consisting of well-aligned F127 micelles and thereafter using the film as a template to prepare SBA-16 film. F127 solution in toluene was dropped onto water surface and the π-A isotherm of thus-obtained Langmuir film was examined in a film balance. The F127 LB film was prepared by transferring Langmuir film onto glass substrate at a surface pressure near the liquid-condensed state. Using 0.1 % (wt) F127 solution, the prepared LB film shows ordered structure under AFM and each lump (likely micelle) has a diameter around (1∼2)μm. Using 1 % F127 solution, the prepared LB films remain order with micelles of (25∼60) nm. However, open space can be found between domains of order micelles when 10 % solution is used.
The prepared LB films are used as templates to synthesize SBA-16 film from HCl – TEOS (Tetra Ethyl Ortho Silicate) solution. Two methods were examined, i.e., (1) suspending LB film inside the HCl-TEOS solution and (2) dropping HCl and TEOS over the LB film. White oxides were visible after these preparation and the product morphology was examined by SEM and small angle XRD. Mesoporous SBA-16 is observed by small angle XRD but SEM indicates that neither method achieved SBA-16 film with order pore structure
第一章 緒論
1.1 前言
1.2 文獻回顧
1.2.1 界面活性劑性質分子結構與種類簡述
1.2.2 非離子界面活性劑介紹
1.2.3 SBA-16簡介
1.2.4 Langmuir-Blodgett 沈積膜技術
1.3 研究目的與方法
第二章 實驗方法
2.1 實驗設備、藥品說明
2.1.1 實驗設備
2.1.2 藥品
2.2 Langmuir-Blodgett(LB)製備SBA-16薄膜實驗步驟
2.2.1 藥品配製
2.2.2 基材處理
2.2.3 薄膜天平的清洗
2.3製備Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) SBA-16薄膜流程
2.3.1 界面活性劑π-A曲線圖
2.3.2 界面活性劑Langmuir-Blodgett 薄膜沈積
2.3.3 SBA-16薄膜製備與鍛燒處理
2.4 LB膜與SBA-16薄膜之鑑定分析
2.4.1 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡分析(SEM)
2.4.2 原子力顯微鏡(AFM)
2.4.3 小角度X光散射儀(Small Angle X-Ray Scattering System)
第三章 結果與討論
3.1 界面活性劑LB膜製作
3.1.1 界面活性劑溶液表面膜(Langmuir film)
3.3 定比例滴入法合成SBA-16
第四章 結論
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