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研究生(外文):Chia-Luan Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Performance of Real Estate Mutual Fund: A Role of Fund Flows
外文關鍵詞:Real Estate Mutual FundFund FlowFund ReturnVAR Model
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This study examines two issues of real estate mutual funds. First, we analyze the performance of real estate mutual funds. Second, we investigate the relation between fund flows and fund returns. We find that the real estate mutual funds have positive and significant abnormal returns from 1982 to 2006. This result is not consistent with those of previous empirical studies. On the other hand, we find that previous return affects current fund flow after controlling factor risk. We also find that, for small-size funds, current fund flow is influenced by previous return. These results support that the investors of real estate mutual fund demonstrate return-chasing behavior, but this behavior is driven by factor risk and fund size.
I.Introduction 1
II.Literature Review 4
A.The Related Literatures about Performance of Mutual Fund 4
B.The Related Literatures about Fund Flows and Fund Return 5
III.Data and Methodology 7
A.Data 7
B.Methodology 10
B.1The Measurement of Performance 10
1.One Factor Model 10
2.Fama- French Three Factor Model 11
B.2The Measurement of Fund Flows and Performance 12
1.Related Tests and Method about VAR Model 12
1.1Unit Root Test 13
1.2Return Volatility 13
2.VAR Model 13
IV.Empirical Results 15
A.Performance of Real Estate Mutual Fund 15
B.The Relation between Fund Flow and Fund Return 17
B.1Monthly Raw Return and Fund Flows 17
B.2Monthly Adjusted Return and Fund Flows 18
B.3Monthly Return and Fund Flows Under Different Size Level 19
V.Conclusions 21
Table 1 The Definition of Various Benchmark Models 25
Table 2 Sample Descriptive Statistics 26
Table 3 The Performance of Real Estate Mutual Fund 28
Table 4 The Performance of Real Estate Mutual Fund in Various Subperiods 29
Table 5 The Regression Results of Raw Return using VAR Model 31
Table 6 The Regression Results of Adjusted Return using VAR Model 33
Table 7 The Regression Results of VAR Model with Various Size 35
Table 8 The Regression Results of VAR Model with Various Size and Residuals 37
Figure 1 The number of Real Estate Mutual Funds over the Sample Period (1982-2006) 24
Figure 2 The Trend of Fund Return and Aggregate Fund Flow
over the Sample Period 30
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