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研究生(外文):Chao-Kang Chiang
論文名稱(外文):A novel spot detection for 2-D gel images
指導教授(外文):Shu-Yuan Chen
外文關鍵詞:Gel imagespot detectionslice treeconfidence evaluationvolcanic spot
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Since proteins are directly involved in the biochemical processes of cells and will have differential expression between control and experimental cells, a better understanding of disease or biological characteristic may be archived by identifying the differential expression of proteins between control and experimental samples. Two-dimensional gel images are the best method to analyze complex protein mixtures. However, it is still challenges in the spot detection for 2-D gel images.
A new spot detection 2-D gel images for resolving volcanic spot problem is proposed in this thesis. The proposed method takes slices of a gel image in the gray level direction and builds them into a slice tree, which in turn is used to detect spot and volcanic spot. More specifically, the volcanic spots are detected using the techniques of k-means algorithm, region labeling and morphological operations. After proper handling of the volcanic spots, the accuracy of spot detection can be improved, which in turn to facilitate the consequent spot matching.
Various experiments have been conducted to prove the feasibility and practicality of the proposed method.
摘要 II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 序論 1
第二章 背景說明 2
2.1 二維凝膠電泳圖 2
2.2 等電點分離 5
2.3 分子量分離 6
2.4 染色 6
2.5 點偵測 7
2.6 蛋白質的分類 7
2.7 常見問題 8
第三章 相關研究方法 10
3.1 分水嶺法 10
3.2 改良後的分水嶺法 11
3.3 分水嶺法轉換 12
3.4 分水嶺法轉換的缺點 15
第四章 所提方法 17
4.1 剖面樹狀結構 (SLICE TREE) 17
4.2 信任值 18
4.3 使用剖面樹狀結構的缺點 20
4.4 改良 21
4.4.1. 偵測出點的範圍 23
4.4.2. 偵測空洞部分的像素 23
4.4.3. 像素篩選 28
4.4.4. 去除雜訊 31
4.4.5. 變更像素的灰階值 33
第五章 實驗結果與討論 35
5.1 實驗環境與設備 35
5.2 實驗結果 36
5.2.1 執行結果 36
5.2.2 成效分析 40
5.3 討論 43
5.4 辨識錯誤的空洞部份 43
第六章 結論與未來研究 45
6.1 結論 45
6.2 未來研究 45
參 考 文 獻 47
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