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研究生(外文):Ko-Chen Chang
論文名稱(外文):Design of an Agent-based Mechanism to Counter MAC Address Spoofing Threats in Wireless Networks
中文關鍵詞:存取控制MAC 位址欺騙威脅代理人機制無線網路
外文關鍵詞:Access ControlMAC Address Spoofing ThreatsAgent-based MechanisumWireless Networks
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Wireless networks provide convenient Internet services. Unfortunately, malicious users can illegally access the network using MAC address spoofing. They may also initiate othter network attacks to violate the rights of legal users. Although many approaches exist to counter MAC address spoofing threats in current access control protocols, their deployment costs are very high. In this thesis, we propose an agent-based mechanism to counter MAC address spoofing threats. Because malicious users cannot get the agent, the illegal transmitted packets will be treated as invalid packets and filtered out. We have implemented this mechanism on Linux and Windows in JAVA. We also show that the mechanism can counter MAC address spoofing threats.
1 導論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 設計概念及特點 2
1.4 論文章節概述 3
2 相關研究 4
2.1 WEP 4
2.1.1 認證方式 4
2.1.2 WEP所存在的問題 4
2.2 IEEE 802.11i 及IEEE 802.1x 標準 5
2.2.1 存取控制方式 5
2.2.2 IEEE 802.11i 的問題 7
2.3 Stanford Protocol 7
2.3.1 Secure Internet Access Protocol 8
2.3.2 Secure Link Access Protocol 8
2.3.3 Stanford Protocol 的討論 9
2.4 Lancaster Protocol 9
2.4.1 認證方式 9
2.4.2 Lancaster Protocol 的討論 10
2.5 Radio Frequency Fingerprinting 10
2.5.1 頻率指紋特性 10
2.5.2 RFF之討論 11
2.6 本章總結 11
3 代理人存取控制機制 14
3.1 運作流程 14
3.2 代理人機制及管理方式 15
3.2.1 加密模式 16
3.2.2 代理人的管理方式 19
3.3 安全威脅分析 19
3.3.1 MAC位址欺騙 19
3.3.2 竊聽防護 20
3.3.3 DoS攻擊 20
3.3.4 綁架攻擊 21
3.4 本章總結 21
4 實驗結果 22
4.1 實驗環境介紹 22
4.2 實驗內容 22
4.2.1 封包傳輸實驗 23
4.2.2 檔案傳輸實驗 25
4.3 本章總結 26
5 結論 27
參考文獻 29
自傳 31
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