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研究生(外文):Cheng-Min Tu
論文名稱(外文):Vehicle Orientation Detection Using Vehicle Color and Normalized Cut Clustering
指導教授(外文):Yung-Sheng Chen
外文關鍵詞:vehicle orientation detectionvehicle coloNcutvehicle retrieval
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近年來在影像處理中,車輛檢索、交通監控系統以及智慧型導航系統一直為熱烈探討的話題。車輛方向偵測是一項不可或缺的關鍵技術,因為在這些系統中,我們常常要進行車輛比對,然而在不同角度上欲辨識兩輛車是否相同為非常困難的,且不易達到理想的比對結果。因此本篇論文將提出一個高穩定性及高準確度的方法去偵測靜態影像中車輛的方向定位。 本系統將車子細分為八個方向,首先我們利用一個金屬色的模組偵測在影像中可能為金屬的區域,此模組不管在複雜背景或是不同光線下都有相當穩定的結果。接著將金屬色分布、主軸方向以及邊緣特徵建立成一個特徵描述器。最後我們使用Ncut分類器作車子方向的分類。由實驗結果得知,我們所提出來的方法即使在黑夜、雨天或是室內停車場都有相當優異的表現。
This paper proposes a novel approach for vehicle orientation detection using “vehicle color” and edge information based on clustering framework. To extract the “vehicle color”, this thesis proposes a novel color transform model which is global and does not need to be re-estimated for any new vehicles or new images. This model is invariant to various situations like contrast changes, background and lighting. Compared with traditional methods which use motion feature to determine vehicle orientations, this thesis uses only one still image to achieve this task. After feature extraction, the normalized cut spectral clustering (N-cut) is used for vehicle orientation clustering. The N-cut criterion tries to minimize the ratio of the total dissimilarity between groups to the total similarity within the groups. Then, the vehicle orientation can be detected using the eigenvectors derived from the N-cut result. Experimental results reveal the superior performances in vehicle orientation estimation.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 System Overview 4
Chapter 3 Vehicle Description 6
3.1 Vehicle Color Descriptor 6
3.1.1 Connected Components Labeling 9
3.1.2 Vehicle Color Distribution 10
3.1.3 Vehicle Color Orientation 13
3.2 Vehicle Edge Descriptor 14
3.3 Integration and Similarity Measurement 15
Chapter 4 Spectral Clustering 16
4.1 Normalized Cut Clustering 17
Chapter 5 License Plate Extraction 19
Chapter 6 Experimental Results 24
6.1 Condition 1: Background 25
6.2 Condition 2: Weather 27
6.3 Condition 3: Lighting 31
6.4 Condition 4: Contrast 34
6.5 Condition 5: Occlusion 37
6.6 Condition 6: Complex foreground 40
Chapter 7 Conclusions 43
References 44
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