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研究生(外文):Shao-Wen Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Member''s Justice Consciousness in Vertical and Horizontal Collateral Punishment-Probe into the Role of Collective Responsibility inInterference Results
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Hsin Lo
外文關鍵詞:collateral punishmentjustice consciousnesscollective responsibility
  • 被引用被引用:4
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The member''s discipline management style is often that carrot and stick are used alternatively. Administrators through proper reward and punishment operations make members get to know which behaviors are not allowed, and vice versa. Then, type moulds of the member''s behavior. However, the same management style produces different results because of different cultures. In collectivism culture among the higher eastern Chinese society, personal status in the social network is often defined as “ ego” because of other people’s anticipation. Comparatively, individualism among the higher western society often puts on having prior consideration. Hence, individual in the eastern cultural society is often expected to the specific change in order to adapt to the society; the western cultural society inclines to change the social structure to cooperate with individuals.
The administrator punishes interested parties for their improper act to strengthen the team spirit and disciplinary maintenance of an organization, also gives other relevant parties various kinds of punishment responsibility in various degree to reach mutual supervising management result. The basic assumption about collateral punishment is: the party of the improper act to the organization, their relatives and friends even neighbors with social networking through petticoat influence ,etc. belongs to '' have the same and cognitive social structural members '' because these people''s attitude and intention are similar to litigant. The administrator regards these privies as having common responsibility in order to avoid the recurring of improper act, and gives punishment in the lump to ensure that they can supervise behaviors among them. The administrator also will take collateral punishment as the intimidation function which other onlookers have '' execute one as a warning to hundred '' if the improper act which violates the organization norm happens.
This research advances different conceptual definitions of vertical and horizontal collateral punishment, and probes into different levels of members whose relation between justice consciousnesses of the collateral punishment and policymaker''s trust in army. Also, explores the role of collateral punishment and collective responsibility to the connection of interference results between the type and incident of collateral punishment, justice consciousness and policymaker''s trust separately. Constructing a relevant module of collateral punishment through reinforcement theory, organizational justice consciousness theory and cultural characteristics of collective responsibility.
書名頁 i
論文口試委員審定書 ii
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vii
目錄 viii
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討與研究假說 5
第一節 連坐處罰的意義與功能 5
第二節 組織正義理論 7
第三節 犯錯者與被連坐者對連坐事件的正義知覺及決策者信任度 9
第四節 集體責任文化對連坐事件正義知覺的影響 13
第五節 研究架構 15
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 實驗設計 17
第二節 變項操弄與衡量 17
第三節 研究對象與資料蒐集過程 20
第四節 資料分析方法 21
第四章 資料分析結果 23
第一節 衡量效度、信度與敍述統計 23
第二節 連坐事件正義知覺的影響因素 25
第三節 連坐事件決策者信任度的影響因素 28
第四節 質化資料分析結果 31
第五章 討論與建議 34
第一節 假說驗證結果 34
第二節 綜合討論 35
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 38
參考文獻 39
附錄一:甲問卷(犯錯者) 45
附錄二:乙問卷(被連坐者) 48
附錄三:連坐處罰的優點分類編碼 51
附錄四:連坐處罰的缺點分類編碼 61
表 1:組織正義知覺理論分類表 8
表 2:有效樣本基本資料統計結果 21
表 3:集體責任、連坐事件正義知覺與決策者信任度之因素分析結果 24
表 4:平均數、標準差、相關係數與量表內部一致性 25
表 5:連坐事件正義知覺之變異數分析結果 25
表 6:集體責任與連坐類型對正義知覺的影響列聯表 27
表 7:連坐事件決策者信任度之變異數分析結果 28
表 8:集體責任與連坐事件對決策者信任度的影響列聯表 30
表 9:連坐處罰的優點統計表 32
表 10:連坐處罰的缺點統計表 32
圖 1:研究架構圖 16
圖 2:連坐類型與集體責任對事件正義知覺的交互作用圖 27
圖 3:連坐類型與集體責任對決策者信任度的交互作用圖 30
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