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研究生(外文):Chun-Ying Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The study of cathode water management on performance stability of transparent PEMFC
外文關鍵詞:PEMFCwater managementvisible fuel celltransient phenomenon
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The study investigates the effect of cathode water flooding, gas stoichiometries and humidified temperature on PEMFC performance. In order to observe the flooding pattern, the transparent experiment model is used in this study.
It is found that the parallels and interdigitated flow channels are easily flooding. In order to remove the flooding, the path of flow channel should be fitted the streamline. The results indicated that the cathode channel is easily flooding at high cell voltage (above 0.7V), low cathode stoichiometry or low fuel cell temperature. The performance will reach the best when the output voltage is between 0.45~0.55V, cell temperature 50℃, gases humidified temperature 70℃ and cathode stoichiometry is at 6. The performance and the cathode stoichiometry have positive relation till the stoichiometry is at 6 under the cell temperature is fixed at 50℃, low output voltage between (0.4~0.6V) and gases have external humidity; The relation has an inverse trend when the cathode gas is replaced by dry oxygen.
It is found that the ramification flow field has a better ability of keeping water in the flow channel. The water flooding is appeared more easily in this flow field due to this feature under high gas inlet RH. It is also found that the upstream began has flooding when the pressure is small. But it will result in the pressure increasing. The flooding will be removed when the pressure is large enough and the pressure will decrease. The flooding will began again.
The output voltage appears undershoot in current density step increase. The reason is that the gases are insufficient to supply the reaction in the fuel cell.
Name of Thesis i
Abstract in Chinese iv
Abstract in English v
Content vii
List of Figures ix
Nomenclature xiv

Chapter 1. Introduction 1

Chapter 2. Experimental 16
2.1. Fabricating a simulating experimental model of PEMFC 16

2.2. Fabricating a transparent PEMFC 19

2.3. Ramification field 21

2.4. Fabricating 5cm2 fuel cell for transient study 22

Chapter 3. Results and discussion 24
3.1. Flooding pattern in various flow field 24

3.2. The study of performance at different oxygen stoichiometries in fuel cell 29
3.2.1. Cell voltage performance 29
3.2.2. A constant electronic load of 0.3A/cm2, cell 50℃, electrochemical reaction region 30
3.2.3. A constant electronic load of 0.5A/cm2, cell 50℃, ohmic reaction region 32
3.2.4. A constant electronic load of 0.7A/cm2, cell 50℃, mass transport region 34
3.2.5. Voltage vs. oxygen stoichiometry chart 36
3.2.6. Different temperatures study 38

3.3. The study of the effect on concentration and humidification 40
3.3.1. A constant electronic load of 0.7A/cm2 at different humidified oxygen stoichiometries 40
3.3.2. A constant electronic load of 0.3A/cm2 was applied to the cell and at different humidified air stoichiometries 43
3.3.3. A constant electronic load of 0.3A/cm2 was applied to the cell and at different non-humidified oxygen stoichiometries 46
3.3.4. Fluctuation of voltage on the effect of concentration and humidification at different cathode gas stoichiometries 48

3.4. The study of the effect on concentration and humidification 49
3.4.1. A constant electronic load of 0.7A/cm2 at different humidified oxygen stoichiometries 49
3.4.2. A constant electronic load of 0.3A/cm2 was applied to the cell and at different humidified air stoichiometries 51
3.4.3. A constant electronic load of 0.3A/cm2 was applied to the cell and at different non-humidified oxygen stoichiometries 52
3.4.4. Fluctuation of voltage on the effect of concentration and humidification at different cathode gas stoichiometries 54

3.5. Study of transient in PEMFC with current density step increase 56

Chapter 4. Conclusions 63

References 65
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