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研究生(外文):Chun-Hsien Yu
論文名稱(外文):Design of an Active Control System for Suppressing the Low-frequency Noise of the Blower
指導教授(外文):Yeong-Shu Chen
外文關鍵詞:Active Noise ControlAdaptive FilterBlower NoiseLow-frequency Noise
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  The noise around our living environment is always a troublesome problem for our daily life. The traditional methods in reducing noise are mostly using the sound-absorbing materials to block the transmission of noise. These methods are good for the high-frequency noise and are less effective for the low-frequency noise. It is then set as the target of this study to suppress the noise with frequencies lower than 500Hz. The concept of active control is adopted to generate a set of noise-suppressing sound source which has the same amplitude but opposite phase to that of the low-frequency noise.

  The study applies two kinds of adaptive algorithm of the LMS and the FxLMS to design the controller in restraining the typical low-frequency noise from the blower of the transformer station of the electricity supply system. Before the physical testing of the system, the MATLAB software is used to simulate the feasibility of the adaptive controller with the simulated results as the basis for the design of the controller. Besides, a commercial digital signal processor is adopted as the core of the signal controller. It is anticipated that its calculating speed will be fast enough to avoid the performance degrading of the noise control system from using the general personal computer of which with much slower processing speed. For the control software design, both the control program and the data acquisition program are written in CCS software and the external signals measured with microphones are then processed with the controller. Generally, the study processes can be divided into three stages: the first stage is to find out the best locations and input directions of the anti-noise source; the second stage is to compare the noise elimination capability of the single-channel controller with that of the multi-channel controller; the third stage is to use different algorithm for the design of the control system and to use the field test noise of the blower to check the performance of the controller.

  The results show that with different installation locations of the anti-noise source, it can reduce more than 4dB for the single-frequency noise. A step further by changing the system into a multi-channel control system, it can reduce about 7dB averagely for the signal frequency noise. Furthermore, the multi-channel active noise control system can also reduce more than 4dB for the broadband noise. It indicates that the multi-channel control system is more effective then the single-channel control system. When applying the FxLMS algorithm for the design the controller and taking the field test noise of the blower as input to the control system, it is found that about 10dB of the noise is suppressed. Through all these test results, it is believed that the designed active control system is effective for the suppression of low-frequency noise.
一、 緒論.................................................................................................1
1.1 簡介.................................................................................................1
1.2 研究目的與方法.............................................................................4
1.3 文獻回顧.........................................................................................6
1.4 論文架構.........................................................................................7
二、 噪音工程.........................................................................................9
2.1 聲學簡介.........................................................................................9
2.1.1 聲波.........................................................................................9
2.1.2 聲速.......................................................................................10
2.1.3 聲壓位準與聲功率位準.......................................................11
2.1.4 管路截止頻率.......................................................................12
2.1.5 消音性能評估.......................................................................12
2.2 被動式噪音控制簡介...................................................................14
2.3 主動式噪音控制簡介...................................................................16
2.4 噪音的定義與主動控制相關問題...............................................18
2.4.1 噪音的定義...........................................................................18
2.4.2 主動控制相關問題...............................................................18
2.5 環境噪音量測與法規...................................................................20
三、 控制理論與控制器設計...............................................................22
3.1 簡介...............................................................................................22
3.2 控制演算法...................................................................................24
3.2.1 適應性濾波器原理...............................................................24
3.2.2 LMS演算法..........................................................................27
3.2.3 第二路徑系統鑑別...............................................................28
3.2.4 FxLMS演算法......................................................................29
3.2.5 多通道(Multi-channel)之FxLMS演算法............................32
3.3 ANC控制系統分析與設計..........................................................35
3.3.1 前饋控制架構.......................................................................35
3.3.2 回饋控制架構.......................................................................36
3.3.3 混合控制架構.......................................................................37
四、 實驗架設.......................................................................................39
4.1 設備簡介.......................................................................................39
4.1.1 一維管的建構試驗...............................................................40
4.1.2 麥克風...................................................................................42
4.1.3 前置放大器(Preamplifier)....................................................43
4.1.4 訊號處理放大器...................................................................43
4.1.5 揚聲器...................................................................................44
4.1.6 功率放大器...........................................................................44
4.1.7 數位訊號處理器(DSP).........................................................45
4.1.8 頻譜分析儀...........................................................................46
4.2 實驗流程.......................................................................................47
五、 系統模擬.......................................................................................50
5.1 不同參數之消音性能比較...........................................................50
5.2 不同演算法之消音性能比較.......................................................57
5.3 不同噪音源之消音性能比較.......................................................60
六、 系統實體測試...............................................................................64
6.1 控制系統.......................................................................................64
6.2 反噪音源於不同入射方向下之消音性能比較...........................64
6.3 單通道與多通道控制系統之消音性能比較...............................72
6.4 不同演算法之消音性能比較.......................................................77
七、 結論與未來研究...........................................................................82
7.1 結論...............................................................................................82
7.2 未來研究.......................................................................................84


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