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研究生(外文):Stanley Liu
論文名稱(外文):Influences of silscon capping layers on the magnetic properties of ultrathin Co/Ir(111) films
外文關鍵詞:surface magneto-optic Kerr effectAuger electron spectroscopysputtering depth profilingsiliconlow-energy electron diffractioncobaltsilicidemagnetic phase diagram.
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In this dissertation, effects of silicon capping layers on the physical properties for ultrathin Co/Ir(111) films have been investigated using Auger electron spectroscopy, sputtering depth profiling, low-energy electron diffraction, and surface magneto-optic Kerr effect (SMOKE) techniques. As Si atoms are deposited on Co/Ir(111), the interaction of Si atoms with Co films results in the occurrence of defects which impede the moving of domain walls and the coercivity increases. As the thickness of the Si layer increases, both the reduction of ferromagnetic layers and the superparamagnetic behavior diminish the remanence Kerr intensities. A magnetic phase diagram for the Si-Co binary system on Ir(111) has been established. Structural analysis shows that the full width at half maximum of the diffraction spots increases as the Si atoms deposited on Co/Ir(111). Meanwhile the intensity of the diffraction spot decreases to zero for few-tenth monolayer of Si deposit. This shows that the silicides do not exhibit a long-range order. After annealing treatments, the kinetic energy of Si Auger signal decreases because of the formation of Co silicides. At higher temperatures, Co starts to diffuse into the iridium substrate and this effect results in the increase of the kinetic energy of Si Auger signal. From the SMOKE measurements, the films are nonferromagnetic at high temperatures.

surface magneto-optic Kerr effect, Auger electron spectroscopy, sputtering depth profiling, low-energy electron diffraction, silicon, silicide, cobalt, magnetic phase diagram.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 基本原理 4
2-1 磁性物質 4
2-1-1 磁性物質的種類 4
2-1-2 鐵磁性物質的特性 6
2-1-3 超順磁效應 8
2-2 磁異向性理論 9
2-3 薄膜成長理論 14
2.3.1電負度 18
2.3.2電子親和力 20
第三章 儀器設備與工作原理 22
3-1 超高真空系統(ultra high vacuum) 22
3-1-1 真空的定義 22
3-1-2 超高真空系統裝置 24
3-1-3 達到超高真空的步驟 37
3-2 歐傑電子能譜 41
3-2-2 歐傑電子產生機制 42
3-2-2 歐傑電子能譜儀裝置 45
3-3 表面磁光柯爾效應 46
3-3-1 磁光柯爾效應理論 46
3-3-2 磁光柯爾效應儀器裝置 50
3-3-3 磁光柯爾效應儀器架設 53

3-3-4 磁光柯爾效應儀器的操作流程 56
3-4 低能量電子繞射儀(Low Energy Electron Diffractomerer) 57
3-4-1反商晶格與電子繞射 58
3-4-2 LEED的工作方式 61
3-4-3 LEED所傳達的表面訊息 63
3-4-4 低能量電子繞射儀的種類 65
3-4-4-1 前視低能量電子繞射儀(front-view LEED) 65
3-4-4-2 後視低能量電子繞射儀(rear-view LEED) 66
3-4-5 本實驗樣品乾淨的Ir(111) LEED圖形 66
第四章 實驗結果與討論 68
4-1 Ir(111)的Si薄膜成長與Si/Co/Ir(111)薄膜的形成 69
4-1-1 Si薄膜成長分析 69
4-1-2 矽在銥(111)上的吸附行為 70

4-2 3 ML Si /3 MLCo/Ir(111)的分析 90
4-2-1 X ML Si/3 ML Co/Ir(111)的表面分析 90
4-2-2 X ML Si/3 ML Co/Ir(111)的磁性分析 93
4-2-3 3 ML Si/3 ML Co/Ir(111)的熱退火效應 95
4-3 3 ML Si /4 MLCo/Ir(111)的分析 90
4-3-1 X ML Si/4 ML Co/Ir(111)的表面分析 90
4-3-2 X ML Si/4 ML Co/Ir(111)的磁性分析 93
4-3-3 3 ML Si/4 ML Co/Ir(111)的熱退火效應 95
4-4 3 ML Si /5 MLCo/Ir(111)的分析 101
4-4-1 X ML Si/5 ML Co/Ir(111)的表面分析 100
4-4-2 X ML Si/5 ML Co/Ir(111)的磁性分析 104
4-4-3 3 ML Si/5 ML Co/Ir(111)的熱退火效應 107
4-5 3 ML Si /2 MLCo/Ir(111)的分析 112
4-5-1 X ML Si/2 ML Co/Ir(111)的表面分析 112
4-5-2 X ML Si/2 ML Co/Ir(111)的磁性分析 115
4-5-3 3 ML Si/2 ML Co/Ir(111)的熱退火效應 117

4-6 综合討論 123
4-7 3 ML Si /4 MLCo/Ir(111)的深度分析 134
4-8 3 ML Si /4 ML Co/Ir(111)成長與退火後之表面結構的探討
第五章 結論 166

後記 168
參考文獻 169
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