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研究生(外文):Wei-Tzeng Yu
論文名稱(外文):Ultrafast Magnetic Switching by a Circularly Polarized 800-nm pump pulse
指導教授(外文):Jin-yuan. Lin
外文關鍵詞:Magnetization switchingTime-resolved pump-probe experiment
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主宰超快磁光材料寫入的機制在於反法拉第效應(Inverse Faraday Effect)的應用,利用圓偏極化超短脈衝雷射作用在磁光材料上,可對磁光材料進行資料寫入的動作。然而,反法拉第效應於瞬間的作用仍未被完整的了解,本論文即著重在藉由磁光效應的探測,並且以飛秒(femto-second)時間尺度解析其作用的瞬間過程,試圖了解超快磁化反轉瞬間過程物理知識。
Ultrafast magnetization switching is now promoting for a whole new magnetic recording mathod. The application of inverse Faraday effect leads the magnetic recording technique to a great advance. We can control the magnetization of the magneto-optical material by using a circularly polarized femto-second pulse laser. Including the reading process, the processes of recording are all-optical. It’s amazing to everyone.
My experimental purpose is to resolve the transient transitional process of the magnetization switching, so I use pump-probe time-resolved experiment to explore the not-well-known process. I use femto-second pulsed laser as my probing and pumping light source. The pulse durations of both beam lines are about 40 fs.
In this thesis, I review the history of magneto-optical material’s application and introduce the laser system I use to experiment in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, I introduce the characteristic of magneto-optical material, show the concept of magnetization switching process, and describe the achievements of other groups in resolving the transient process of the ultrafast magnetization switching. In Chapter 3, I explain my experimental setup and my diagnostic systems in detail. In Chapter 4, I show my experimental results and give a general explanation of my data. In Chapter 5, the conclusion and the possibly future work are introduced.

1. 序論 1
1.1 發展超快磁性記錄材料的優勢 1
1.2 磁光記錄材料的發展歷史 3
1.3 一兆瓦雷射驅動光源 4
2. 超快磁化反轉概述 8
2.1 磁光材料的特性 8
2.2 超快磁化方向的反轉 10
2.3 超快磁化反轉瞬間作用解析 14
3. 實驗架設與診斷系統 17
3.1 磁光材料的選擇與特性 17
3.2 診斷系統 - 磁光效應 20
3.3 主要實驗架設 23
3.4 主要實驗參數設計 27
4. 實驗結果與分析 29
4.1 時間解析實驗結果 29
5. 結論與展望 34
參考文獻 35
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