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研究生(外文):Chi-Yu Lee
論文名稱(外文):Image Segmentation Using Particle Swarm Optimization and a Hybrid Evaluation Function
指導教授(外文):Jin-Jang Leou
外文關鍵詞:particle swarm optimizationevaluation functionhybridimage segmentation
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Image segmentation can be treated as a process of dividing an image into some constituent regions and each region is homogeneous. However, no standard can be used to define the level of division of image segmentation, i.e., image segmentation is an ill-posed problem in image processing.
In this study, image segmentation using particle swarm optimization (PSO) and a hybrid evaluation function is proposed, in which a visual attention model is employed. The proposed image segmentation approach contains four stages, i.e., color quantization, feature extraction, small region elimination, and region merging using a modified PSO algorithm. Color and texture are used as low-level image features, whereas several properties of the human visual system are used as high-level image semantics. Based on the experimental results obtained in this study, as compared with two comparison methods, the proposed approach will provide the better image segmentation results.
摘 要 i
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Survey of Related Researches 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 5
2.1 Introduction to Image Segmentation Methods 6
2.2 Feature Clustering Using Particle Swarm Optimization 6
2.3 Mean Shift Algorithm 9
2.4 Visual Features in Image Segmentation 12
3.1 Overview of the Proposed Approach 14
3.2 Color Quantization and Feature Extraction 15
3.2.1 Color quantization 15
3.2.2 Feature Extraction 16
3.3 Image Segmentation Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization 22
5.1 Discussions 71
5.2 Conclusions 72

Fig. 2.1 The original PSO algorithm 8
Fig. 2.2 The mean shift algorithm 11
Fig. 2.3 Visualization of mean-shift based filtering and segmentation for an image [8]: (a) input image, (b) mean shift paths for pixels, (c) results after smoothing filtering, (d) segmentation results 12
Fig. 3.1 The proposed image segmentation approach 15
Fig. 3.2 (a) An input image and (b) the corresponding class-map of the quantized image with 13 color vectors 17
Fig. 3.3 Local binary pattern of an illustrated texture unit [54] 19
Fig. 3.4 The texture spectrum of the input image shown in Fig. 3.2(a) 19
Fig. 3.5 General architecture of the visual attention model [10]. 20
Fig. 3.6 The saliency map of Fig. 3.2(a) 22
Fig. 3.7 The salient regions of the quantized image in Fig. 3.2(b) 22
Fig. 3.8 The small region elimination procedure 23
Fig. 3.9 (a) The class-map of the quantized image after small region elimination; (b) coarse crude segmentation of the input image in Fig. 3.2(a) 24
Fig. 3.10 Fine segmentation using the modified PSO algorithm 26
Fig. 3.11 The segmentation results of the proposed approach 27
Fig. 4.1 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 30
Fig. 4.2 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.7782; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.7979; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.8121 31
Fig. 4.3 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 32
Fig. 4.4 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.7068; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.8735; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.8863 33
Fig. 4.5 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 34
Fig. 4.6 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.9034; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.9168; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.9147 35
Fig. 4.7 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 36
Fig. 4.8 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.8611; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.8835; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.9164 37
Fig. 4.9 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 38
Fig. 4.10 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.8204; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.9729; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.9812 39
Fig. 4.11 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 40
Fig. 4.12 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.6909; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.6915; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.8547 41
Fig. 4.13 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 42
Fig. 4.14 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.6647; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.7489; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.8322 43
Fig. 4.15 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 44
Fig. 4.16 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.7554; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.8793; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.8564 45
Fig. 4.17 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 46
Fig. 4.18 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.7140; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.8205; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.8829 47
Fig. 4.19 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 48
Fig. 4.20 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.5754; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.6260; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.6936 49
Fig. 4.21 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 50
Fig. 4.22 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.8870; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.9281; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.9403 51
Fig. 4.23 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 52
Fig. 4.24 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.6394; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.7985; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.9322 53
Fig. 4.25 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 54
Fig. 4.26 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.5437; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.7654; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.8215 55
Fig. 4.27 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 56
Fig. 4.28 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.6309; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.7029; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.9937 57
Fig. 4.29 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 58
Fig. 4.30 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.4745; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.5747; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.8886 59
Fig. 4.31 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 60
Fig. 4.32 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.7678; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.9265; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.9361 61
Fig. 4.33 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 62
Fig. 4.34 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.3217; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.8422; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.8663 63
Fig. 4.35 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 64
Fig. 4.36 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.7640; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.9589; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.9657 65
Fig. 4.37 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 66
Fig. 4.38 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.7413; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.5120; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.7774 67
Fig. 4.39 (a) The original color image; (b)-(f) the corresponding five ground truth hand segmentations [37] 68
Fig. 4.40 (a)-(b) Image segmentation by DCPSO with PRI = 0.8004; (c)-(d) image segmentation by the mean shift approach with PRI = 0.7498; (e)-(f) image segmentation by the proposed approach with PRI = 0.9331 69

Table 4.1 PRI statistics of DCPSO, the mean shift approach, and the proposed approach (Proposed) for 20 test images 70
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