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研究生(外文):Wei-Ming Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Grid-based Load-balancing Scheme for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks
指導教授(外文):Ren-Son Ko
外文關鍵詞:data gatheringgridload-balancingwireless sensor networks
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Since sensor devices have limited resource constraints, design of energy aware routing or gathering algorithm is great important issue. In order to collect environmental information from event region over a long period of time, we propose a load-balancing scheme named GL scheme based on grid structure for data gathering in wireless sensor networks. In this scheme, each grid selects a sensor node as grid header to sense information and communicate to other grid headers. A complete data gathering process can divide into two phase, data aggregation phase and data dissemination phase. In data aggregation phase, it determinates a new source to replace old low energy source, and it collects information from other grid in event region. In data dissemination phase, it uses a method liked geographic and energy aware routing to route data. Therefore, we adopt GL scheme to distribute grid header’s responsibility. Finally, our simulation results show better performance than existing approaches.
Chapter 1 Introduction.............................1
1.1 Background......................................1
1.2 Motivation......................................2
1.3 Thesis Organization.............................3
Chapter 2 Related Work.............................5
2.1 CODE............................................5
2.2 Range Query.....................................7
2.3 EADA...........................................10
Chapter 3 Load-balancing for Data Aggregation.....14
3.1 Global Positioning System (GPS)................14
3.2 Grid Structure.................................14
3.3 Header Election................................16
3.4 GL Scheme for Data Aggregation.................16
Chapter 4 Load-balancing for Data Dissemination...21
4.1 Distances from Source to Sink..................21
4.2 Next Grid Selection............................22
4.3 GL Scheme for Data Dissemination...............22
Chapter 5 Experimental Results....................24
5.1 Lifetime.......................................25
5.2 Sensor Utility.................................26
5.3 Delay Time.....................................27
Chapter 6 Conclusion..............................29
Chapter 7 Future Work.............................30
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