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研究生(外文):Tung-Heng Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of Factors Influencing the Adoption of Internet Banking
指導教授(外文):Chechen Liao
中文關鍵詞:Internet bankingPerceived SimilarityPrivacy Concerns
外文關鍵詞:Internet bankingPerceived SimilarityPrivacy Concerns
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With rapid development of information technology, the banking industry has undergone significant operation changes over the last decade. Moreover, Internet banking has become the major channel for the customers to do banking services. Apparently, it is necessary to discuss the issue of adoption of Internet banking. Owing to few studies have examined the role of privacy concerns, trust and their antecedents in this issue, we consider that it is essential to identify the factors affect the adoption of Internet banking.
Therefore, an empirical study was undertaken and the data of 670 responses was collected. The research model and hypotheses were verified by structural equation model. In our attempt to bridge this gap, we found that perceived vulnerability, social awareness, perceived similarity, and perceived reputation were significant factors influencing the adoption of Internet banking. The research findings are depicted as follows:
1. Perceived vulnerability and social awareness have positive effects on privacy concerns.
2. Perceived reputation and perceived similarity are the key factors that would affect customers'' trust.
3. Customers'' trust in Internet banking would affect their behavioral intention.
With rapid development of information technology, the banking industry has undergone significant operation changes over the last decade. Moreover, Internet banking has become the major channel for the customers to do banking services. Apparently, it is necessary to discuss the issue of adoption of Internet banking. Owing to few studies have examined the role of privacy concerns, trust and their antecedents in this issue, we consider that it is essential to identify the factors affect the adoption of Internet banking.
Therefore, an empirical study was undertaken and the data of 670 responses was collected. The research model and hypotheses were verified by structural equation model. In our attempt to bridge this gap, we found that perceived vulnerability, social awareness, perceived similarity, and perceived reputation were significant factors influencing the adoption of Internet banking. The research findings are depicted as follows:
1. Perceived vulnerability and social awareness have positive effects on privacy concerns.
2. Perceived reputation and perceived similarity are the key factors that would affect customers'' trust.
3. Customers'' trust in Internet banking would affect their behavioral intention.
Table of Contents
List of Tables III
List of Figures III
Chapter1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Questions 2
1.3 Research Process 3
1.4 Significance of the Research 5
Chapter2. Literature Review 6
2.1 Internet Banking 6
2.1.1 Functions of Internet Banking 7
2.1.2 Previous research of Internet Banking 8
2.2 Privacy Concerns 10
2.2.1 Privacy Concerns 10
2.2.2 Social Awareness 11
2.2.3 Perceived Vulnerability 12
2.3 Trust 13
2.3.1 Trust 13
2.3.2 Perceived Reputation 15
2.3.3 Perceived Size 15
2.3.4 Perceived Similarity 16
2.4 The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) 17
Chapter3. Research Methodology 19
3.1 Research Model 19
3.2 Hypotheses 20
3.3 Variables Definition and Measurements 24
3.4 Instrument Design 25
3.5 Sampling 27
Chapter4. Data Analysis 28
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 28
4.2 Structural Equation Modeling 31
4.3 Measurement Validation 33
4.4 Hypotheses Testing 38
4.4.1 Structural Equation Model 38
Chapter5. Conclusions and Suggestions 42
5.1 Summary of Results 42
5.2 Limitations 44
5.3 Implications: Theoretical and Practical 45
5.4 Suggestions for Future Research 47
Reference 48
Appendix A. Questionnaire 53
Appendix B. Correlation Matrix of Variables 60

List of Tables
Table 2-1 Functions of Internet banking 7
Table 2-2 Prior Research Concerning Internet banking 8
Table 3-1 Variable Definitions 24
Table 3-2 Cronbach''s � of Each Construct 26
Table 4-1 Descriptive Statistics of Respondents 29
Table 4-2 Statistics of Internet banking users’ behaviors 30
Table 4-3 Fit Indexes of a Satisfactory Model 33
Table 4-4 Description Statistics of Constructs 33
Table 4-5 Correlation Matrix of Constructs 34
Table 4-6 Multicollinearity Tests with VIF 35
Table 4-7 The Model Fit Results of CFA 36
Table 4-8 The Results of Reliability and Validity with CFA 37
Table 4-9 The Results of Discriminant Validity Test 38
Table 4-10 The Model Fit Results of Structural Model Estimation 39
Table 4-11 The Results of Path Analysis 40
Table 4-12 The Results of Hypotheses Testing 41
Table 5-1 Overview of Relevant Path Coefficients for Different Services 44

List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Research Process 4
Figure 2-1 Theory of Planed Behavior 18
Figure 3-1 Research Model 20
Figure 4-1 Standardized Path Coefficient and significance Level 40
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