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研究生(外文):Po-hsuan Chou
論文名稱(外文):Online Shopping Customers Segmentation on Multiple Relations using Approximation of Variational Method
指導教授(外文):Rung-shiun Wu
外文關鍵詞:Customer Relationship ManagementLatent Dirichlet AllocationVariational ApproximateCustomer SegmentationGrade of Mixture
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In recent years, internet and electronic commerce become popular as consumers getting tendency toward online shopping. The new economic has been developed into the internet virtual space. A new economic era is born. Enterprises often set objectives on acquiring profit-maximizing in their businesses. To achieve at profit-maximizing, enterprises must enhance customer relationship management and adjust marketing strategy. It is necessary for enterprises to engage in process of customer relationship management analysis on their daily business. For online shopping market, useful information can be extracted from customer database which is beneficial from shopping website.

Our approach involves customer segmentation on customers’attributes which stored in multiple relations. By using latent Dirichlet allocation to segment customers, we can distinguish high loyal customers, potential customers, or losing customers. From customer segmentation, we explore customer value for e-company and online shopping channels. This information offers decision makers to improve their customer relationship management and adjust marketing strategy.

We employ latent Dirichlet allocation model into our approach. In LDA model, we present approximate inference techniques based on variational methods and an EM algorithm for empirical Bayes parameter estimation. Variational approximate provides an effective computing method to segment customers into segmentation.

According to customer-centric business tendency, we make suggestions for handling customers’ direction of purchase and pandering to consumer behavior or consumer needs. This allows an enterprise to achieve its objective by building up profitable relationships with customers and enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Research Process 4
Chapter 2 Related Works 5
2.1 Customer Relationship Management 5
2.1.1 Web-based CRM 6
2.1.2 A Strategic Framework for CRM 7
2.2 Data Mining 7
2.3 Online Shopping 10
2.4 RFM 11
2.4.1 Stone’s RFM Model 12
2.4.2 Arthur Hughes’ RFM Model 13
2.4.3 Customer Quintiles 13
2.4.4 Behavior Quintile Scoring 15
2.4.5 Conclusion of RFM Model 16
Chapter 3 Spectral Relational Clustering and Latent Class Representation of GoM Model 17
3.1 Graph Partitioning 17
3.1.1 Spectral Clustering Algorithm 18
3.1.2 Weighted Kernel K-means 19
3.2 Spectral Relational Clustering 20
3.2.1 K-partite Graphs for Relational Data 21
3.2.2 Model Formulation 21
3.2.3 Spectral Relational Clustering 23
3.3 Latent Class Representation of the Grade of Membership Model 24
3.3.1 Latent Class Model 25
3.3.2 Grade of Membership Model 26
Chapter 4 Latent Dirichlet Allocation 30
4.1 Dirichlet Distribution 30
4.2 Latent Dirichlet Allocation 32
4.2.1 Procedure for Inference and Parameter Estimation under LDA 33
4.2.2 Variational Inference 34
Chapter 5 Research Methodology 36
5.1 Multiple Relational Data Sets 37
5.2 Graphical Model Representation of Latent Dirichlet Allocation 38
Chapter 6 Variational Approximation 45
6.1 Graphical Model of Variational Approximation 45
6.2 Expectation-Maximization Algorithm 48
Chapter 7 Experiments Design and Experimental Results 51
7.1 The experiment 51
7.2 The experiment 53
7.2.1 Soft Clustering Approach 54
7.2.2 Characteristic of Customers in Each Segment 60
7.3 The experiment 62
7.3.1 Summary of Segments on Attributes of Demography Data 63
7.3.2 Summary of Segments on All Attributes of Demography Data 65
7.4 The experiment 66
7.5 The experiment 69
7.6 Marketing Strategy in Each Segment 70
7.7 The experiment 72
Chapter 8 Conclusions 74
References 76
Appendices 81
Appendix A 網路購物之消費行為研究過錄編碼簿 81
Appendix B.1 A Codebook of Consumer Behavior for Online Shopping 95
Appendix B.2 Multiple Relations Data Sets and Their Attributes 99
Appendix C.1 Hard Clustering (K=5) 100
Appendix C.2 Soft Clustering (K=5) 100
Appendix D Online Service Response and Internet Usage of Segments 102
Appendix E Percentage of Customers for Each Segment in Demography 103
Appendix F Correlative in Terns of Customers between Segments and Weka Clusters 105

Figure 1.1 Research Process 4
Figure 2.1 A Conceptual Framework for CRM Strategy 8
Figure 2.2 Equal Numbers of Customers in Each Group 14
Figure 2.3 The Mean Methods Yield Sensitivity at Both Top and Bottom but also Isolates Single Purchasers 15
Figure 4.1 Graphical Model of Latent Dirichlet Allocation 34
Figure 4.2 Variational Approximation Model for Latent Dirichlet Allocation 35
Figure 5.1 Research Framework 36
Figure 5.2 Multiple Relational Data Sets 37
Figure 5.3 Graphical Model Representation of Latent Dirichlet Allocation 39
Figure 6.1 Graphical Model Representation of Variational Approximation 47
Figure 7.1 Expectation Values in Each Iteration for Hard Clustering with K=5 52
Figure 7.2 Expectation Values in Each Iteration for Soft Clustering with K=5 53
Figure 7.3 Customer Distribution in Each Segment 57
Figure 7.4 Customer Counts of Buying Frequency in Each Segment 58
Figure 7.5 Customer Counts of Monetary Spending in Each Segment 58
Figure 7.6 Pie Chart of Segments Statistic Information 59

Table 7.1 Relationship Matrices between Clusters of Relations 54
Table 7.2 Results of Segmentation 55
Table 7.3 Customers per Segment of Hard Clustering v.s Soft Clustering (K = 5) 56
Table 7.4 Summary of Nine Segments 57
Table 7.5 Age Distribution for Each Segment 63
Table 7.6 Gender Distribution for Each Segment 64
Table 7.7 Income Distribution for Each Segment 64
Table 7.8 Marriage Distribution for Each Segment 65
Table 7.9 Major Customers for Each Segment of Demography Data 66
Table 7.10 Significant Customers for Each Segment of Demography Data 66
Table 7.11 Hard Clustering v.s Soft Clustering (K = 5) 67
Table 7.12 Hard Clustering v.s Soft Clustering (K = 10) 67
Table 7.13 Hard Clustering v.s Soft Clustering (K = 20) 68
Table 7.14 Hard Clustering v.s Soft Clustering (K = 30) 68
Table 7.15 Number of Iterations 69
Table 7.16 5% Difference v.s 10% Difference v.s 15% Difference 70
Table 7.17 Number of Customers for Each Cluster 72
Table 7.18 Significant Customers for Each Cluster of Demography Data 73
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