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研究生(外文):Wen-zong Tung
論文名稱(外文):An Embedded Intelligent Mobile Robot Based on SOPC
指導教授(外文):Kau-shing Hwang
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Reinforcement Learning-based Decision Tree Algorithm的方法則是從機器人的角度來看設計者,藉由觀察設計者的操控,使用決策樹來歸納並分割動作,把設計者的動作模仿起來。既降低了設計動作的困難度,在最佳化方面,也可以讓機器人自主地學習。
This thesis develops methodologies and techniques for designing and implementing an embedded intelligent mobile robot based on SOPC. Such a system can be operated to any location according to users’ commands. The user are able to view real-time images and steer the vehicle at the same time using a standard web browser on any local or remote computer on network.
Another function is to let the robot achieve seeking goal automatically, so we have add the capability of performing of robot learn in the system. To design appropriate actions of mobile robots, designers usually observe the sensory signals on the robots and decide actions from the viewpoint of some desired purposes. This approach needs deliberative consideration and abundant knowledge on robotics for a variety of situations.
We proposed the Reinforcement Learning-based Decision Tree Algorithm to solve these problems. In the method, every robot is a learner, and the designers only need to demonstrate behavior to robot, which then can record these information between actions and environmental states and induce the relationship between the sensory signals and the actions.
The system is designed in the bottom-up approach. Starting from the low-level hardware system design, the work completes the customized SOPC design on image acquisition system built with CMOS image sensor and integration of the wheeled mobile platform. The top level software application designs of the system include the construction of the Operating System environment, the image fetching implemented by HW/SW Co-design, and an interactive web-based user interface implemented by CGI programs. All the proposed functions have been verified and have been highly integrated into a complete embedded system.
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第1章 緒論 1
第1.1節 簡介 1
第1.2節 相關研究 1
第1.3節 研究動機 4
第1.4節 論文組織 5
第2章 系統硬體架構 6
第2.1節 簡介 6
第2.2節 硬體週邊 7
第2.2.1節 發展板 7
第2.2.2節 影像感測器 8
第2.2.3節 無線網路 10
第2.2.4節 機構平台 11
第2.3節 SOPC設計 12
第2.3.1節 SOPC簡介 12
第2.3.2節 客製化的Nios II系統 17
第2.3.3節 標準化的週邊 18
第2.3.4節 客製化的週邊 19
第3章 系統軟體架構 25
第3.1節 簡介 25
第3.2節 移植與實作 25
第3.2.1節 Linux Operating Systems的移植 25
第3.2.2節 Boa Web Server的移植 27
第3.2.3節 EPCS-Flash燒錄 28
第3.2.4節 CFI-Flash燒錄 28
第3.3節 影像擷取 29
第3.4節 使用者介面 30
第4章 、學習演算法 33
第4.1節 簡介 33
第4.1.1節 Reinforcement Learning 33
第4.1.2節 Q-Learning 34
第4.1.3節 Decision Tree Induction 36
第4.2節 RL-based Decision Tree 38
第4.2.1節 RL-based Decision Tree架構 38
第4.2.2節 狀態表示 40
第4.2.3節 切割狀態 41
第4.2.4節 回饋值 42
第4.2.5節 研究成果 43
第5章 研究成果 46
第6章 結論與未來展望 48
第6.1節 結論 48
第6.2節 未來展望 49
參考文獻 50
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