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研究生(外文):Jui-Wei Zhan
論文名稱(外文):Network-Based Multimodal Human-Robot Interactions under Ubiquitous Computing Environment
指導教授(外文):Ren C. Luo
外文關鍵詞:Ubiquitous robotic companion(URC)intelligent robotsupport vector regressionmultimodel interactionspower estimationpower management systemservice agent
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In recent years, significant advances in the semiconductor technology used to electronics, contributed to the development and prosperity of computer science and information industrial. Therefore, the integrated design was never-ending changes and help drive robotics innovation. Furthermore, the explosive growth and development of the integrated circuit and embedded system technologies, with prevalence of electronic information become ubiquitous computing environments, enabling robot advance provides variety of services to increase quality of life.
The two main topics of this thesis are to develop network-based multimodal Human-robot Interactions (HRI) and power management system (PMS). The autonomous mobile robot is basically decentralized architecture, all of service agents use intelligent algorithm to achieve objectives commanded by kernel, which processes communicate with each other and coordinate their activities. HRI based the same Inter-process Communication (IPC) mechanisms with service agents, and combine with touch panel, personal digital assistant and etc of peripheral devices to enrich interaction and convenient for people. In addition, we considerate to robot effective battery life working and designed power management system, which using Supper Vector Regression (SVR) to predict State-of-Charge (SoC) of lead-acid battery. The method improves shortcoming of column counting approach, electromotive force approach and neural network. According to SoC of battery, PMS will make decision to docking to charging station.
We have constructed network-based multimodal HRI and implement PMS for autonomous mobile robot. Finally, we demonstrated scenarios and perform very well in our laboratory.
誌 謝 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
Acknowledgments IV
Table of Contents V
List of Figures IX
List of Tables XI

Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Era of Ubiquitous Computing 1
1.2 Motivation and Objectives 2
1.3 Major Issues and Challenges 4
1.4 Market Issues 6
1.4.1 Market Pull and Product Opportunities 6
1.4.2 Market Potential of the Service Robot 9
1.5 Thesis organization 10

Chapter 2. Literature Review 12
2.1 Review of Intelligent Robot System 12
2.1.1 GuardRobo (Security Robot) 13
2.1.2 IROBI (Programmable Robot Base for Entertainment and Education) 14
2.1.3 RP-7 (Remote-Presence Medical Robot) 17
2.1.4 Twendy-One (Service Robot) 19
2.2 Review of Network-based Human-Robot Interactions through the Internet 20
2.2.1 Usability Inspection from HCI to HRI 21
2.2.2 Evolutionary Role Model of Service Robots 23
2.2.3 Category of the Networked Intelligent Robots 25
2.3 Review of Cognitive Architecture for Human-Robot Interactions 28
2.3.1 Multiple Agent-based Architecture Designed 29
2.3.2 Case-Based Reasoning Approach 31
2.3.3 Script Design Framework 33

Chapter 3. Design of Multisensor-based Service Robot 34
3.1 Introduction 34
3.2 System Architecture 35
3.2.1 H/W Configuration 35
3.2.2 S/W Configuration 38
3.3 Distributed Artificial Agents 40
3.3.1 Client-Server Computing 42
3.3.2 Types of Service Agents 47
3.4 Multi-agent Coordination 56
3.5 Robot Sensing and Sensors 57
3.5.1 Multi-Sensor Fusion and Integration 57
3.5.2 General Classification of Sensors 59
3.5.3 Sensors Used in Robot 60

Chapter 4. Power Management Using Support Vector Regression Approach 62
4.1 Introduction 62
4.2 H/W Configuration of Power Management Unit 64
4.3 Related Work 67
4.3.1 Battery Technology 68
4.3.2 Coulomb Counting Approach 68
4.3.3 Electromotive force(EMF) Approach 69
4.3.4 Levenberg-Marquardt Back-Propagation (LMBP) 70
4.4 Support Vector Regression 71
4.5 Experimential Results 74

Chapter 5. Design of Network-based Multimodal Human-robot Interactions Originated from Computers 78
5.1 Human-robot Interaction Framework 79
5.2 Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) 85
5.3 Physical Computing Devices 90
5.4 Hand Gesture Expression 92
5.5 Remote Supervisory 93
5.6 Expressive Modalities 95
5.7 Applying Semantic Web Services 97

Chapter 6. Integrating Context Awareness with Service Robot 101
6.1 Concept of Context-awareness 101
6.2 Remote Healthcare of Scenarios 102
6.3 Security Guard of Scenarios 107
6.4 Collaborate with Multimedia System of Scenarios 109
Chapter 7. Conclusions and Contributions 112
7.1 Conclusions 112
7.2 Contributions 113
Reference 115
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