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研究生(外文):Chin-Feng Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Design of Phased Antenna Array for WiMAX and 4G Mobile Communication System
指導教授(外文):Chia-Chan Chang
外文關鍵詞:Antenna ArrayAntennaPhased Antenna
  • 被引用被引用:7
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本論文主要是利用波束形成器來實現切換式波束系統。首先以接地式共平面波導(CPW-G)的單層板架構來實現3.5GHz的4×4及8×8巴特勒矩陣,其具有寬頻(3-4 GHz)及小型化(37.8×49.4 mm2、8.9×10.3 cm2)的特性,面積較一般傳統的微帶線架構節省了70%。第二部份則針對4×4巴特勒矩陣加以設計,在不增加階數的情況下,以多埠輸入的方式使原本的四波束系統擴充至七波束系統。第三部份則是利用多埠輸入的原理並加以延伸,首次將寬頻可調式必v分配器與4×4巴特勒矩陣進行整合,使波束可以在原本的四個固定波束之間作連續任意角度切換,大大提昇了系統空間分級的能力。
The switched-beam system is one kind of smart antenna systems, which can switch the beam to the desired signal direction. The surrounding interferences can thus be reduced so that the signal to noise ratio is increased as well.
This thesis work focuses on the beamforming circuit designs for switched-beam system. First, two 3.5-GHz Butler Matrices including 4×4 and 8×8 matrix realized by CPW-G medium on single PCB are introduced. The circuits have compact size(37.8×49.4 mm2 for 4×4 case, 8.9×10.3 cm2 for 8×8 case)with nearly 70% size reduction comparing to the conventional microstip-based Butler matrix. It also shows broadband(3-4 GHz)performance. In addition, an enhanced 4×4 Butler Matrix is designed to provide seven kinds of phase distribution instead of four kinds by using multi-port feeding technique. Based on the similar principle, another newly designed 4×4 Butler Matrix integrated with a variable power divider is first proposed in this thesis work. Using variable power divider and multi-port feeding technique, the direction of beams can be swept continuously, which dramatically increase the space multiplexing ability of this phase antenna array.
目錄 I
圖目錄 III
表目錄 X
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.2 巴特勒矩陣介紹 4
1.3 論文系統規格 9
1.4 論文綱要 10
第二章 接地式共平面波導型巴特勒矩陣之設計 11
2.1 接地式共平面波導型寬邊耦合器之設計 11
2.2 薛夫曼相移器之分析與設計 17
2.3 交叉跨線之效應與分析 24
2.4 巴特勒矩陣之整合與量測 27
2.5 巴特勒矩陣與天線陣列之整合與量測 38
第三章 七波束切換式相位天線陣列之設計 44
3.1 簡介 44
3.2 多埠輸入之工作原理與分析 45
3.3 180°相移器之設計 49
3.4 多埠輸入巴特勒矩陣之整合與量測 52
第四章 波束可動態掃描之相位天線陣列 56
4.1 簡介 56
4.2 寬頻可調式必v分配器之設計 59
4.2.1 寬頻可調式必v分配器架構 59
4.2.2 寬頻可調式相移器之設計 62
4.2.3 寬頻可調式必v分配器之模擬與量測 68
4.3 加入寬頻可調式必v分配器巴特勒矩陣之整合與量測 70
第五章 結論 73
參考文獻 76
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