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研究生(外文):Kun-Hsing Liu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Design of Wide-band Bandpass Filter with Tunable Bandwidth
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Fuh Chang
外文關鍵詞:Tunable BandwidthPerturbationBandpass filter
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本論文設計可調頻寬之寬頻帶通濾波器。第一部份為寬頻帶通濾波器電路,首先利用奇偶波模理論分析電路的共振特性,並討論電路中模態的分佈情形,最後經由外部阻抗匹配電路補償通帶植入損失。電路板材為Rogers RO 4003 60 mil,介質參數3.38、介質損耗0.0025與板材高度為1.6 mm。電路量測結果顯示通帶為3.1至5.1 GHz,植入損失為0.61 ~ 0.98 dB、返回損失為20 dB以下,兩個傳輸零點分別在2.4 GHz及7 GHz,達到20 dB的禁止帶拒斥值。第二部份為設計固定中心頻率但是頻寬可調的帶通濾波器,其結構以環型共振器為濾波主體,運用壓控電容元件(varactor)以產生微擾效應,進而改變奇偶波模頻率以達可調頻寬的訴求。但是中心頻率會隨頻寬調整而偏移,故更進一步運用輸出入壓控電容元件修正中心頻率飄移問題。最後以週期性步階諧振器搭配選擇性吸收電阻消除高頻諧波,進而改善禁止帶拒斥值。電路量測結果顯示中心頻率維持在1.9 GHz,而頻寬可調範圍為350至600 MHz。植入損失為2.1 dB,返回損失為10 dB以上、禁止帶拒斥值至13.8 GHz 大於18 dB。
In this thesis, wideband bandpass filters with fixed and tunable bandwidth are investigated. On the wideband bandpass filter with fixed bandwidth, the generation of wide bandwidth is analyzed based on the odd-even mode theory and the passband insertion loss flatness is enhanced by using input and output impedance compensation circuit. The microwave substrate with the dielectric constant of 3.38, loss tangent of 0.0025, and the thickness of 1.6 mm is used. The measurement result shows that the insertion loss is 0.61 to 0.98 dB and the return loss is greater than 20 dB from 3.1 to 5.1 GHz. Two transmission zeros are generated at 2.4 GHz and 7 GHz, leading to 20 dB stop-band suppression. Second, on the wideband bandpass filter with tunable bandwidth, it is composed of a ring resonator with shunt-resonated varactors at the symmetric locations as the perturbing elements to generate the variable bandwidth. When the bandwidth is tuned, the passband center frequency is shifted. This undesired effect is diminished by using the input and output varactor loading. Finally, the spurious passbands are suppressed by using periodic stepped-impedance ring resonator (PISRR) with frequency-selective absorbing resistors, which leads to significant stop-band suppression. The measurement results show that the bandwidth is variable from 350 to 600 MHz centered at 1.9 GHz. In the passband, the insertion loss is 2.1 dB and return loss is 10 dB. The stopband suppression is greater than 18 dB from 2 GHz to 13.8 GHz.
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究動機 1
1.2. 文獻探討 1
1.3. 論文章節簡介 2
第二章 運用雙模態寬頻步階阻抗環型帶通濾波器之設計 3
2.1. 雙模態步階阻抗環型帶通濾波器簡介 3
2.1.1. 雙模態寬頻步階阻抗環型帶通濾波器之形成原理 5
2.2. 共振器奇偶波模、微擾效應、傳輸零點分析 6
2.2.1. 奇偶波模 7
2.2.2. 微擾效應 10
2.2.3. 傳輸零點分析 12
2.3. 微擾變化之模態分析 15
2.4. 輸入輸出電路之阻抗匹配 21
2.5. 電路模擬與量測結果 24
第三章 運用雙模態之可調頻寬環型帶通濾波器設計 32
3.1. 雙模態可調頻寬環型帶通濾波器簡介 32
3.2. 電路理論分析 33
3.2.1. 共振條件分析 35
3.2.2. 中心頻率修正機制 40
3.3. 電路模擬與量測 44
3.4. 諧波頻率抑制 50
3.4.1. 步階阻抗( Step Impedance ) 50
3.4.2. 吸收電阻( Absorb resister ) 52
3.4.3. 輸入/輸出端饋入位置 54
3.4.4. 電路模擬與量測結果 55
第四章 結論 64
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