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研究生(外文):Yu Kai Chen
論文名稱(外文):To Investigate the Data Retention and Endurance for the Optimized Gadolinium (Gd) Nanocrystal Flash Memory
指導教授(外文):C. S. Lai
外文關鍵詞:Gadolinium nanocrystalflash memory
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Recently, floating gate memory devices widely be used in non-volatile data storage application. However, there are some major issues including devices scaling limitation, higher operation voltage and poor data retention time needed to overcome for conventional floating gate memory which employed poly-silicon as the charge storage layer. In order to solve these above issues, the nanocrystal memory devices which with discrete charge storage nodes have been proposed to be a possible candidate for the replacement of floating gate memory.
In this thesis, we propose a Gadolinium (Gd) nanocrystal memory structure for nonvolatile flash memory application and also find the optimized post deposition annealing (PDA) temperature. The Gd nanocrystal memory with optimum PDA treatment exhibits high Gd-NC density (6.1×1011/cm2) and large memory window (>3V). The speed of program can be at 1ms and erase at 1s. Besides, data retention time for various (PDA) temperature treatment, blocking oxide layer and charge storage layer has been investigated. It can be discriminated the direct tunneling through the tunneling oxide or blocking. Concluding the measurement results, the memory with thicker charge storage layer shows smaller charge loss rate than other ones at 85℃ and the constant electric field. It also shows the same phenomenon of the memory with thicker blocking. Finally, the Gd nanocrystal memory with optimum condition as well as exhibits superior data endurance characteristics.
Chinese abstract……………………………………………………ii
English abstract……………………………………………………iii
Content of figure.…………………………………………………vi

Chapter 1 Introduction
1-1 Background ………..…...……………………………………………1
1-2 Metal Nanocrystal memory.………………………….……………2
1-3 The motivation of this study……………………..……………3
1-4 Thesis Organization …………………………………….……....3

Chapter 2 The Property And Material Analysis of Gd Nanocrystal Memory By Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
2-1 Introduction ………………………………………..………………...9
2-2 Experiment ……………...…………………………………………...9
2-3 Results and Discussion…………………….………..…………….10
2-4 Summaries ……………………………………….….………........11

Chapter 3 The Characterization of Gd Nanocrystal Memory With Different RTA Treatment
2-1 Introduction ………………………………………..……………….24
2-2 Experiment ……………...………………………………………….24
2-3 Results and Discussion…………………….………..…………….25
2-4 Summaries ……………………………………….….………........28

Chapter 4 The Characterization of Gd Nanocrystal Memory With Different Gd2O3 Thickness
3-1 Introduction ……………………………….…………….………….50
3-2 Experiment ………………………………….…………….………..50
3-3 Results and Discussion……………………………………………..51
3-4 Summaries ……………………………………….…….……........52

Chapter 5 The Characterization of Gd Nanocrystal Memory With Different Blocking Oxide Thickness
4-1 Introduction ……………………………….…………….………….61
4-2 Experiment ………………………………….…………….………..61
4-3 Results and Discussion……………………………………………..62
4-4 Summaries ……………………………………….………….........63

Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works
5-1 Conclusion …………….....…….…………………….….…………75
5-2 Future work…………………………………………………………76

Reference ……………………………………………..………….…….77

Content of Figure
Fig. 1-1 The schematic cross section of floating gate memory structure……………………………………………………..6
Fig. 1-2 The schematic cross section of SONOS memory structure...6
Fig. 1-3 The schematic cross section of the metal nanocrystal memory structure…………………………………………..7
Fig. 1-4 The band diagrams of Gd nanocrystal memory structure with (a) program, (b) erase and (c) retention mode……………...8
Fig. 2-1 The process flow of Gd nanocrystal memory……………..16
Fig. 2-2 The HRTEM image of Gd nanocrystal memory with PDA treatment at 950℃. (scale bar: 20 nm)…………………….17
Fig. 2-3 The HRTEM image of Gd nanocrystal memory with PDA treatment at 950℃. (scale bar: 10 nm)…………………….17
Fig. 2-4 The HRTEM image of Gd nanocrystal memory with PDA treatment at 950℃. (scale bar: 5 nm)……………………...18
Fig. 2-5 The HRTEM image of Gd nanocrystal memory with PDA treatment at 950℃. (scale bar: 2 nm)……………………...18
Fig. 2-6 The plane view of the Gd2O3 layer after PDA treatment at 950℃. (scale bar: 20 nm)……………………………19
Fig. 2-7 The plane view of the Gd2O3 layer after PDA treatment at 950℃. (scale bar: 10 nm)……………………………19
Fig. 2-8 The plane view of the Gd2O3 layer after PDA treatment at 950℃. (scale bar: 5 nm)……………………………20
Fig. 2-9 The elements percentage of the Gd2O3 layer after PDA treatment at 950℃…………………………………………21
Fig. 2-10 The lattice constant value of the Gd nanocrystal………….22
Fig. 2-11 The electron diffraction pattern of the Gd nanocrystal……23
Fig. 3-1 The process flow of Gd nanocrystal memory with different PDA temperature………………………………………….31
Fig. 3-2 The HRTEM images of Gd nanocrystal memory with PDA treatment at 800℃…………………………………………32
Fig. 3-3 The HRTEM images of Gd nanocrystal memory with PDA treatment at 850℃…………………………………………33
Fig. 3-4 The HRTEM images of Gd nanocrystal memory with PDA treatment at 900℃…………………………………………34
Fig. 3-5 The HRTEM images of Gd nanocrystal memory with PDA treatment at 950℃…………………………………………35
Fig. 3-6 The plane view of the Gd2O3 layer after PDA treatment at 800℃………………………………………………………36
Fig. 3-7 The plane view of the Gd2O3 layer after PDA treatment at 850℃………………………………………………………36
Fig. 3-8 The plane view of the Gd2O3 layer after PDA treatment at 900℃………………………………………………………37
Fig. 3-9 The plane view of the Gd2O3 layer after PDA treatment at 950℃………………………………………………………37
Fig. 3-10 The Gd-NC density dependence on PDA temperature….. 38
Fig. 3-11 C-V hysteresis of Gd-NC memory structures with 800℃ to 950℃ PDA treatment swept from -11V to +11V. Memory window of all samples was shown in inset………………..39
Fig. 3-12 C-V hysteresis curves of memory after PDA treatment at 800℃ demonstrated the memory is repeatable. ……………...40
Fig. 3-13 C-V hysteresis curves of memory after PDA treatment at 850℃ demonstrated the memory is repeatable. ……………...40
Fig. 3-14 C-V hysteresis curves of memory after PDA treatment at 900℃ demonstrated the memory is repeatable. ……………...41
Fig. 3-15 C-V hysteresis curves of memory after PDA treatment at 950℃ demonstrated the memory is repeatable. ……………...41
Fig. 3-16 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories measured at room temperature. ……………………………………….42
Fig. 3-17 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories measured at 55℃. ………………………………………………………42
Fig. 3-18 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories measured at 85℃. ………………………………………………………43
Fig. 3-19 Arrhenius plot of charge loss for Gd-NC memories.
The plots were obtained from charge loss characteristics at retention time for 10ks. …………………………………...43
Fig. 3-20 Schematic energy band diagrams of Gd-NC memory structure under thermal activation mode for 850℃ and 900℃ PDA treatment. …………………………………….44
Fig. 3-21 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories with constant electric field stress (flat-band). ……………………45
Fig. 3-22 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories with constant electric field stress (E=2.8MV/cm). …………………45
Fig. 3-23 Schematic energy band diagrams of Gd-NC memory structure under constant electric field mode for 850℃ and 900℃ PDA treatment. …………………………………….46
Fig. 3-24 The data endurance characteristic of Gd-NC memory structure after PDA treatment at 800℃. ………………….47
Fig. 3-25 The data endurance characteristic of Gd-NC memory structure after PDA treatment at 850℃. ………………….48
Fig. 3-26 The data endurance characteristic of Gd-NC memory structure after PDA treatment at 900℃. ………………….49
Fig. 4-1 The process flow of Gd nanocrystal memory with different Gd2O3 thickness. …………………………………………53
Fig. 4-2 C-V hysteresis curves of the memory structure with Gd2O3 layer (deposition time: 20min). …………………………..54
Fig. 4-3 C-V hysteresis curves of the memory structure with Gd2O3 layer (deposition time: 25min). …………………………..54
Fig. 4-4 C-V hysteresis curves of the memory structure with Gd2O3 layer (deposition time: 30min). …………………………..55
Fig. 4-5 C-V hysteresis curves of Gd2O3 layer (deposition time: 20min) demonstrated the memory is repeatable. ………55
Fig. 4-6 C-V hysteresis curves of Gd2O3 layer (deposition time: 25min) demonstrated the memory is repeatable. ………56
Fig. 4-7 C-V hysteresis curves of Gd2O3 layer (deposition time: 30min) demonstrated the memory is repeatable. ………56
Fig.4-8 C-V curves of Gd2O3 layer (deposition time: 20min) which program +11V 10s and erase -11V 10s. …………………..57
Fig. 4-9 C-V curves of Gd2O3 layer (deposition time: 25min) which program +11V 10s and erase -11V 10s. …………………..57
Fig. 4-10 C-V curves of Gd2O3 layer (deposition time: 30min) which program +11V 10s and erase -11V 10s. …………58
Fig. 4-11 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories measured at room temperature. ……………………………………….58
Fig. 4-12 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories measured at 55℃. ………………………………………………………59
Fig. 4-13 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories measured at 85℃. ………………………………………………………59
Fig. 4-14 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories with constant electric field stress (flat-band). ……………………60
Fig. 4-15 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories with constant electric field stress (E=2.5MV/cm). …………………60
Fig. 5-1 The process flow of Gd nanocrystal memory with different Gd2O3 thickness. …………………………………………64
Fig. 5-2 C-V hysteresis curves of the memory structure with blocking oxide 5nm. ………………………………………………...65
Fig. 5-3 C-V hysteresis curves of the memory structure with blocking oxide 8.5nm. ………………………………………………65
Fig. 5-4 C-V hysteresis curves of the memory structure with blocking oxide 12nm. ……………………………………………….66
Fig. 5-5 C-V hysteresis curves of the memory with blocking oxide 5nm demonstrated the memory is repeatable. ……………66
Fig. 5-6 C-V hysteresis curves of the memory with blocking oxide 8.5nm demonstrated the memory is repeatable. …………67
Fig. 5-7 C-V hysteresis curves of the memory with blocking oxide 12nm demonstrated the memory is repeatable. ………….67
Fig. 5-8 C-V curves of the memory with blocking oxide 5nm which program +11V 10s and erase -11V 10s. …………………..68
Fig. 5-9 C-V curves of the memory with blocking oxide 8.5nm which program +11V 10s and erase -11V 10s. …………………..68
Fig. 5-10 C-V curves of the memory with blocking oxide 12nm which program +11V 10s and erase -11V 10s. …………………..69
Fig. 5-11 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories measured at room temperature. ……………………………………….69
Fig. 5-12 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories measured at 55℃. ………………………………………………………70
Fig. 5-13 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories measured at 85℃………………………………………………………..70
Fig. 5-14 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories with constant electric field stress (flat-band)………………………71
Fig. 5-15 Retention characteristics of Gd-NC memories with constant electric field stress (E=2.5MV/cm)……………………71
Fig. 5-16 The data endurance characteristic of Gd-NC memory structure with blocking oxide 5nm………………………..72
Fig. 5-17 The data endurance characteristic of Gd-NC memory structure with blocking oxide 8.5nm……………………...73
Fig. 5-18 The data endurance characteristic of Gd-NC memory structure with blocking oxide 12nm………………………74

List of Tables

Table 1. The parameters of Gd nanocrystal………………………12
Table 2. The TEM system………………...………………………...13
Table 3. The detail process of Gd nanocrystal memory ……14
Table 4. The detail process of Gd nanocrystal memory with different PDA temperature………………………………………….29
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