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研究生(外文):Yi Ling Chou
論文名稱(外文):Protective effect of propyl gallate on UVA induced apoptotic cell death of human skin fibroblasts
指導教授(外文):T. Z. Liu
外文關鍵詞:UVApropyl gallateapoptosis
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越來越多研究文獻顯示,當陽光中的紫外線照射我們的皮膚細胞會引發一些細胞傷害。一般普遍認同會加速皮膚老化,及造成皮膚一些相關疾病,主要因素是活性氧(ROS; Reactive oxygen species)所造成的。本研究是利用人類皮膚纖維母細胞(Human Foreskin Fibroblast)為實驗對象,利用純化的propyl gallate (PG)藉以研究它是否具有保護皮膚細胞抗紫外線傷害的作用。由實驗結果了解到紫外線(UVA; 50KJ/cm2)對細胞帶來的傷害像是讓細胞存活度降低外,還包括細胞內氧化壓力上升,而抗氧化系統例如胞內GSH之耗損。當我們加入不同濃度的PG於細胞培養液中後我們發現PG可以: (1)提升紫外線照射細胞後的細胞存活度; (2)有效地降低細胞內ROS生成(PG在最低濃度10ug/ml就有效果); (3)保護細胞內GSH缺損情況緩解; (4)除此之外,亦可以改善UVA造成的lipid oxidation及降低UVA造成細胞之程式死亡。綜合言之,目前的實驗結果初步顯示,PG確實可以促進皮膚纖維母細胞增強其防護紫外線損害之功效。
There is increasing evidence to substantiate that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are intimately involved in the oxidative damage of human skin cells following the exposure of these cells to UVA irradiation. Thus, it is desirable to search for chemopreventive agents that can counteract ROS-mediated injury to the skin cells. The specific aim of this study is thus to evaluate whether or not propyl gallate (PG), a dietary supplement, could offer protection against UVA-evoked oxidative damage of human fibroblasts. Using human foreskin fibroblast cells (HFF3) as the experimental cell model, we first demonstrated that when these cells were exposed to various fluences of UVA-irradiation, a concentration- dependent impediment of cell growth resulted. The demise of UVA- evoked cell death was shown to be apoptotic in nature, as reflected by a fluence-dependent increases in TUNEL-positive cells. The cascade of events of UVA-evoked apoptotic cell death were shown to be involved in the initial overproduction of ROS, followed by the occurrence of intracellular glutathione (iGSH) depletion and lipid peroxidation. A nearly 80% of intracellular ROS generated when HFF3 cell were exposed to a fluence of 50KJ/cm2 UVA irradiation could be removed by PG (40ug/ml). Similarly, iGSH depletion and lipid peroxidation caused by UVA-
irradiation could also be protected effectively by PG. Collectively , we have presented experimental evidence here that PG could offer protective capability against UVA-induced oxidation damage via scavenging intracellular ROS, inhibiting GSH depletion, lipid peroxidation,mitochondrial depolarization and apoptotic cell death of HFF3 cells.
Thus, PG can be used as a chemopreventive agent against UVA-evoked oxidative damages, and therefore can be considered as a supplement in an anti-aging cosmetic product.The possibility warrants further investigation.
目錄………………..…………………………………………………… xi
第一章 簡介…………………………………………………………... 1
1.1 紫外線簡介(Ultraviolet introduce).…............. 1
1.2 自由基產生與自由基誘導皮膚傷害(ROS production and ROS
induced skin damage)…………………………………………....6
1.2.1紫外線與自由基(UV and ROS).......................6
1.2.2膠原纖維的變性(collagen denature)...……...……….7
1.2.3彈性纖維的變性(elastin denature)…..…......………8
1.2.4細胞膜脂質過氧化(lipid peroxidation)….……….....8
1.2.5 DNA斷裂(DNA broken)…………..…..…...……….....9
1.3 沒食子酸丙基簡介(propyl gallate introduce)……………14
1.4 研究目的(Specific Aims) ………………………………………16
第二章 材料與方法……………….....…………………………………18
2.1 實驗材料………………………………………………………………18
2.1.1 細胞株與細胞培養基………………………………………………18
2.1.2 其它藥品、緩衝液與試劑…………………………………………18
2.1.3 細胞計數………….……...………………………………………18
2.1.4 ROS偵測染劑………………………………………………………19
2.1.5 脂質過氧化測定之染劑……………………………………………19
2.1.6 GSH含量測定之染劑………………………………………………19
2.1.7 粒線體膜電位測定之染劑…………………………………………19
2.1.8 細胞週期測定染劑…………………………………………………19
2.1.9 測定細胞凋亡之kit………………………………………………19
2.1.10 西方墨點法所須抗體……………………………………………19
2.2 實驗方法………………………………………………………………20
2.2.1 Cell culture……………………………………………………20
2.2.2 Cell count………………………………………………………20
2.2.3 Pretreat propyl gallate……………………………………20
2.2.4 ROS test……………………………………………………………20
2.2.5 Cell cycle test ………………………………………………21
2.2.6 GSH test…….……………………………………………………21
2.2.7 Mitochondria potential test………….…………………21
2.2.8 lipid oxidation test…………………………………………22
2.2.9 TUNEL assay………………………………………………………22
2.2.10 Western Blot……………………………………………………23
第三章 結果…………………………………………………………………25
3.1 UV照射對纖維母細胞影響……………………………………………25
3.1.1 UV對細胞存活率的影響……………………………………………25
3.1.2 UV照射與細胞產生自由基的表現之關係…………………………25
3.1.3 UV照射與胞內GSH耗損之關係……………………………………26
3.1.4 UV照射產生細胞程式凋亡之偵測…………………………………26
3.2 propyl gallate 對細胞存活度影響………………………………26
3.3 PG 對於UV引起細胞傷害的影響…………………………………….26
3.3.2 UVA照射與細胞內自由基之關係……………………………………27
3.3.3 UVA照射與細胞內GSH耗損之關係…………………………………27
3.3.4 UVA照射與細胞內lipid peroxidation之關係…………………27
第四章 討論……………………………………………………………………29
4.1 紫外線對細胞的影響.…………………………………………………29
4.2 Propyl gallate 對細胞的影響……………………………………30
4.3 Propyl gallate與UVA照射對纖維母細胞的影響…………………30
第五章 結論………...……………………..………………………………34
第六章 參考文獻….……………………..…………………………………35
第七章 圖表….……………………..………………………………………42
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