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研究生(外文):Chun Lieh, Chen
論文名稱(外文):A study on the simulation of temperature estimation by field model on the performance-based design in fire spread prevention
指導教授(外文):Chung Cheng, Chiang
外文關鍵詞:fire separationfire spread preventionfunction designfire simulationFDS
  • 被引用被引用:6
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本研究首要分析探討防火區劃性能設計之理論架構,以建築挑高空間為主要研究對象,利用防火區劃的性能設計公式驗證其延燒防止,並以FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator)火災模擬軟體檢證區劃周圍溫度是否與性能設計公式計算之結果吻合,以確認其防火區劃替代方案之可靠性,以冀作為我國在性能設計評估時之參考,並應用於工程計畫上。
With the continued breakthroughs of construction technology and the increase of high-rising, compound buildings with large scale space, the existing regulations have been not be able to meet the requirements of modern buildings, and even the worse, the norm of regulations could limit the development of building. Therefore, many countries in the world have developing functional regulations to overcome the obstacles made by existing regulations for the development of modern construction technology. In Taiwan, the authorities have implemented functional regulations to respond since 1984.
The part of fire separation of construction technology rules are even better to breakthrough limits and expand the scope of fire separation by the functional regulations. This research aims to break through the limits of regulation in expanding the scope of fire separation to satisfy the demand for greater space from large shopping malls and shopping centers by designing the sense of space that the lofty part of building wants to express and increasing freedom of design.
The research firstly analyzed and explored the theoretical structure of performance-based design of fire separation. With the lofty space in buildings as the subjects of research, the researcher used the performance-based design formula of fire separation to verify its effectiveness in fire spread prevention. The fire simulator software, Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), was also used to verify if the temperatures surrounding fire separation areas were consistent with the results calculated by the performance-based design formula to confirm the reliability of alternative plan of fire separation. It is hoped that the results of the research could be references in evaluating the performance-based design of fire separation in Taiwan and applied to the engineering planning.
第一章 緒論
1-1 研究動機與目的
1-1-1 研究動機
1-1-2 研究目的
1-2 研究範圍及方法
1-2-1 研究範圍
1-2-2 研究方法
1-3 研究流程
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 建築物火災類型與型態
2-1-1 火災成長階段
2-1-2 火災的類型
2-1-3 延燒的型態
2-2 防火區劃與火災延燒
2-2-1 建築物火災安全區劃
2-2-2 防火區劃之目的
2-2-3 防火區劃之性能要求
2-2-4 防火區劃的種類
2-3 現行法規與性能式法規
2-3-1 現行法規之現況
2-3-2 性能式法規之沿革
2-3-3 性能式法規架構與制度
2-3-4 性能式設計可排除之法規
2-3-5 性能式設計程序
2-4 場模擬軟體之探討
2-4-1 場模式之理論架構
2-4-2 場模擬軟體比較分析
2-4-3 場模擬軟體之選定
2-5 相關研究之整理與探討
第三章 延燒理論公式與FDS場模擬之探討
3-1 理論實驗公式探討
3-1-1 火源條件之設定
3-1-2 火災持續時間計算
3-1-3 區劃空間延燒理論計算
3-1-4 火焰高度與溫度關係式
3-1-5 熱輻射與溫度之換算
3-2 FDS火災模擬軟體探討
3-2-1 FDS相關理論公式
3-2-2 FDS架構與特性
3-2-3 FDS操作流程
第四章 案例探討分析
4-1 環境說明與情境設定
4-1-1 案例環境設定
4-1-2 情境設定
4-1-3 模擬情境火源條件
4-1-4 火災持續時間
4-2 火災延燒理論公式計算結果
4-2-1 情境一計算結果
4-2-2 情境二計算結果
4-3 FDS溫度場模擬結果
4-3-1 模型參數與條件說明
4-3-2 情境一模擬結果
4-3-3 情境二模擬結果
4-4 案例的溫度場模擬與延燒理論計算結果之比較分析
4-4-1 情境一比較分析
4-4-2 情境二比較分析
第五章 結論與建議
5-1 結論
5-2 建議
附  錄
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