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論文名稱(外文):A Study on the key factor in Website Interface Designs - The Case of Nonprofit organization Hsin-chu Blood Center
外文關鍵詞:Nonprofit organizationBlood centerWebsite interface design7C mode
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本研究主要是以 Rayport與Jaworski(2001)Introduction E-Commerce所提出之 7C 模式為研究構面,從捐血中心網站使用者捐血人的觀點來探討捐血中心網站介面設計之重要項目為何,主要使用問卷調查分析,由最後的分析結果可得知,對於捐血中心網站使用者介面之7C 模式,捐血人首重之要因為內容(Content)因素,而捐血人對商務(Commerce)因素則顯示為最不重要;另外在顯著差異的比較上,研究結果發現客製化(Customization)因素在不同的性別、不同的年齡、不同的職業別等變數下會有著明顯的差異,研究結果可做為捐血中心設計網頁之參考。
Nowadays in this global village, transportations are well developed, communications and transmissions are very convenient, even messaging to all places are fast because of the Internet. Product and data information are available on the Internet as well, people are very much indulge in the net because of it’s easy access on almost everything. To provide donors better services, the blood center website plays a very important role. Therefore, it is very important to understand the elements which effect the interface design of the bolld center website.
According to 2007 Nonprofit organization Taiwan blood foundations yearly report, 50% donors use email to get their blood test results, this means 50% of the population possibly use the Internet. Nevertheless, Hsin-chu blood center’s statistics shows only 15% of the donors use the website. Why donors are willing to receive their test report through emails but unwillingly use the website? This means there is 85% more space to put our effort in.
This research is based on the 7C model of the introduction E-Commerce by Rayport and Jaworski (2001). By discussing the importance of the items on the website design is from the donor’s point of view, and the using of survey analysis, the results show the contents of the blood center website is the most important item to the donors, and the commercials are least important. The research was also found that there are significant differences among different sex, different age, different professions, and so on. The results can serve as a reference for the creation of the blood bank center’s website design.
摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
一、緒論 1
1.1研究背景及動機 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究動機 2
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究步驟 4
二、文獻探討 5
2.1非營利組織之探討 5
2.1.1非營利組織的定義 5
2.1.2非營利組織的分類 9
2.2捐血機構之探討 12
2.2.1捐血事業發展及任務 12
2.2.2捐血中心的組織架構 13
2.3網站介面設計之探討 16
2.3.1使用者介面 16
2.3.2介面設計理論 17
2.3.3互動式介面的設計 17
2.3.4介面設計原則 18
2.3.5網站使用者介面7C模式 23
三、研究設計 25
3.1研究架構 25
3.2研究方法 27
3.2.1問卷調查法 27
3.3問卷設計與假設建立 28
3.3.1問卷設計 28
3.3.2研究變數與操作型定義 28
3.4研究設計 36
3.5資料分析 36
四、研究結果與分析 38
4.1問卷樣本結構及信度分析 38
4.2基本資料分析 39
4.3人口統計變數對網站使用者介面分析 43
4.4捐血型態變數對網站使用者介面分析 52
4.5網路使用型態變數對網站使用者介面分析 59
4.6瀏覽捐血中心網頁之滿意與否分析 70
4.7各項變數檢定結果 71
五、結論與建議 77
5.1研究結論 77
5.2研究建議 78
5.3研究限制 78
參考文獻 80
附錄 83
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