[1] EPC™ Radio-Frequency Identity Protocols Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Protocol for Communications at 860 MHz – 960 MHz Version 1.0.9 .
[2] ISO/IEC FDIS 18000-6︰2003(E).
[3] EPC™ Radio-Frequency Identity Protocols Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Conformance Requirements Version 1.0.2.
[4] K. Finkenzeller, RFID Handbook; 1999, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[5] EPC™ Generation-1 Tag Data Standards Version 1.1 REV.1.27.
[6] Draft protocol specification for a 900MHz Class 0 Radio Frequency Identification Tag.
[7] The EPC global Architecture Framework Version 1.0.9.
[8] GS1商業流通資訊季刊 Dec / 2005.
[9] EPC 2006 EPC/RFID International Forum.
[10] Philips semiconductors.
[11] ITRI RFID DM Tag & Reader.
[12] Doone Publication, “HDL Chip Design”.
[13] XILINX XAPP 052 July 7,1996 (Version 1.1).
[14] Science Zero http︰//sciencezero.4hv.org/index.htm.
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[18] 數位邏輯-使用VHDL,王志湖老師編著_滄海書局出版
[19] http︰//sa.ylib.com/news/newsshow.asp?FDocNo=580&CL=31科學人雜誌網站
[20] http︰//www.techvanTage.com.tw/content/049/049080.asp e天下網站
[21] http︰//www.itri.org.tw/chi/news_events/feature/2004/fe-0930326p2.jsp 工研院
[22] http︰//h50007.www5.hp.com/enterprise/member/info/0403rfid/rfid01-05. asp惠普
[23] http︰//
[24] http︰//st-pioneer.org.tw/modules.php?name=magazine&pa=showpage&tid =2449技術尖兵
[25] http︰//us.pksite.com/read.asp?Username=rfid&data=1791B688-0CBD- 4562-B229-4337C00027D9 RFID研究網
[26] RFID技術與應用 日經BP RFID技術編輯部/編 周湘琪譯 旗標出版
[27] CIC訓練課程 Design for Testability with TurboBIST-Memory, DFT
Compiler and TetraMAX
[28] Synopsys Astro 1 Workshop Student Guide