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研究生(外文):Yin-Chieh Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Study and Implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network System Combined with Vibration Sensing and GPS Positioning
指導教授(外文):Yaw-Shih ShiehChau-Chung Song
外文關鍵詞:structural health monitoring systemwireless sensor networkvibration sensinginformation middlewareheterogeneous networkZigbee sensor network
  • 被引用被引用:1
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即時結構健康監測系統(Structural Health Monitoring,SHM)應用在土木結構上需要具備大量的感測器與無線節點,而這些感測器與無線節點所組成的感測節點必須提供高可靠度以及佈署生命週期長的能力。當無線感測元件的價錢變得低廉而包裝更加輕薄短小時,感測元件微小化大幅縮小感測器的體積,進而提供電子感測器應用於土木結構監測上的新契機,使用輕薄短小的感測器鑲嵌於土木結構中不易被發現並且更加適用於監測每天的環境變化應用上。現今的無線感測網路(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)技術具備了高效率、實用性及高可靠度等特性對於結構監測應用方面提供了一項解決方法,然而,在實際的土木結構監測會產生大量的資料,如何可靠地做資料處理以及良好的網路平台對於結構健康監測的應用是極為重要的課題與挑戰。結構健康監測應用的主要技術為建構一可靠度高且性能優越的資訊中介軟體以及無線感測網路系統平台,本論文的重點在於發展整合無線感測網路於土木工程應用的關鍵技術。
The real-time structural health monitoring (SHM) system of civil engineering requires the more reliable and more prolonged lifetime deployments for potentially a very large number of wireless sensor and actuator nodes. As the wireless sensing components become cheaper and smaller, these miniaturized nodes offer the opportunity for the electronic sensor to be embedded unobtrusively into the civil structure and everyday environments. At present, the wireless sensor network (WSN) provides the characteristics of an effective, feasible and fairly reliable monitoring system which gives the total solution for structural health monitoring applications. However, the monitoring of civil structures generates a large amount of sensor data that is used for structural abnormality detection so that the reliable data processing and fine networking platform are the important issues and challenges for SHM applications. Therefore, the key factor for SHM applications is to construct the integrated, reliable and high-performance information middleware and system platform of wireless sensor network. This paper is devoted to develop the key integration technologies of wireless sensor network in the civil engineering application.
In this paper, the networking architectures and information middleware of wireless sensor networks are developed to construct the heterogeneous information system platform for the real-time structural health monitoring application. The design and implementation of sensor firmware and networking middleware are the key study topics for WSN-based intelligent system platform. The networking gateway of system platform must be developed the independent and highly interoperability to integrate the heterogeneous networks. The application study combined with vibration sensing and GPS positioning is used to demonstrate the feasibility of the developed system platform. The middleware technology is implemented to filter and pre-process the received data from the Zigbee sensor node and extract the available information to transfer to and record in the system database. Moreover, the GPRS and GSM modules are used to be responsible for the long-distance and alarm message transmission on the information network, respectively. Furthermore, the integration system platform is constructed by integrating Zigbee sensor network, GPRS/GSM communication and LAN internet to illustrate and evaluate the feasibility and performance of the proposed architecture for wireless sensor systems. In conclusion, the intelligent system platform of WSN-based monitoring system is developed and integrated to demonstrate and speed up the practical applications of wireless sensor networks in this paper.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與目的 1
1.2 系統概述 4
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 ZigBee無線感測網路系統與相關技術 6
2.1 ZigBee無線網路系統 6
2.1.1 ZigBee無線網路系統之通訊協定 7
2.1.2 ZigBee無線網路系統之網路拓樸 10
2.1.3 ZigBee的應用層 10
2.1.4 ZigBee的應用 11
2.2 MSP430微處理器 11
2.3 加速度計感測器 13
2.4 GPS全球衛星定位系統 15
2.4.1 GPS誤差來源 16
2.4.2 GPS接收儀輸出資訊 17
第三章 系統設計與軟硬體界面實現 20
3.1 無線感測網路系統設計 20
3.1.1 ZigBee Module 20
3.1.2 GPRS Module 22
3.1.3 GSM Module 24
3.1.4 無線感測網路系統架構 25
3.2 感測器設計與韌體界面實現 27
3.2.1 系統設計與規格 27
3.2.2 GPS感測器設計 28
3.2.3 加速度感測器設計 29
3.2.4 韌體界面設計 35
3.3 閘道器與中介軟體界面設計與實現 38
3.4 系統監控中心應用程式設計與實現 42
第四章 系統整合與應用 44
4.1 無線網路系統之整合 44
4.2 感測器與無線網路系統之界面整合 47
4.3 無線感測網路與中介軟體之界面整合 49
4.4 系統資料庫與中介軟體之連結整合 51
4.5 系統監控中心應用程式之界面整合 53
4.6 無線感測網路系統之界面測試與功能整合 58
第五章 結論與未來展望 61
5.1 結論 61
5.2 未來展望 62
參考文獻 63
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