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研究生(外文):Ying-Feng Sun
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Visitation Experiences, Visitation Satisfaction, and Operation Management Regarding Premises– Illustrated with Dashanbei Hakka Humanity House
指導教授(外文):Yao-Hsien LeeTa-Jen Chu
外文關鍵詞:recreational experiencepremise managementsatisfactionimportance-performance analysisblue-sea strategy
  • 被引用被引用:7
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本研究運用 線重要-表現程度分析法結合藍海策略之行動架構,探討大山背客家人文生態館參訪者參訪經驗與經營活動管理策略。本研究提出兩項執行策略:(1)以成本節約策略提升館舍競爭力而言,可分為(i)維持因素行動策略,亦即業者可以將遊客的行前期望與實際體驗滿意程度皆相對偏低的因素予以維持在目前的服務水準,以降低館舍的成本,而應維持的因素包括客家文化展覽的多樣性;客家文化展覽的知識性;有許多遊憩活動可參與;館內餐飲價格的合理性;館內公共設施數量;館內志工導覽解說;館內客家文化體驗;交通便利性等因素。對業者而言,這些維持因素應不需要再特別的提升以節省成本。(ii)降低因素行動策略,最主要是針對遊客的行前期望低,但與實際體驗滿意程度卻很高的因素,此因素是遊客到訪大山背時參訪人數的擁擠程度,這表示館舍在避免參訪者在參訪時的擁擠管制措施,應該可以適度地放寬或廢除,以避免過度的資源投入而造成不必要的成本增加。(2)以差異化策略提升館舍競爭力而言,提升因素行動策略主要是以遊客的行前期望與實際體驗滿意程度皆很高的因素,館舍可加以提升的行動策略包括自然生態多樣化;自然生態的知識性;館內餐飲清潔衛生;館內服務人員的服務態度;停車方便性等因素,對於館舍而言,這些因素應該加強其服務品質與效能以達到具有差異化的口碑效益。
This paper has resorted to contour importance-performance analysis (IPA) in conjunction with the action strategy of blue-sea strategy to investigate the visitation experience and the management strategy of operation activity in Dashanbei Hakka Humanity House (hereinafter referred to as the Dashanbei House). This study has put forth two items of implementation strategies: (1) to employ cost-saving strategy to enhance the competitiveness of the Dashanbei House, which can be further found into: (a) to maintain factor action strategy, which is to keep the relative low factors of pre-trip expectation and the extent of satisfaction from what is actually experienced at existing service level so as to bring down the costs of the Dashanbei House, and what should be maintained includes the diversity of Hakka culture, knowledge on Hakka culture exhibition, numerous recreational activities to take part, reasonableness of foods and drinks in the Dashanbei House, amount of public facilities inside the Dashanbei House, guided-tour by volunteer in the Dashanbei House, experience of Hakka culture inside the Dashanbei House, and convenient transportation and other factors. For the business operator, the maintenance of these factors should not be specially increased so as to save cost. (b) To bring down factor action strategy, which is mainly focused on the relatively low pre-trip expectation, but it comes out with factors of high satisfaction that is actually experienced. Such factor indicates the extent of crowdedness of visitation population when visitors drop by Dashanbei, and it shows that the crowdedness control measures as visitors are having their visitation at the Dashanbei House can be suitably loosened or abolished to avoid too much input of resources and prevent from unnecessary increase of cost. (2) Differentiated strategy is used to enhance the competitiveness of the Dashanbei House, while factor action strategy is strengthened as it mainly refers to the fact that pre-trip expectation of visitors and their extent of satisfaction actually experienced are rather high, and the action strategy that can help enhance the Dashanbei House includes diversity of natural ecology; knowledge of natural ecology, cleanliness and hygiene of foods and drink in the Dashanbei House, service attitude of servicing personnel of the Dashanbei House, and parking convenience and other factors. As for the Dashanbei House, these factors should be strengthened of its service quality and effectiveness so as to achieve differentiated effect of reputation and public praise.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與對象 3
1.4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 館舍的定義 6
2.2 台灣博物館發展概況 6
2.3 館舍經營相關文獻回顧 12
2.4 參訪者關係管理與參訪者經驗管理相關文獻回顧 17
2.5 顧客滿意度之定義與理論 22
2.6 IPA相關文獻回顧 24
第三章、研究方法 26
3.1 研究架構 26
3.2 研究假說 26
3.3 背景資料蒐集 27
第四章 研究結果 33
4.1 信度分析 33
4.2 研究遊客樣本特質之分析 34
4.3 遊客參訪認知之分析 37
4.4 遊客參訪動機之分析 51
4.5 遊客參訪行為之分析 63
4.6 遊客參訪行前期望與實際體驗滿意度之分析 66
4.7 遊客參訪IPA與策略之分析 68
第五章、結論與建議 71
5.1 結論 71
5.2 建議 72
參考文獻 75
附錄 80
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