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研究生(外文):Yo-Hung Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):Assessment of the physiological loads and subjective discomforts for non-powered tight-fitting air-purifying respirator with canister and N95 facemask under thermo and humid condition
外文關鍵詞:RespiratorN95 face maskThermo environmentPhysiological load
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研究結果發現在相同的面罩、工作負荷和濕度下,溫度上升皆會顯著增加工作時心跳、工作心跳、呼吸頻率、吸氣壓力、面罩內溫度、潮氣容積(僅實驗一)、主觀不適程度,吸氣時間則顯著降低,其中配戴全面式面罩的工作時心跳在輕度工作時增加了9-10 bpm、中度12-15 bpm,配戴無閥N95口罩時為4-6和7-8 bpm,而配戴有閥N95口罩則為7-8和9 bpm;在相同的面罩、工作負荷和溫度下,濕度上升會顯著增加耗氧量、工作心跳、呼吸頻率(實驗一)、吸氣壓力和分通氣量(實驗二)和主觀不適程度。

This study aimed to evaluate the physiological workloads and subjective discomforts for the most frequently employed full-facepiece respirators with canister and N95 facemasks under thermo environment. Two seperate experiments were conducted. The first experiment evaluated the full-facepiece respirator and using a low respiratory resistance quarter-face mask as the control condition. The second experiment assessed two N95 facemasks with one equipped with valve and the other one without valve. Sixteen physically fit male university students participated in each experiment. The evaluated independent variables were identical in the two experiments including respirator type (RT), workload (WL; light work 45W and moderate work 85W), environmental tepmerature (ET; 25℃ and 35℃) and relative humidity (RH; 50% and 70%). The main mesured dependent variables for both experiments included heart rate at working (HRwork), work pulse (WP), breathing frequence (BF), peak inspiratory and expiratory pressure (PIP/PEP), inspiratory and expiratory time (Ti, Te), tidal volume (VT), minute ventilation (VE), oxygen consumption (VO2), temperature in mask (Tm) and subjective rate of perceptual exertion (RPE).

Results indicated that working in higher ET imposed significant physiological and psychological strain added to that caused by significantly increased HRwork, WP, BF, PIP, Tm, VT (first experiment only), and RPE and decreased Te for same RT, WL and RH. Compared with work at ET = 25℃, work at ET=35℃ and equipped with RF, the HRwork significantly increased 9 to 10 bpm for light WL and 12 to 15 bpm for moderate WL. As for RNV, working at ET = 35℃, the HRwork were reported significantly increased 4 to 6 bpm for light WL and 7 to 8 bpm for moderate WL compared with work at ET = 25℃. Regarding RWV, the increased HRwork were 7 to 8 bmp for light WL and 9 bmp for moderate WL when ET shifted from 25℃ to 35℃. Increased RH were reported with significantly increased VO2, HRwork, WP, BF (experiment 1 only), PIP (experiment 2 only), VE (experiment 2 only) and RPE for same WL, ET, and RT. RPE were found significantly correlated with HRwork, WP, and VO2 for the first experiment and with Tm, BF, and Ti for the second experiment.

When combined the two ET conditions and two RH conditions into 4 corresponded wet bulb globe temperature index (WBGT) levels, it was found that the HRwork significantly increased with higher WBGT. The degree of increased HRwork was significantly higher for moderate WL compared with light WL. It is suggested that the work-rest ratio should be decreased when wearing respirator under thermo work environment.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 V
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XII
英文縮寫全名與中文名稱 XVI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究之重要性 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 濕熱環境與呼吸防護具的相關理論 4
2.1.1 濕熱環境對人造成的生理負荷 4
2.1.2 呼吸防護具造成的影響 12
第二節 濕熱環境與呼吸防護具的文獻回顧 21
2.2.1 濕熱環境下的生理負荷 21
2.2.2 濕熱環境下配戴呼吸防護具導致的生理負荷 22
第三節 研究流程 24
第三章 研究方法 25
第一節 實驗對象 25
第二節 實驗儀器設備與量測方法 25
3.2.1 呼吸防護具 25
3.2.2 呼吸生理訊號分析儀與量測方法 27
3.2.3 腳踏車測功儀 29
3.2.4 暴露艙 30
3.2.5 配戴呼吸防護具之耗氧量量測方法 30
3.2.6 ECG心跳量測方法 31
3.2.7 呼吸防護具內壓力量測方法 32
3.2.8 呼吸防護具溫度量測方法 33
3.2.9 呼吸頻率量測方法 34
3.2.10 吸氣、吐氣時間比 34
3.2.11 模擬作業內容與作業負荷設定 36
3.2.12模擬作業的環境溫濕度設定 39
3.2.13 配戴呼吸防護具進行作業負荷之主觀不適問卷 40
第三節 實驗設計 41
3.3.1 自變項 41
3.3.2 應變項 41
3.3.3 控制因子 44
第四節 實驗流程 44
3.4.1 個人最大耗氧量量測 44
3.4.2 溫濕環境下的作業負荷 47
第五節 分析及統計方法 49
第四章 結果 51
第一節 實驗用呼吸防護具吸氣與吐氣阻力曲線 51
4.1.1 呼吸防護具之吸氣阻力 51
4.1.2 呼吸防護具之吐氣阻力 53
第二節 全面式面罩在濕熱環境下造成生理負荷與主觀不適之實驗結果 55
4.2.1 客觀生理指標結果 59
4.2.2 主觀不適問卷結果 85
4.2.3 各種溫濕度下之耗氧量對心跳的關係 91
4.2.4 生理負荷與主觀不適之關聯性分析 92
第三節 有閥與無閥N95口罩在濕熱環境下造成生理負荷與主觀不適之實驗結果 97
4.3.1 客觀生理指標結果 102
4.3.2 主觀不適問卷結果 125
4.3.3 各種溫濕度下之耗氧量對心跳的關係 131
4.3.4 生理負荷與主觀不適之關聯性分析 131
第五章 討論 136
第一節 全面式面罩與N95口罩之吸氣與吐氣阻力 136
第二節 配戴全面式面罩與N95口罩在濕熱環境下之生理負荷 137
5.2.1 受環境溫濕度影響較顯著的生理指標 137
5.2.2 各WBGT下的平均心跳變化 142
第三節 配戴全面式面罩與N95口罩在濕熱環境下之主觀不適 146
第六章 結論與建議 149
第一節 結論 149
第二節 研究應用 151
第三節 研究限制 151
參考文獻 152
附錄一 受試者同意書 155
附錄二 受試者基本資料調查表 156
附錄三 實驗一受試者環境主觀不適問卷 157
附錄四 實驗二受試者環境主觀不適問卷 158
附錄五 實驗一與實驗二受試者執行作業主觀不適問卷 159
附錄六 學術研究人權維護審查同意書 160
附錄七 學術研究人權維護審查同意書英文版 161
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