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論文名稱(外文):The relationship between food pattern and metabolic syndrome in the elderly in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chih-Jung Yeh
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研究背景:代謝症候群(Metabolic Syndrome)為一群代謝異常因子聚集的現象,且這些因子為心血管疾病之代謝因子。代謝症候群亦會增加罹患心血管疾病、糖尿病之罹病的風險與死亡率及全死因死亡率。而老年人代謝症候群之盛行率相當高,顯示代謝症候群為老年人一非常重要之健康議題。

Background-Metabolic syndrome was a cluster of metabolic abnormalities which were related to cardiovascular risk factors. It increased risk of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD), type 2 diabetes mellitus and all-cause death. Metabolic syndrome has become one of the major public health challenges, because of high prevalence among elderly.
Aims-The aims of our study were to examine the relationship between food patterns, dietary habits and food restriction behavior and metabolic syndrome among elderly aged 65 years or older in Taiwan.
Methods-Total of 754 eligible elderly were recruited from the Elderly Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan between 1999 and 2000. Factor analysis was performed to extract food patterns from 25 food groups. Associations between the extracted food patterns, dietary habits and food restriction behavior and metabolic syndrome were examined using logistic regression model.
Results-The prevalence of metabolic syndrome were 16.12% of males and 26.69%of females, respectively. The consumption of a meat in males and females, and both soy products and fish in females were inversely associated with metabolic syndrome and metabolic abnormalities. Higher intakes of high fat meat, fried foods, dips and pickles were positively associated with the metabolic syndrome. We found that more frequent food restriction behavior were among females than males.
Conclusions-Our study found that people may change their dietary habits because of self-consciousness of healthy status. Therefore we suggested that future study would examine the relationship between specific food patterns and metabolic syndrome at specific age, sex and ethnicity populations. Additionally, we recommend that government organizations should promote concept of health-diet and make dietary guidelines which were helpful for deceased risk of metabolic syndrome.

第一節 代謝症候群.......................................2
第二節 飲食型態.........................................5
第三節 代謝症候群與飲食型態.............................6
第一節 研究對象........................................10
第二節 資料收集........................................11
第三節 代謝症候群定義..................................15
第四節 分析方法........................................16
第一節 基本特性之分佈..................................19
第二節 因素分析........................................22
第三節 相關性分析......................................23

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