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研究生(外文):June-Chun Sung
論文名稱(外文):An Integrated Production-Inventory System Joint Replenishment Problem with Imperfect Production Process
指導教授(外文):Dah-Chuan Gong
外文關鍵詞:Imperfect production prJoint replenishmentInventory
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The classical Economic Ordering Quantity (EOQ) model and the Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) model are the most frequently adopted inventory control models for material purchasing and product manufacturing. Numerous research efforts have been undertaken over the past few decades to extend both models by relaxing various idealistic assumptions so that the models can resemble the real industry situations closely. One of those extensions for solving the inventory problem of the finished product and its input raw materials simultaneously was the integrated production-inventory model (IPIM) which proposed by Goyal in 1977. But it did not consider the situation where a manufacturing system may deteriorate during the production process. After that, numerous extension studies of IPIM under the imperfect production process condition focused only on the consumption of raw materials in ordinary production processes but neglected the problems of raw materials consumption resulting from the rework/reproduction process for the imperfect items. Ignoring the effect of shortage of raw materials caused by the reproduction/rework of defective items during a production system may make production idle and incur huge penalty of shortage.
This research considers the integrated production-inventory model to determine an optimal production lot size and economic joint replenishment quantity of multi-material simultaneously in a single product, single facility batch production system. The production process is assumed to be deteriorated after it starts and some portion of the products may become defective items randomly. The defective items fall into two groups, the repairable ones and the scrap ones. Since the reproduction or rework process is homogeneous, hence, some portion of the defective items may also be generated during it. Because no shortage of the finished product is permitted, the reject allowance quantity must be added in the initial production quantity in order to fulfill the demand and to supplement the shortage caused by the defective items discarded. Altogether, the objective of this study is to minimize the expected total cost of the system over an infinite horizon in order to decide the optimal production cycle time and the raw material joint replenishment frequency.
According to the manipulation of the defective items, whether by reproduction or by rework and either the process is perfect or imperfect, the study developed four different models. Due to the expected total cost function of each model is a piecewise convex function, it is difficult to derive a global optimal solution directly. For finding out the solutions of these models, a convexity analysis of cost function was held firstly and then a search algorithm is developed to derive the optimal or near optimal solution. To demonstrate each model’s fidelity and learn the differences, same numerical example is used and illustrated. Also, in order to analyze the effects of the various parameters, a sensitivity analysis was held.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 IV
中文目錄 V
英文目錄 VII
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI
符號表 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與範圍 2
1.3 研究假設 5
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 整合生產存貨模式 9
2.2 不完美生產製程 10
2.3 合併補貨問題模式 12
2.4 重工、報廢及重製最佳批量模式 13
2.5 總結 15
第三章 不合格品報廢且重製製程為不完美製程 17
3.1 緒論 17
3.2 模式假設 17
3.3 問題建構及數學模式 17
3.3.1 問題 17
3.3.2 成本函數 18
3.4 TCU(T,k)函數凸性分析 21
3.5 最佳生產週期時間及乘數k計算 23
3.6 搜尋求解法 25
3.7 數值範例 27
3.8 敏感度分析與討論 28
3.9 小結 32
第四章 不合格品報廢且重製製程為不完美製程 33
4.1 緒論 33
4.2 模式假設 33
4.3 問題建構及數學模式 33
4.3.1 問題 33
4.3.2 成本函數 34
4.4 最佳生產週期時間及乘數k計算 37
4.5 搜尋求解法 38
4.6 數值範例 40
4.7 敏感度分析與討論 41
4.8 小結 44
第五章 不合格品全數重工且重工製程為完美製程 46
5.1 緒論 46
5.2 模式假設 46
5.3 問題建構及數學模式 46
5.4 最佳生產週期時間及乘數k計算 50
5.5 搜尋求解法 51
5.6 數值範例 53
5.7 敏感度分析與討論 53
5.8 小結 61
第六章 不合格品部份可重工且重工製程為不完美製程 62
6.1 緒論 62
6.2 模式假設 62
6.3 問題建構及數學模式 62
6.3.1 問題 62
6.3.2 成本函數 63
6.4 最佳生產週期時間及乘數k計算 66
6.5 搜尋求解法 67
6.6 數值範例 69
6.7 敏感度分析與討論 70
6.8 小結 74
第七章 結論與未來研究方向 75
7.1 總結 75
7.2 結論 76
7.3 研究重要性 77
7.4 未來研究方向 78
參考文獻 79


1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Purpose and Scope 2
1.3 Assumption of the research 5
1.4 Thesis Organization 5
2.1 Integrated Production–Inventory Model 9
2.2 Imperfect Production Process 10
2.3 Joint Replenishment Problem Model 12
2.4 Optimal Batch Quantity with Rework, Scrap and Reprocessing 13
2.5 Summary 15
3.1 Introduction 17
3.2 Model Assumptions 17
3.3 Problem Formulation and Mathematical Model 17
3.3.1 The Problem 17
3.3.2 The Cost Function 18
3.4 The Convexity Analysis of the TCU(T,k) Function 21
3.5. Computation of the Optimal Production Cycle Time and Multiplier k 23
3.6. Search Algorithm 25
3.7. A Numerical Example 27
3.8. Sensitivity Analysis and Discussion 28
3.9. Conclusions 32
4.1 Introduction 33
4.2 Model Assumptions 33
4.3 Problem Formulation and Mathematical Model 33
4.3.1 The Problem 33
4.3.2 The Cost Function 34
4.4. Computation of the Optimal Production Cycle Time and Multiplier k 37
4.5. Search Algorithm 38
4.6. A Numerical Example 40
4.7. Sensitivity Analysis and Discussion 41
4.8. Conclusions 44
5.1 Introduction 46
5.2 Model Assumptions 46
5.3 Problem Formulation and Mathematical Model 46
5.4. Computation of the Optimal Production Cycle Time and Multiplier k 50
5.5. Search Algorithm 51
5.6. A Numerical Example 53
5.7. Sensitivity Analysis and Discussion 53
5.8. Conclusions 61
6.1 Introduction 62
6.2 Model Assumptions 62
6.3 Problem Formulation and Mathematical Model 62
6.3.1 The Problem 62
6.3.2 The Cost Function 63
6.4. Computation of the Optimal Production Cycle Time and Multiplier k 66
6.5. Search Algorithm 67
6.6. A Numerical Example 69
6.7. Sensitivity Analysis and Discussion 70
6.8. Conclusions 74
7.1 Summary 75
7.2 Conclusions 76
7.3 Significance of Research 77
7.4 Possible Directions for Future Researches 78

Table 1.1 Elements and organization of this thesis 8
Table 2.1 A comparison for the proposed models and the main related models 16
Table 3.1 Parameters of product in the example 27
Table 3.2 Parameters of raw materials in the example 28
Table 3.3 K matrix (the local optimal ki values after the search procedure) of Model I 28
Table 3.4 Results of the sensitivity analysis on different parameters of Model I 31
Table 3.5 The numerical results comparison between Goyal’s (1977) and Model I 32
Table 4.1 Local optimal values ki after the search procedure of Model II 42
Table 4.2 Results of the sensitivity analysis on different parameters of Model II 43
Table 4.3 The numerical results comparison between Goyal’s (1977) and Model II 45
Table 5.1 Parameters of the example 53
Table 5.2 Local optimal values ki after the search procedure of Model III 54
Table 5.3 Results of the sensitivity analysis on different parameters of Model III 55
Table 5.4 The numerical results comparison between Goyal’s (1977) and Model III 56
Table 6.1 Parameters of the example 71
Table 6.2 Local optimal values of each k after the search procedure of Model IV 71
Table 6.3 Results of the sensitivity analysis on different parameters of Model IV 72
Table 6.4 The numerical results comparison between Goyal’s (1977) and Model IV 74
Table 7.1 The numerical results comparison between Goyal’s (1977) model and the 77
proposed models

Figure 1.1 Integrated production-inventory systems with imperfect production 4
process and multi-materials joint replenishment
Figure 1.2 The research framework of this thesis 7
Figure 3.1 Inventory level of Model I 19
Figure 3.2 The piecewise convex graph of Rmin,i(T) of the raw material No. 3 22
of the numerical example data in Section 3.7
Figure 3.3 The TCU(T,k) function of the numerical example data in Section 3.7 24
Figure 3.4 The influences of defective rate (X) and production rate (p) on TCU* of 30
Model I
Figure 3.5 The influences of defective rate (X) and production rate (p) on T* of 30
Model I
Figure 4.1 Inventory level of Model II 35
Figure 4.2 The influences of defective rate (X) and production rate (p) on TCU* of 42
Model II
Figure 4.3 The influences of defective rate (X) and production rate (p) on T* of 45
Model II
Figure 5.1 Inventory level of Model III 48
Figure 5.2 The influences of defective rate (X) and production rate (p) on T* of 57
Model III
Figure 5.3 The influences of defective rate (X) and production rate (p) on TCU* 57
of Model III
Figure 5.4 The influences of defective rate (X) and demand rate (d) on T* of 58
Model III
Figure 5.5 The influences of defective rate (X) and demand rate (d) on TCU* of 58
Model III
Figure 5.6 The influences of defective rate (X) and raw materials inventory holding 59
cost (hi) on T* of Model III
Figure 5.7 The influences of defective rate (X) and raw materials inventory holding 59
cost (hi) on TCU* of Model III
Figure 5.8 The influences of defective rate (X) and raw materials setup cost (CSi) 60
on T* of Model III
Figure 5.9 The influences of defective rate (X) and raw materials setup cost (CSi) 60
on TCU* of Model III
Figure 6.1 Inventory level of Model IV 64
Figure 6.2 The influences of defective rate (X) and defectives re-workable rate (λ) 73
on TCU* of Model IV
Figure 6.3 The influences of defective rate (X) and defectives re-workable rate (λ) 73
on T* of Model IV
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