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研究生(外文):Ching-Yi Wu
論文名稱(外文):Multiple reference effects in vehicle industry evaluations: the relationship with alternative attractiveness, self-image congruity and switching costs
指導教授(外文):Ker-Tah HsuChaang-Yung Kung
外文關鍵詞:Switching costsCustomer commitmentCustomer satisfactionDisconfirmationSelf-image congruityMultiple reference pointsAlternative attractiveness
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本研究採用問卷調查法,問卷包含多重參考點、轉換成本、顧客滿意度及顧客承諾等題項,有效問卷為402份。問卷分析方法則採用AMOS 16.0,驗證信效度,模型配適度;並採用SPSS之階層迴歸法,調查干擾變項之影響。實證結果發現:其它物體參考點及自我參考點對顧客承諾均產生負向顯著影響;惟其它物體參考點對顧客滿意度並不顯著;再者,當轉換成本增加時,替代方案對顧客服務評估之負向影響均會減弱。
Research of service evaluation and customer satisfaction has examined the reference effects that largely adapted expectancy-disconfirmation paradigm that focuses on referents concentrated on product or service. This research investigates two additional referent effects, alternative attractiveness and self-image. In addition, research which has empirically documented the link between customers’ switching costs and multiple reference points is scant. Therefore, the aim of this paper attempts to explore the direct effect of the two reference effects, alternative attractiveness and self-image congruity on customer satisfaction and commitment, as well as the moderator effect of switching costs between alternative attractiveness and customer service evaluations.
This research involved a survey, comprised of one set of questionnaire concerning the multiple reference points, switching costs, and customer satisfaction and commitment. The primary criterion for selecting 402 valid subjects was that they have ever bought vehicles over twice. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaire was conducted through AMOS 16.0 to indicate the direction, moderator, and relationship among these variables. An examination of the fitness of the model was verified.
Results of this study confirmed that the comparisons including other-object and self-based reference points lead to significant to customer commitment except the association between alternative attractiveness and customer satisfaction; Furthermore, the negative effect of alternative attractiveness on both customer satisfaction and commitment become weaker when the level of switching costs increase. To conclude, this study may be the importance in explaining the relationship between multiple reference points and switching costs, as well as in providing vehicle industries with the best understanding of how customers’ beliefs about referents relate to the switching costs.
Abstract in Chinese I
Abstract II
Acknowledgements III
Content IV
Table Contents VI
Figure Contents VII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivations and Background 1
1.2 Research Objectives 4
1.3 Research Flow 5
Chapter Two Literature Review 6
2.1 Disconfirmation 6
2.2 Alternative attractiveness 7
2.3 Switching costs 8
2.4 Self concept 10
2.5 Self-image congruity 11
2.6 Customer Satisfaction 12
2.7 Customer Commitment 13
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 15
3.1 Research Framework 15
3.2 Hypotheses and Operational Definition 17
3.3 Instrumentation 19
3.3.1Measure 20
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Result 22
4.1 Preliminary Data Analysis 22
4.1.1 Respondents’ Characteristics 22
4.1.2 Measure Validation 26
4.2 Overall model fit analysis and Hypothesis test 30
4.3 Regression and Hierarchical Regression 34
4.3.1 The relationship between alternative attractiveness and customer 34
satisfaction and commitment 34
4.3.2 The relationship between self-image congruity and customer satisfaction and commitment 35
4.3.3 Moderating effects of switching costs on customer satisfaction 35
4.4 Results of Hypotheses Test 40
Chapter 5 Conclusions 41
5.1 Discussion 41
5.1.1 The relationship between alternative attractiveness and customer satisfaction and customer commitment 41
5.1.2 The relationship between self-image congruity and customer satisfaction and customer commitment 42
5.1.3 The relationship between alternative attractiveness and customer satisfaction and customer commitment while switching costs is as a moderating variable. 43
5.2 Managerial Implications 44
5.3 Limitations and Further Research 45
References 47
Appendices 57

Table Contents
Table 4-1 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents (N=402) 23
Table 4-2 Exploratory Factor Analysis 27
Table 4-3 Description of Constructs and Validity Assessment 29
Table 4-4 Correlation Matrix of the Constructs 30
Table 4-5 The Restricted Model 30
Table 4-6 The Freely Estimated Model 30
Table 4-7 Overall Model Fit 32
Table 4-8 Structural Model Results 34
Table 4-9 Regression model testing among alternative attractiveness, switching 36
costs, and customer satisfaction--standardized coefficients (t value) 36
Table 4-10 Regression model testing among alternative attractiveness, switching costs, and customer commitment --standardized coefficients (t value) 38
Table 4-11 The summary of hypothesis results 40

Figure Contents
Figure 1-1 Flow Chart of this study 5
Figure 3-1 Framework 16
Figure 3-2 Framework 17
Figure 4-1 The Proposed Overall Fit Model 32
Figure 4-2 Analysis of Hypothesized Model 33
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